GAT 9subjects Extreme

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อ ง

ั ก ฤ ษ
า ษ า
ม . ป ล า ย
P ’ N a n

GAT 9 วิชา O-NET
มีเวลา 1 ชม. 30 น. 1 ชม. 30 น. 2 ชม.
มี 60 ขอ 80 ขอ 90 ขอ
ทําขอละ 1 นาที 25 วิ 1 นาที 3 วิ 1 นาที 16 วิ
ทวน 5 นาที 5 นาที 5 นาที
เต็ม 150 คะแนน 100 คะแนน 100 คะแนน
80 ขอ ขอละ 1
ขอละ 2.5 คะแนน 1.25 คะแนน
10 ขอ ขอละ 2 (Error)

GAT 9 วิชา O-NET
Grammar: 15 ขอ 20 ขอ 35 ขอ
1. Cloze 5 ขอ 15 ขอ 10 ขอ
2. Sentence Completion - - 15 ขอ
3. Error 5 ขอ - 10 ขอ
4. Paragraph Writing/Organization 5 ขอ 5 ขอ -
Reading 15 ขอ 40 ขอ 30 ขอ
1. Short Passages - 26 ขอ 15 ขอ
(ads, announcement) comic strip:
(book review) Blondie
(classified, comic strip) The Born Loser
(graph, news)
2. Long Passages 15 ขอ 14 ขอ 15 ขอ
Conversation 15 ขอ 20 ขอ 15 ขอ
1. Short 15 ขอ - -
2. Long - 20 ขอ 10 ขอ
3. Situation - - 5 ขอ
Vocab 15 ขอ ไมมี 10 ขอ
1. Synonym 5 ขอ - 10 ขอ (Cloze)
2. Sentence Completion 5 ขอ - -
3. Polysemy 5 ขอ - -

หน้า 1

แต่งแบบ ไร้รักเธอ Strong ดี

Reluctant (a.) ไม่เต็มใจ Sturdy (a.) มั่นคงแข็งแกร่ง


กลอน “อันตราย(n.)
harm, hazard, jeopardy มีอันตราย
peril, menace แสนร้าย [x2]
threat, risk, pitfall ต่อท้าย

หน้า 2
OnePage Map : Grammar

หน้า 3
1. Non-Finite V.
1.1 วัด รูปของ Participle (, V.3) = Adj.
“ทําเอง” ใช้
“ถูกทํา” ใช้ V.3 + N The boiling egg
V.3 + N The broken heart
N. + I heard the girl crying in the night.
N. + V.3 Food frozen for over ten years tastes icky.
N. + <Adj> Mary, happy with her life, is going to be married.
<>, + S + V Boiling eggs without water, she is so scary.
<V.3>, + S + V Burned on each side, the toast was inedible.

1.2 V.inf/To V.inf

have/make/let + s.o.+ do + sth

She let him go.
ask + s.o.+ to do + sth
She asks him to stay the rest of the night with her.

หน้า 4
2. Connector
2.1 ค.หมาย + N. หรือ + Cl.
เพราะว่า > Because of / Due to + N.
Because of you, I do everything for you.
> Since / Seeing that / Now that + Cl. (S+V)
Because I love you, I do everything for you.

ขัดแย้ง > But, Despite, In spite of + N.

Despite her beauty, she has no boyfriend.
> But, While, Nevertheless, However + Cl. (S+V)
She is beautiful ; however, she has no boyfriend.

จุดประสงค์ > to, in order to, so as to + V.inf.

She is on a diet in order to win his heart.

2.2 รูป Despite of = In spite of

หน้า 5
3. Parallelism (โครงสร้างคู่ขนาน)

3.1 เชื่อมด้วย For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS)

… N… and … N….
…adj…. or…. Adj. …
….to V.inf , (to) V.inf, and (to) V.inf

3.2 เชื่อมด้วย Coffeemate Structure

both … and … = ทั้ง … และ …
either … or … = ไม่อย่างใดก็อย่างหนึ่ง
whether …or … = …. หรือไม่
neither…nor … = ไม่ทั้งสองอย่าง
not only … but (also) … = ไม่เพียง… แต่ยัง …

not only ….QW. To V.inf …but also …QW. To V.inf…

(QW.= Question Word)
Our website advises not only where to go, but also what to order
in Bangkok.

