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Assignment 1


Name: Le Thi Thu Hien

Student ID: GBD210299

Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 35. Integrated Marketing Communication

Submission date 5/4/2024 Date Received 1st submission 5/4/2024

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Le Thi Thu Hien Student ID GBD210299

Class GBD1011 Assessor name

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Phan Tran Phuong Trang

Grading grid
P1 M1 D1
r Summative Feedback: r Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1. Introduction about the report ...................................................................................................... 5

1.2. Introduction about Thien Long Group .......................................................................................... 5

2. About the campaign.............................................................................................................................. 6

2.1. Overview the campaign “Tỏa tri thức – Bừng khí chất” (“Radiate knowledge - Brighten
temperament”) ......................................................................................................................................... 6

2.2. Organizational Marketing Strategy and Objectives of the campaign ........................................... 6

2.3. Targeted customers and insights used in the campaign ............................................................... 7

3. IMC channels performance audit/ evaluation ...................................................................................... 8

3.1. Communication channels and how communications channels are used by Thien Long .............. 8
3.1.1. Digital marketing ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2. Advertising ................................................................................................................................ 9

3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of these communication channels............................................ 11

3.2.1. About TVC ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2. About PR ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.3. About KOC ............................................................................................................................... 12

4. Recommend a plan to improve the performance of current channels .............................................. 13

5. Conclusion........................................................................................................................................... 14

6. References .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Logo of Thien Long Group (Thien Long Group, 2024) .................................................................... 5
Figure 2: The representative faces of generation Z (Nguyen, 2023)............................................................. 7
Figure 3: Thien Long official TVC (Thien Long group, 2024).......................................................................... 8
Figure 4: TVC's Behind The Sence video series "Radiating knowledge - Radiating temperament" was
broadcast on TikTok and also went viral (Nguyen, 2023) ............................................................................. 9
Figure 5: Series of PR articles and social media posts (Nguyen, 2023) ....................................................... 10
Figure 6: Reviews are posted on multiple platforms (Nguyen, 2023)......................................................... 10
1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction about the report
As the brand manager of Thien Long Group, it is very important to evaluate and evaluate the
current performance of all integrated marketing communications (IMC) channels being used
by the company necessary. The post-COVID period offers significant opportunities for the
company to revive its business, making the implementation of the IMC campaign a strategic
initiative to enhance brand equity and drive profitability profit. To begin the report preparation
process, it is important to thoroughly examine the effectiveness of each IMC channel, analyzing
metrics such as reach, engagement, conversion rates, and effectiveness expense. This
assessment will provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of current
channels, allowing for informed decision making and strategic planning for upcoming

1.2. Introduction about Thien Long Group

Figure 1: Logo of Thien Long Group (Thien Long Group, 2024)

Thien Long Group Joint Stock Company, established in 1981, is a leading brand in Vietnam and
the region for stationery. The company manufactures and markets four primary product areas:
Pens, Office Tools, Student Tools, and Art Tools. Thien Long's products are suitable for a wide
range of customers, from preschoolers to executives and workers. The company is ranked
among the top 17 best business partners globally in the stationery market, with a growth rate
significantly higher than the industry average and the best profit margin in the industry. Thien
Long has a vast distribution network in 63 provinces and cities, with over 60,000 retail
locations. The company also creates additional sales channels to support sales operations and
stay ahead of contemporary distribution and consumption trends. Additionally, Thien Long
invests in expanding export markets, distributing goods under the Colokit and FlexOffice
brands to over 60 countries on six continents (Thien Long Group, 2024).

2. About the campaign

2.1. Overview the campaign “Tỏa tri thức – Bừng khí chất” (“Radiate
knowledge - Brighten temperament”)
Many generations of students have been familiar with the national stationery brand Thien
Long. Thien Long just underwent a whole makeover for a new ad. With the new stationery
product range, swap out the classic blue and white color scheme with fashionable pastels. The
new campaign conveys the message "Thien Long is a luggage for Gen Z to freely 'Radiate
knowledge - Brighten temperament''. The campaign period lasts from August 2022 to
December 2022 (Nguyen 2023).

