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1) In a normal 70 kg adult male:

a- total body water is approximately 25 liters,

b- about two thirds of total body water is intracellular,
c- 75% of ECF is intravascular,
d- plasma osmolarity is about 350 mosmoles/kg,
e- interstitial fluid volume equals 12 liters,
2) Regarding the composition of intra cellular fluid:
a- the main cation is is sodium,
b- the main anion is chloride,
c- has more phosphates than extracellular fluid,
d- has more sulphate than extracellular fluid,
e- has more sulphate than extracellular fluid,
3) Body temperature:
a- normally 39oC,
b- is regulated by a center in the hypothalamus,
c- increases following food ingestion,
d- can be measured from the rectum,
e- higher in the morning than in the evening,
4) Stimulation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
a- increased heart rate,
b- papillary dilatation,
c- cutaneous vasodilatation,
d- increased salivary secretion,
e- increased metabolic arte,
5) Actions of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
a- vasoconstriction
b- penile erection
c- increased energy expenditure
d- increase airway resistance
e- secretion of insulin
6) Which of the following statement (s) is/are true/false:
a- intracellular fluid volume is less in females than in males,
b- intracellular fluid is measured by heavy water,
c- extracellular anions are non-diffusible,
d- albumin concentration is equal in plasma and interstitial fluid,
e- Na+ - K+ ATPase pump is activated by increased intracellular,
7) The nicotinic cholinergic receptors are:
a- present in autonomic ganglia,
b- blocked by high concentrations of nicotine,
c- ligand gated Na+ channels in skeletal muscle,
d- blocked by atraopine,
e- the main receptors of acetylcholine in the SA node
8) The following is true about changes in cell membrane potential:
a- the action potential occurs only in excitable tissues,
b- local potentials do not occur in excitable tissues,
c- local potentials are graded
d- active transport of Na+ is responsible for depolarization,
e- repolarisation takes longer than depolarization,

9) Heat loss from the body can be increased by:
a- increased subcutaneous fat,
b- low environmental relative humidity,
c- cutaneous vasoconstriction,
d- cold wind,
e- atropine injection,
10) Infusion of one liter 0.45% Nacl solution increases:
a- plasma volume,
b- osmolality of interstitial fluid,
c- osmolality of intracellular fluid,
d- volume of intracellular fluid,
e- urine volume,
11) The mature red blood cell:
a- has few mitochondria,
b- volume decreases in folic acid deficiency,
c- of males has more haemoglobin than red cell of females,
d- count is more in infants than older children ,
e- of males has larger volume than of female,
12) Iron:
a- is found in high amounts in mother’s milk,
b- is absorbed mainly in the ileum,
c- is transported in plasma with plasma transferring,
d- is stored in the liver mainly as haemosiderin,
e- deficiency causes anaemia with red cell volume less than 80 femtoliter,
13) T-Lymphocytes:
a- have phagocytic functions,
b- transform into plasma cells,
c- maturation is completed in the bone marrow,
d- are characterized by a horse-shoe nucleus,
e- constitute the majority of the lymphocytesi in circulation,
14)Anaemia may result form:
a- loss of blood,
b- vitamin D deficiency,
c- iron deficiency,
d- deficiency of folic acid,
e- deficiency of erythroopoitein,
15) A person who is group O:
a- has both A and B antigens,
b- has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies,
c- act as universal donor,
d- act as universal recipient,
e- must be rhesus negative,
16) A stained normal blood film shows:
a- 50-70% neutrophils,
b- 2-8% lymphocytes,
c- 20-40% monocytes,
d- 1-4% basophils
e- 0.4% esinophils,
17) The extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation:
a- is triggered by contact of factor X11 with collagen,
b- is faster than intrinsic pathway,
c- utilizes all the clotting factors present in the blood,