หน้า 6
1. (1) Despite of the fact that exercise and physical activities are
(2) among the (3) healthiest things you can do for yourself,
some (4) older adults are (5) reluctant to exercise.
Error (16 Choices)
2. The nurse (1) asked the visitors walk into the (2) room quietly
(3) since the patient (4) had just gone to sleep.
1. A. asks the visitors walking
B. asked the visitors to walk
C. is asking the visitors who walked
D. has asked the visitors to be walking
2. A. a quiet room
B. a room quietly
C. the quiet room
D. quietly the room
3. A. so
B. and
C. before
D. although ANSWER SHEET
4. A. just had
B. was just
C. to have just
D. just to have

หน้า 7
(ปย.แรก) Topic Sentence P’Nan is the best English tutor for 3 reasons.
มัก กว้าง ครอบคลุม
ไม่มี Conn./Pron./this/that/these/those

Supporting Detail 1 Firstly/Initially/To start with, P’Nan is good-hearted.

Ex.1 For example, she cares about the subject and
her students.
Supporting Detail 2 Secondly, she (also) explains grammar and
vocabulary well (too).
Ex.2 For instance, she explains them in depth but clear.
Supporting Detail 3 Lastly/Finally/Eventually/Ultimately, she is ............
Ex.3 To illustrate, she has taught for 20 years.

(ปย.สุดท้าย) Concluding Sentence In short/In brief/In summary/So/As shown,

she is second to none.

9 วิชา (ปีก่อน) 9 วิชา (ล่าสุด) GAT

1. A. xxxxxxxxxxxxx ____________.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (A)_________________(B)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
B. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx(C)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(D)xxxxxxxxxx
C. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx(E)xxxxxxxxxx(F)xxxxxxxx
D. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx(H)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
E. xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. What is the best topic sentence? (I)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(J)xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx (K)_____________
1. E-A-C-D-B xxxxxx____________.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2. D-A-B-E-C xxxxxxxxxxxx 1. What is the best topic sentence?
3. C-A-B-D-E 2. What is the supporting sentence? 2. meaning of the highlighted part
4. B-C-E-A-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3. Which sentence does not belong?
5. A-B-E-C-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4. Which sentence can be added after D
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ____________. 5. What is the concluding sentence?
3. What is the concluding sentence?

หน้า 8
Smoking should not be allowed in public places because second-hand
smoke is really dangerous leading to all types of health concerns. It
is a well-known fact that smoking causes cancer and second-hand
smoke is just as dangerous as first-hand smoke. Imagine being a
non-smoking waiter or a waitress at a restaurant and having to inhale
other people's toxic fumes. Imagine how they would feel, after living
a healthy life, coming down with lung cancer. It just doesn't seem
right. __________________________________.

What should be the best concluding sentence of this paragraph?

1. Lung cancer is considered to be the most dangerous decease.
2. This is the reason why lung cancer must be cured as soon as
3. It is for this reason that smoking should not be allowed in public
4. You now know how to avoid the cause of lung cancer in public.
5. We should consider preventing cancer instead of spending time
curing it.

หน้า 9
Choose the best answer.
(A) Research in learning suggests that getting good grades
......................... . (B) First, students with high grades prepare for
exams in advance by reviewing their notes periodically, (C)
In contrast, students with poor grades will wait until the last
minute and then cram. (D) However, cramming does not produce
the desired exam results. (E) Second, students with high grades
organize their time and plan when they will complete their
assignments. (F) students with low grades, in contrast, ignore
schedules and hope that they will finish their work on time.
(G) However, the schedule is subject to change without notice.
(H) Unfortunately, time usually runs out, and they do not get the
work done. (I) ................................................. .
1. Which one best completes the topic sentence (A)?
1. is the ultimate goal of good students.
2. results from taking good lecture notes.
3. depends on effective study skills.
4. encourages students to complete their assignments.

หน้า 10
2. Which one has the same meaning as the highlighted part in (B)?
1. studying their lecture notes on a regular basis.
2. memorizing the periodic tables in the textbook.
3. examining the notebooks carefully before class.
4. having people comment on their lecture notes for a period of time.