According Nguyen (2023), the stationery industry has a significant increase in vibrancy and
bustle in 2022. When that circumstance arose, Thien Long Group was able to keep up with the
new growth velocity. Currently holding a market share of over 60% for pens, Thien Long hopes
to expand and pick up speed in 2022. Verifying its innovative reputation and solidifying its top
spot in the stationery industry. Always associated with the image of maturity, knowledge and
trustworthiness. As things change, Thien Long is still compelled to adapt. to successfully invade
Gen Z, the most potential target market of today. These days, digital gadgets are indirectly
competing with media pens. Gen Z values smartphones, tablets, and computers as their note-
taking tools. Therefore, marketers need to focus more on design and color in order to draw in
young consumers.

2.2. Organizational Marketing Strategy and Objectives of the campaign

In order to generate new values and suit the ever-evolving needs of the market, Thien Long is
committed to being inventive and creative at all times. Through consistent investment in
research, product, and service development, Thien Long aims to not only capitalize on
emerging trends but also make a unique contribution by offering exceptional experiences and
practical solutions outcomes for clients. A key component of achieving this aim is fostering a
creative workplace where all employees are encouraged to contribute their thoughts and
ideas, engage in dialogue, and test out new concepts a fresh approach. Thus, Thien Long fosters
innovation, strengthens overall competitiveness, and produces cutting-edge goods and
services in addition to hidden values and creative stimulation. In addition to being a pledge to
advancement and sustainable growth, Thien Long's constant innovation and creativity is also
a commitment to its clients, associates, and the community. Constant innovation and work to
deliver the best values to all parties involved (Thien Long Group, 2024).

2.3. Targeted customers and insights used in the campaign

Figure 2: The representative faces of generation Z (Nguyen, 2023)

Gen Z – a vibrant, talented, individualistic and colourful generation. They prefer modern
products and "catch the trend" with current trends. Stationery items are not only for working
and studying, but also "accessories" that express their unique characteristics or impressions.
More than just a pen, Gen Z demands more than that. It must be a multitasking and trendy
pen (Nguyen, 2023).
After learning about the characteristics of this generation through listening to them, Thien
Long also targets Gen Z audiences with a number of new projects and trends. Since then, Thi
en Long has adapted to become more accessible and go beyond what they expected. This
brand has launched the campaign "Radiate knowledge - Brighten temperament" to encourage
young people to live courageously and confidently in their own values. To make its stationery
products more relevant and suitable for Gen Z, Thien Long has also updated its look for 2022.
In addition, Thien Long has helped millions of young people express their boldness and unique
personality through the use of high quality stationery items and keep up with current trends,
all thanks to their efforts and updates Gen Z trends (Dinh, 2023).

3. IMC channels performance audit/ evaluation

3.1. Communication channels and how communications channels are used
by Thien Long
3.1.1. Digital marketing

Figure 3: Thien Long official TVC (Thien Long group, 2024)

The "Radiate knowledge, ignite spirit" campaign uses many Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) tools to convey the message effectively. One of such tools is Television
Advertising (TVC), TVC appearing on LCD in busy building systems/commercial centers since
August 29 has "captured" the hearts of young people around the world. Z system by Thien
Long's new change. to promote its new image to Gen Z by launching the “Pazto” collection
including: Gel ballpoint pen, Highlighter pen, Eraser/Eraser, Ruler, Cover & Fiber pen. They all
wear 5 pastel colors typical of Gen Z: purple, pink, turquoise, green, yellow. The main explosion
is the combination of two brand ambassadors - representing Gen Z through extremely cool
TVCs: Player Tuan Tai and singer My Anh, when they represent Generation Z and succeed in
two Very different fields: music and sports. To have a notable disposition, a person must have
the desire and perseverance to absorb information. Throughout that journey, Thien Long's
companionship was indispensable, from the first steps until now (Quang Vu, 2022).