d- require tissue thromboplastin,
e- require Ca++
18) Venous return:
a- is increased by changing from upright to lying position,
b- is affected by skeletal muscle contraction,
c- increased by deep inspiration,
d- determines the stroke volume,
e- is increased by exercise,
19) The heart rate is increased by:
a- parasympathetic stimulation,
b- Beta blockers,
c- adrenaline,
d- fever,
e- sleep,
20) The cardiac output:
a- is about 2 litres at rest in adults,
b- is influenced by the heart rare,
c- is influenced by the stroke volume,
d- is not changed during exercise,
e- affects arterial blood pressure,
21) The following vessels contain oxygenated blood:
a- carotid artery,
b- renal artery,
c- pulmonary artery,
d- pulmonary vein,
e- coronary artery,
22) The blood pressure can be increased by:
a- sympathetic stimulation,
b- vasodilatation,
c- increasing the cardiac output,
d- decreasing the heart rate,
e- stimulation of the barreceptors,
23) Which of the follwong is/are true of false:
a- normal systolic pressure in young adults is 120mmHg,
b- the cardiac cycle takes 0.8 seconds,
c- vasopreesin lowers blood pressure,
d- normal diastolic pressure in young adults I 40mmHg,
e- kidneys are involved in regulation of blood pressure,
24) Concerning the ECG:
a- P wave follows a trial systole,
b- ORS complex is due to ventricular depolarization,
c- ST segment indicates the conduction velocity in the conductive system,
d- the first heart sound occurs at about the same time as the P wave,
e- the second heart sound occurs at about the same time as the QRS complex,
25) The stroke volume is increased by:
a- sympathetic stimulation,
b- fever,
c- increased preload,
d- increased heart rate,
e- calcium,

26) During normal quiet inspiration the:
a- diaphragm contracts,
b- internal intercostals muscles contract,
c- intrapleural pressure decreases (become more negative),
d- intraalveolar pressure increases,
e- abdominal muscles contract,
27) Ventilation is increased by:
a- low PO2 in arterial blood,
b- high PCO2 in arterial blood,
c- low pH in arterial blood,
d- fever,
e- stimulation of the chemoreceptors,
28) In Gas transport:
a- Oxygen is transported mainly bound to Hb,
b- CO2 is transported mainly bound to proteins,
c- solubility of CO2 is higher than O2,
d- CO2 can be transported as bicarbonate,
e- part of oxygen is dissolved in the plasma,
29) The following factors decrease the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen:
a- rise in PCO2,
b- drop in pH,
c- rise in blood temperature,
d- decreased concentration of 2,3 DPG in RBCs,
e- alkalosis,
30) CO2 in blood is transported as:
a- bicarbonate,
b- carbamino compounds,
c- dissolved form,
d- carbaminohemoglobin,
e- carbonate,
31) Functions of the kidney include:
a- regulation of blood volume,
b- regulation of plasma osmolarity,
c- secretion of ADH,
d- secretion of erythropoietin,
e- regulation of pH,
32) In the proximal convoluted tubules:
a- water re-absorption is passive,
b- 60-70% of Na+ is reabsorbed,
c- 50% of inulin is secreted,
d- glucose is co-transported with sodium,
e- 50% of urea is reabsorbed.
33) The following factors decrease glomerular filtration rate:
a- decreased hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries,
b- decreased colloid osmotic pressure,
c- increased tubular hydrostatic pressure,
d- renal afferent arteriolar dilatation,
e- increased renal blood flow,
34) The following factors affect the glomerular filtration rare:
a- hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries,
b- once tic pressure,
c- tubular hydrostatic pressure,

d- osmotic pressure,
e- renal blood flow,
35) The stomach:
a- secretes the intrinsic factor,
b- secretes bile,
c- secretes trypsin,
d- secretes mucus,
e- stores food,
36) Hydrochloric acid:
a- is secreted by the chief I cells,
b- converts iron from the ferric state to the ferrous state,
c- activates pepsin,
d- secretion is stimulated by acetylcholine,
e- is essential for vitamin B12 absorption,
37) Concerning pancreatic juice:
a- it is alkaline solution,
b- has a bolume of 5litres/day,
c- contains pepsin,
d- contains trypsin
e- contains lipase,
38) Insulin:
a- is a peptide hormone,
b- produced by the liver,
c- causes hyperglycemia,
d- stimulates entry of potassium inside the cells,
e- deficiency causes diabetes mellitus (D.M),
39) Cortisol:
a- is a steroid hormone,
b- is essential for life
c- produced by adrenal cortex,
d- causes suppression of the immunity,
e- deficiency causes cushing’s syndrome,
40) The hypothalamus produces:
a- thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH),
b- prolactin
d- oxytocin,
e- ADH,
41) Thyroid hormones:
a- stimulate metabolism,
b- increase heart rate,
c- are essential for normal growth,
d- synthesis require iodine,
e- T3 is more active than T4
42) Growth hormone:
a- secretion is controlled by the hypothalamus,
b- excess in adults leads to acromegally,
c- secretion is increased in hyperglycemia,
d- secretion increases during sleep,
e- activates vitamin D in the kidney,

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