3. Which sentence does not belong?

1. C 2. E 3. F 4. G

4. Which sentence can be added after D to make a good paragraph?

1. Cramming can, in fact, have negative impact on the brain.
2. In fact, the desired results can be difficult to accomplish.
3. So cramming is suitable for non-academic activities.
4. Undesirable results are usually unexpected.

หน้า 11
5. What is the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?
1. In short, getting good grades opens doors to the job market.
2. To conclude, attending lectures is vital for academic success.
3. In summary, effective study skills are important for good results
4. In conclusion, completing assignments on time is a rewarding
Answers : 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 4. 4. 1. 5. 3.

หน้า 12

New Delhi - If all the people waiting to have a toilet in their

homes in India were to form a queue, the line would have 774
million people and stretch to the moon, the non-profit group
WaterAid said in a report released on the eve of the UN World
Toilet Day on Thursday.
The study titled It's No Joke: The State of the World's Toilets
2015 highlights health problems faced by 2.3 billion people across
the world who do not have access to safe private toilets. "Diarrhea
is one of the three most common killers of young children globally,
along with pneumonia and malaria. Most of these deaths - 58% of
them - could be prevented by clean water, sanitation and good
hygiene including hand washing with soap," the report said.
Cities in India have been growing at an incredible pace.
Unserviced slums, combined with a cultural preference for
defecation in open spaces, mean the country has 774 million people
now waiting for household toilets. The report also ranked India first
among countries having the most people defecating in the open
per km2.

หน้า 13
The resulting health crisis is serious with more than 140,000
children under 5 dying each year in India from diarrhea. 40% of
all children have stunted growth and there are high rates of
maternal and newborn mortality.

1. The moon is mentioned in the study in order to _______________.

1. tell the reader the distance between the moon and the earth
2. imply that the Indian populations is growing faster than any other
3. make fun of Indian people who have no access to private
4. make the reader feel how serious the problem being
discussed is
5. convince the reader that the study has been scientifically

หน้า 14
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
1. India’s infant mortality rate tops other nations.
2. WaterAid’s main mission is to improve the life of Indian people.
3. Indian culture is partly to blame for the high number of deaths from
4. According to the study, India’s open space is shrinking
5. The number of Indian people lacking home toilets is likely to come

3. The word “safe” can best be replaced by _________________.

1. sturdy
2. hygienic
3. secured
4. protected
5. sheltered

หน้า 15

On the phone (1-2)

Secretary: Is that Ms. Tyler?
Applicant: Yes, it is.
Secretary: Ms. Tyler, this is the Sunshine Company. We were
very pleased with your
interview and would like to _________1_________.
Applicant: Wonderful! I’m really happy to be able to join your
Secretary: We’d like to _________2_________, perhaps in two
Applicant: Yes, that would be perfect.
Secretary: Great! We’ll see you then.

1. 1. offer you the position

2. give you time to think about it
3. ask you to apply for another position
4. know more about your expected salary
5. make sure if you are available for the second interview

2. 1. give you some holiday

2. receive a phone call from you
3. pay you some salary for the first month
4. promise that you won’t be disappointed
5. have you start as soon as possible

Answer : 1. 1. 2. 5.

หน้า 16
Security in the downtown area has been tight throughout the Pope’s visit.
1. For safety, please make sure that all the screws are tight.
2. The police are keeping a tight control on immigration to avoid chaos.
3. I got into a tight situation yesterday because I left my report at home.
4. It’s quite difficult to fit ballroom dancing into my tight schedule.
5. A heart attack can cause a dull, heavy, or tight pain in the chest.

Sentence Completion

Bananas have no cholesterol and ______ any fat.

And most important, for people watching their food bills,
they are ___________.
1. totally, costly
2. solely, priceless
3. mostly, worthy
4. exactly, invaluable
5. hardly, inexpensive

หน้า 17
MEMOLODY เพลง “มีค่ามากมาย”

* precious, priceless, worthwhile,

costly, worthy มากมาย
invaluable, dear, valuable, rewarding, of value
จากที่ valueless และ worthless กลับมีค่ามากมาย

หน้า 18

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