Figure 4: TVC's Behind The Sence video series "Radiating knowledge - Radiating
temperament" was broadcast on TikTok and also went viral (Nguyen, 2023)

3.1.2. Advertising
Thien Long can use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to build and
enhance brand awareness through sharing engaging, useful and valuable content for
customers. Additionally, Thien Long may have created PR content such as quizzes, interviews,
photo quotes, etc. aims to disseminate comprehensive and engaging campaign materials and
stimulate vibrant dialogue about temperament and intelligence among young people. For
content to truly "touch" the right target audience, it must have NEW, UNIQUE and INSPIRING
aspects. These Content may focus on introducing new products, services, innovative ideas or
cutting-edge technology (Nguyen, 2023).

Figure 5: Series of PR articles and social media posts (Nguyen, 2023)

In addition, Thien Long works with KOC. In an effort to provide a clearer picture of its transition,
Thien Long also worked with friends from KOC to evaluate items from the recently released
Pastel line. Reviews are uploaded to a variety of websites (TikTok, YouTube, etc.). connected
to the current purchasing behaviors of Generation Z (Nguyen, 2023).

Figure 6: Reviews are posted on multiple platforms (Nguyen, 2023)

3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of these communication channels
3.2.1. About TVC
Wide reach: TVC channels may reach a wide range of people, including the target demographic
of teachers, office workers, and students that Thien Long is trying to reach. This broad audience
may contribute to a rise in brand visibility and awareness. Specifically, more than 65 million
TVC views on many platforms: 39 million views on Youtube, 26 million views on Tiktok and
more than 10 million views on Facebook (Nguyen, 2023).
Brand building: Thien Long's advertising on TVC gives them the opportunity to attract viewers
with compelling stories and deep emotions. Through the use of compelling stories or eye-
catching images, they can gradually cultivate trust and brand loyalty (Nguyen, 2023).
Competition and confusion: There is fierce competition among companies using TVC in
Vietnam as they compete for viewers' attention. Thien Long's ads can be confusing, making it
difficult to stand out among competitors (Nguyen, 2023).
Restricted Targeting: Compared to digital channels, TVC channels have fewer possibilities for
targeting, even if they can reach a larger audience. Thien Long could find it difficult to precisely
target particular specialized markets or demographics, which would lead to less effective
investment (Nguyen, 2023).
There is a lot of potential for Thien Long's TVC communication channel to be successful in
raising audience awareness of the brand, fostering audience involvement, and encouraging
purchases. Nonetheless, in order to guarantee optimal efficacy, TVC campaigns must be
regularly assessed and refined according to key performance metrics including cost-
effectiveness, reach, brand recognition, sales impact, and audience engagement.
3.2.2. About PR
Engagement with Stakeholders: Thien Long can interact with a range of stakeholders through
PR channels, such as clients, staff, investors, and members of the community. Thien Long may
build goodwill and relationships through programs like corporate social responsibility,
community activities, and sponsorships (Quang Vu, 2022).
Cost-effective: Thien Long may find that PR communication channels are more economical
than advertising, especially when leveraging media coverage gained through media relations
initiatives pine. Public relations campaigns and recruiting PR professionals can be costly, but
the potential ROI can be significant (Quang Vu, 2022).
Risk of negative Publicity: Thien Long is still susceptible to unfavorable press and public
scrutiny in spite of her attempts to manage her reputation. If not properly handled, a single
unfavorable press article or social media response has the potential to harm Thien Long's
reputation and diminish its brand image (Quang Vu, 2022).
Time-Consuming: PR campaigns can call for a large investment of time and energy in order to
cultivate contacts with journalists, propose stories, arrange interviews, and handle media
requests. Long-term relationship creation and maintenance will require resources from Thien
Long's PR staff (Quang Vu, 2022).
To evaluate the effectiveness of Thien Long's PR communication channel, it is necessary to
consider aspects such as creating customer interaction and support, brand awareness, creating
educational and interesting content, as well as building relationships and connections with
partners. This helps Thien Long evaluate and adjust effective PR strategies to achieve business
and communication goals.

