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Detailed Lesson Plan

for Multigrade Class School: Interworld Colleges Grade: 4 and 5

in Science Foundation Inc.

Teacher: Yvonne Angela A. Bernabe Subject: Science

Date/Time: April 22, 2024/ 9:00 to Quarter: Second Quarter

10:30 AM

Grade 4 Grade 5

I. Objectives I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

a. identify the animals in their immediate a. identify the body parts of animals in getting or
surroundings; eating their foods;
b. work cooperatively in class and group b. work cooperatively in class and group activity;
activity; and and
c. draw animals in their immediate c. draw the body parts of animals.

II. Subject Matter: II. Subject Matter

Topic: Animals in their Surroundings Topic: Body Parts of Animals for Food
References: Science Quarter 2 - Module 2
Lesson 1 References: Science Quarter 2 - Module 3
Lesson 3
Materials: Chart, pictures, laptop
Materials: Chart, pictures, laptop

III. Procedures III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities A. Preparatory Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Drill 1. Drill

Good morning students

from grade 4 and and
grade 5!
Good morning, Teacher! Good morning, Teacher!
We’re fine teacher!
I am teacher Yvonne. I’m
your teacher in Science.

How are you today

class? Yes, teacher!
We’re fine teacher!

That’s great! Are you

ready for our science
journey today class?
Yes, teacher! Yes, we are!

Very good!

I know that you love to

sing and dance let’s
have an action song. Let
sing and dance “Old
McDonald”. Are you
ready? Yes, we are!

Good job class! You

dance and sing very well. (Students will do the (Students will do the
Let’s give ourselves a mabuhay clap.) mabuhay clap.)
mabuhay clap.
2. Review
2. Review
Now who can tell me
Now who can tell me what was our lesson
what was our lesson yesterday?
(Students will raise their
From grade 4? hands.) From grade 5? Yes
(Students will raise their
Yes Cindy? Our lesson yesterday hands.)
was all about Human
Sense Organs. Our lesson yesterday
was all about Bones and
That’s right! Muscles.

What are those human What are the common

sense organs? (Students will answer the bone and muscles
question.) injuries? (All students will answer
the question.)
Eye is used for seeing!
Ears are used for Fracture, Dislocation,
hearing! Sprain, Cramp, Bruises
Nose is used for
Tongue is used for What are those bone
tasting! diseases? (All students will answer
Skin is used for touching the question.)
and feeling!
You are all correct class! Arthritis,Rickets, and
You really understood Polio.
our lesson yesterday. You are all correct class!
You really understood
our lesson yesterday.

B. Developmental Activities B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation

Now, let’s have a group

activity. I will divide the
class into 4 groups. Each
group will be given an
envelope. Inside the
envelope there is a
puzzled photo. All you
have to do is to arrange
the puzzled photo inside
the enveloped. The
group who will finish first
will be given a reward. Is (All students will answer (All students will answer
it clear class? the question.) the question.)

Yes, teacher! Yes, teacher!

Are you all ready? Are you all ready?

(All students will answer
the question.) (All students will answer
the question.)
Yes, teacher!
Great! Let’s start. Yes, teacher!

Great! Let’s start. Great! Let’s start.

(Students will start to do (Students will start to do
their task.) their task.)
Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:

2. Presentation of the 2. Presentation of the

Lesson Lesson

Based on the photos From grade 5 students,

what do you think is our what you think is our
lesson today? lesson today?
(Students will raise their
Yes Sarah?
Let’s start from grade 4 It is all about the body
students? parts of animals for food
(Student will raise their eating.
Yes Christian? You indeed correct! This
I think our lesson for day we are going to
today is all about animals discuss about the body
in their surroundings parts of animals for food
getting or eating.
You indeed correct! This
day we are going to
discuss about animals in
their surroundings.

3. Setting of Standards 3. Setting of Standards

Before we start to our Before we start to our

discussion, let us set our discussion, let us set our
rules. rules.

What do you think should What do you think should

be our major rules? be our major rules?
(Students will raise their

Listen attentively.
What else?
What else?
(Students will raise their That’s right. Don’t make
hands.) unnecessary noises. You
are only allowed to talk
Observe silence. when you are told to do
That’s right. Don’t make Last one?
unnecessary noises. You (Students will raise their
are only allowed to talk hands.)
when you are told to do
so. Everybody should
cooperate when there
Last one? are activities.

Can I expect those from

Can I expect those from (Students will answer the
you? (Students will answer the question.)
Yes teacher!
Very good! Yes teacher! Very good!

