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MORAL DILEMMA ﹖ Varying Characteristics of Moral Agents:

﹖ A situation in which an agent perceives ○ On the weakest interpretation, it will
themselves as having moral reasons to perform suffice if the agent has the capacity to
two (or more) different actions, but due to conform to some of the external
conflicting circumstances, it is not possible to requirements of morality.
carry out both (or all) actions simultaneously. ○ According to the strong version, the
﹖ Examples: Kantian version, it is also essential that
○ The Trolley Problem the agents should have the capacity to
○ The Lifeboat Dilemma rise above their feelings and passions
○ Whistleblowing and act for the sake of the moral law.
○ Euthanasia / End-of-life Decision ○ It will suffice if the agent can perform
○ Honesty vs. Loyalty the relevant act out of altruistic
○ Capital Punishment impulses.
﹖ The active or explicit thinking guided by ○ Other suggested conditions of moral
assessments of reasons and rationality agency are that agents should have: an
requirements, aiming to reach a well-supported enduring self with free will and an
answer to a well-defined moral question. inner life; understanding of the relevant
﹖ Process by which people make judgments about facts as well as moral understanding;
what is the right or wrong action in various and moral sentiments, such as capacity
problems of a moral nature. for remorse and concern for others.
﹖ Common Fallacies in Moral Reasoning: KOHLBERG'S THEORY OF MORAL
- Appeal to Tradition DEVELOPMENT
- Appeal to Authority
- Ad Hominem
- Hasty Generalization
- False Dichotomy (False Choice)
- Circular Reasoning
﹖ A being who has the ability to discern right
from wrong, make ethical decisions based on it,
and be held accountable for his or her own
- Rational thought and deliberation are
prerequisite skills for any agent.
- Moral agents are those agents expected
to meet the demands of morality. Not all
1. Identify the Ethical Issues
agents are moral agents. Young children
2. Gather Relevant Information
and animals, being capable of
3. Consider Stakeholder Perspectives
performing actions, may be agents in
4. Explore Alternative Actions
the way that stones, plants, and cars are
5. Consult Ethical Guidelines and Principles
not. But though they are agents they are
6. Make a Decision
not automatically considered moral
7. Reflect on Decision
agents. A moral agent must also be
capable of conforming to at least some
of the demands of morality.

Salvadora, Nica Isabele T. | ITE103

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