3.2.3. About KOC

Targeted Reach: KOCs frequently have a devoted fan base among particular demographics or
niches that are pertinent to Thien Long's intended audience. Thien Long may connect with a
highly focused and involved audience interested in stationery, office supplies, and instructional
materials by partnering with KOCs (Nguyen, 2023).
Content creation: KOCs can create engaging and creative content about Thien Long products
such as unboxing videos or reviews of Thien Long products. These creative contents can be
shared on social media platforms and reach diverse audiences (Nguyen, 2023).
Authenticity: When compared to traditional advertising, KOCs' suggestions and endorsements
of Thien Long's products are seen as being more real and authentic. Customers may identify
with this genuineness and form closer bonds with the brand (Nguyen, 2023).
Cost: Partnering with KOCs can be quite expensive, especially if they have a significant
following and are highly influential on social media platforms. Therefore, Thien Long will spend
a small amount of money to cooperate with KOCs (Nguyen, 2023).
The efficiency of Thien Long's KOC communication channel in establishing and fostering
connections with clients, associates, and the consumer community has been impressive.
Through close collaboration with well-known and respected industry figures, Thien Long has
been able to effectively convey messages and present goods and services.

4. Recommend a plan to improve the performance of current

Targeted digital engagement
To improve the performance of current channels Thien Long should target digital interactions.
Specifically, based on the data provided, the most popular digital platforms are Facebook, TVC,
YouTube and TikTok, making these platforms the main focus of digital marketing initiatives. It
is important to create content that is relevant to the interests, needs and aspirations of Thien
Long's demographic such as educational content, inspirational stories, lifestyle tips, product
reviews and User-generated content. Tailoring content to each platform is essential, such as
using short, visually appealing videos for TikTok and more detailed, informative posts for
Facebook. Additionally, leveraging targeted advertising tools on these platforms, including
demographic targeting, interest targeting, and behavioral targeting, can help reach target
audience effectively. Additionally, encourage user engagement through contests, live Q&A
sessions, webinars, and interactive content, as well as maintain quick responses to comments
and messages, will help build strong relationships with your audience.

5. Conclusion
Ultimately, Thien Long has a good chance to resume commercial activities within the post-
COVID-19 era. The business intends to take advantage of this by launching an Integrated
Marketing Communications (IMC) campaign aimed at boosting sales and brand value. In her
capacity as Thien Long Group's brand director, the author is in charge of compiling a thorough
report that assesses the present state of each IMC channel the business is using in order to
prepare for the next campaign. In order to effectively accomplish the objectives of enhancing
the brand's position and achieving financial prosperity, this comprehensive review will be
crucial in fine-tuning the IMC approach.
6. References
Thien Long Group (2024). CONG TY CO PHAN TAP ĐOAN THIEN LONG. [online]
thienlonggroup.com. Available at: https://thienlonggroup.com/ [Accessed 31 Mar. 2024].

Nguyen, Y. (2023). Thien Long & Gen Z ‘Toa Tri Thuc, Bung Khi Chat’ - VKU MARC. [online]
Available at: https://blogmarc.kinhtesovku.vn/blog/case-studies/thien-long-dong-hanh-cung-
genz-toa-tri-thuc-bung-khi-chat/ [Accessed 31 Mar. 2024].

Dinh, Q. (2023). 40 năm đồng hành cùng tri thức Việt: Bút bi Thiên Long và bài học chiến lược
marketing theo xu thế thời đại | Quan Dinh H. [online] Advertising Vietnam. Available at:
bai-hoc-chien-luoc-marketing-theo-xu-the-thoi-dai-l22223 [Accessed 31 Mar. 2024].

Quang Vu (2022). Giới trẻ tự tin khẳng định ‘Tri thức đồng hành cùng khí chất’. [online]
ttvn.toquoc.vn. Available at: https://ttvn.toquoc.vn/gioi-tre-tu-tin-khang-dinh-tri-thuc-dong-
hanh-cung-khi-chat-20221017174518058.htm [Accessed 1 Apr. 2024].

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