4. Discussion 4. Discussion

Today, grade 4 students From grade 5 students.

we are going to discuss We are going to discuss
about the animals in their about the body parts of
surroundings. animals for food getting
or eating.
Did you know grade 4
students those animals Did you know grade 5
are also living things students that some
found in our animals use their paws,
surrounding? Different claws, beaks, and teeth
animals live in different to get and eat their food?
places. Some animals
live on land others live in
water and some live on
both places. They live in
many places like house,
garden, farm, pond, river,
sea, mountain and

Now, on these pictures

class, what do you
Now, in this picture
class, what animal is

(Students will raise their

(Students will raise their
Camel, teacher. hands.)

Where this animal live? The dog, cat, and bear

Land? Water? Or air? are using their paws and
(Students will raise their claws to hold their food.
Correct! We can see that
Land, teacher. they’re using their paws,
and class to hold their
Great job! food.

How about on this


How about this one?

What animal is this and
where this animal live?
(Students will raise their
hands.) (Students will raise their
Shark, teacher. And
sharks live in the sea. Birds are using their
beaks to eat food.
You are correct!
Good job! Birds are
using their beaks to eat
their food.

Animals kept as pets are Other animals use their

something you see on a sticky tongue, movable
daily basis. jaws, and sucking tubes
to eat their food. Also,
Can you give me an animals that have the
animal that can be pets same mouth parts eat
in our home? the same kind of food.
(Students will raise their
hands.) Examples:

Dogs and cats. 1. Animals with flat teeth

eat grass or plants.
What else? 2. Animals with sharp-
(Students will raise their pointed teeth eat meat.
hands.) 3. There are also animals
with both kinds of teeth.
Fish and birds like
Additionally, some
animals are kept on
farms. Could you list
some animals that are
suitable for farm (Students will raise their
keeping? hands.)

Chickens, ducks, and

What else?
(Students will raise their

Carabaos and pigs,

Another one?
(Students will raise their

Horses and cows,

All of you are correct. We
are able to keep those
animals on our farm and
in our homes.
Additionally, we often
observe in our

5. Generalization 5. Generalization

What did you learn? What body parts of

animals they use to get
(Student will raise their and eat their food?
hands to answer the
question.) (Students will raise their
hands to answer the
Teacher, I learned that question.)
animals are living things
found in our Animals use their teeth,
Very good! What else? surroundings. paws, claws, and beaks
What animals that use to get and eat their food.
their paws and claws to
(Student will raise their eat their food?
hands to answer the
(Students will raise their
hands to answer the
Teacher, there are
animals that live on land.
Others live on water.
Dogs, cats, and bears.
Some live on both land Great job, grade 5
and in water. students! You actually
How about in the farm? pay attention and get the
What animals can you lesson we're teaching
see in the farm? today!
(Student will raise their
hands to answer the

Chickens, ducks, goats,

pigs, and horses.

Well done, fourth

graders! You actually
pay attention and get the
lesson we're teaching

6. Application
6. Application
Let’s have a by pair
activity. Each pair will Let’s have a by pair
draw 2 animals and activity. Each pair will
immediate surrounds or draw 5 body parts of
habitats. You will choose animals. You will choose
what animals you would what body parts of
like to draw. You can use animals you would like to
colors to make it draw. You can use colors
attractive. to make it attractive.
You will be guided by You will be guided by
this criteria: this criteria:

Content: 40% Content: 40%

Creativity: 50% Creativity: 50%
Cleanliness: 10% Cleanliness: 10%
100% 100%

You have 15 minutes to You have 15 minutes to

complete your work. complete your work.
Keep in mind that once Keep in mind that once
you're done, I'll post your you're done, I'll post your
work on the wall. work on the wall.
Understood, class? Understood, class?
(All students will answer
(All students will answer their teacher.)
their teacher.)
Yes, teacher!
Yes, teacher!

IV. Assessment IV. Assessment

Direction: Name the animals in each picture. Direction: Name the animals in each picture.
Identify them according to their habitat. Identify the food they eaten by each animal and how
they get and eat their food. Use the chart below to
record your Observations and answers.

1. 1.
2. 2.
4. 4. USED FOR
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

V. Assignment Assignment

Direction: In your assignment, list at least 5 animals Direction: List down 5 animals in your
that you know were not mentioned yet in this lesson neighborhood. Observe what the animals eat and the
and write their habitat. body parts used for getting and eating food. Write
your answer in your assignment book.
1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.
Burgos Street, Paniqui, Tarlac

S. Y. 2023-2024 - Second Semester


Submitted by:
Yvonne Angela A. Bernabe

Submitted to:
Mrs. Jaezelle B. Dela Cruz

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