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PNhi: Hi Nhi, Long time no see, How’s it going

Nhi: Hello Nhi , I’m so good
PNhi: Nhi, tell me who is your favorite film star?
Nhi: Well, I have a lot of idols that I have loved for a long time. But the film
star I like the most Kim SooHyun. He’s a famous Korea actor
PNhi: What is this person famous for?
Nhi: He’s famous for his talent.He has many famous movies and I love it , for
example :Dream high, Queen of Tear, Moon Embracing The Sun,My Love
From the Star… I knew him when I was 10 years old, I saw his movie Dream
High on TV and I've been following him ever since.Besides acting, he also
knows how to sing, dance, play bowling, climb mountains,...
PNhi: What does he look like?
Nhi: He’s very handsome, friendly and humorous
PNhi: Why are you interested in this person?
Nhi: Because his dedication to his craft and the ability to bring diverse characters to
life on the screen is truly captivating. Each movie he stars in becomes an unforgettable
experience, as he immerses hisself in every role with authenticity and emotion.
PNhi: Oh really
Nhi: How’s about you, Do you have your favorite famous person?
Nhi: Who is this person?
Nhi: What is this person famous for?
Nhi: Why do you know her/his?
Nhi: What does he/she look like?
Nhi: Why are you interested in this person?
Nhi: Oh, I have some work to do now. See you later


PNhi:Hi Nhi, Long time no see, How’s it going

Nhi: Hello Nhi , I’m so good
PNhi: What is your favorite gadget, Nhi?
Nhi: My favourite gadget is the Smart Phone, It’s a present from my sister on my
birthday.It is a black one with an elegant design which really caught my attention.
PNhi: How often do you use it?
Nhi: I use it every day for many things. I check messages, call everyone , and use it
for taking photos.
PNhi: It is so important to you ?
Nhi: Yes it is, because it's small and easy to carry and I can do a lot of thing with it,
I use it in the morning to set an alarm and at night to relax with music. It's very
helpful for studying too. I can search for information quickly. I like my
smartphone because it is convenient. What’s about you Nhi, , which one do you
Nhi: How much time do you spend using it?
Nhi: Why is it so important to you?
Nhi: Why do you like it?
Nhi: Oh that sounds great, I have an appointment now, see you later?


PNhi:Hi Nhi, Long time no see, How’s it going
Nhi:Hello Nhi , I’m so good
PNhi:What did you often like to do when you were a child?
Nhi:When I was a child, I loved flying kites
with my friends, watching Barbie cartoons
PNhi:Did you have any bad habits? Did you want to quit it?
Nhi: Yes, I did.I used to stay up late at night,I used to watch cartoons, which kept
me up very late at night. This habit is worrying because it makes me feel tired
during the day. Even though I know the negative effects of stay up late, It's hard
for me to wake up early in the morning because of my habit of stay up late. it's
hard for me to give up this habit.
PNhi:Besides bad habits, do you have any good habits? What do you do to develop
those habits?
Nhi :In addition to bad habits, I often do exercise and eat healthy.To be able to
develop these good habits, I often manage my time to practice and practice. What
is about you? What did you like to do when you were a child?
Nhi: Did you have any bad habits?
Nhi: How did you get rid of bad habits?
Nhi:What good habits did you have?
Nhi:How can you develop good habits?
Nhi: Oh that sounds great, I have an appointment now, see you later?


PNhi:Hi Nhi, Long time no see, How’s it going
Nhi:Hello Nhi , I’m so good
PNhi: How is the weather in your city, Nhi?
Nhi: I'm living in Nha Trang, the weather here has two seasons: dry season and rainy
season, but it's not too hot in the dry season and not too cold in the rainy season so it's
quite beautiful.
PNhi: So which season do you like best here?
Nhi: I like the dry season better, it starts from January to September every year. At
this time, the weather is quite cool, sometimes with strong sunshine from May to
August. So I often go swimming and traveling during this season.
PNhi: What kind of weather do you dislike?
Nhi: For me, rainy season is my worst nightmare! I know enjoying a hot cup of coffee
while watching the rain sounds fun, but if you have to go outside, it's a completely
different story. I hate getting wet and drying clothes takes a lot of time these days.So I
usually do indoor activities on these days
PNhi: Does the weather affect how you feel?
Nhi: Oh, No it doesn’t , I don’t care about weather because I just focus on what I have
to do .So what is about you, what is the weather like in your city?
Nhi: How many seasons are there?
Nhi: Which season do you like the most?
Nhi: What kind of weather do you dislike?
Nhi: Do you do different things in different weather?
Nhi: Does the weather affect you feeling?
Nhi:Oh, I have some work to do now. See you later

Nhi: Hello PNhi, Long time no see, What’s about you
PNhi: Hi Nhi, I’m so good
Nhi: Last summer vacation, have you traveled
Nhi: Oh How long is your vacation
Nhi: Where did you go there, which places left you with the most memories
Nhi:Do you like that holiday
Nhi:Oh I also want to Da Nang one
Nhi: Yes I went to PhuQuoc island last summer because there are so many fun
activities here
Nhi: I went there with my family about 3 days and 2 nights
Nhi:I visited many famous tourist attractions on this island, sush as Vinwonder
PhuQuoc, PhuQuoc Nation Park, Grand World PhuQuoc, and I tried eating some
dished like Bun Quay, Com Ghe, seafood
Nhi: Oh course, the trip was very wonderful, because PhuQuoc have many beautiful
scenery, the weather is aslo great, and I wish I could go there again soon
Nhi: Oke See you late

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