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Appendix 1

Table 1: Consultations, no. of survey questions, no. of stakeholders, no. of SMCA dimensions and the variance explained by dimensions.

Consultation Consultation name Policy area Total no. of No. of policy- No. of No. of Percentage of Cumulative
no. items relevant stakeholders dimensions variance percentage
(survey items (survey explained of variance
questions) questions) explained
1 Consultation on the future Agriculture 40 27 44,847 2 Dim 1: 88.1%
of organic production 73.8%
(January – April 2013) Dim 2:
2 Consultation on an Agriculture 89 75 1,455 2 Dim 1: 78.2%
initiative to improve the 53.6%
food supply chain (August Dim 2:
– November 2017) 24.6%
3 Consultation on Emission Climate 29 26 382 2 Dim 1: 70.8%
Trading System (ETS) 54.0%
post-2020 carbon leakage Dim 2:
provisions (May – July 16.8%
4 Consultation on Heavy- Climate 56 49 88 3 Dim 1: 55.6%
Duty Vehicles (HDVs) 25.2%
CO2 emission standards Dim 2:
(November 2017 – 17.1%
January 2018) Dim 3:
5 Consultation on the review Communication 68 48 142 2 Dim 1: 65.5%
of the directive on the re- 46.5%
use of Public Sector Dim 2:
Information (PSI 19.0%
Directive) (September –
November 2017)
6 Consultation on fake news Communication 115 86 2,784 2 Dim 1: 87.6%
and online disinformation 75.6%
(November 2017 – Dim 2:
February 2018) 12.0%

7 Consultation on the Competition 76 70 250 1 Dim 1: 86.2%
Evaluation of the 86.2%
Guidelines on State Aid
for Environmental
Protection and Energy
2014-2020 (EEAG)
8 Consultation on the De Competition 19 12 208 1 Dim 1: 93.6%
minimis Regulation 93.6%
9 Consultation on the Education 57 46 266 1 Dim 1: 76.0%
evaluation of youth policy 76.0%
cooperation in the EU
(July – October 2016)
10 Consultation on the key Education 44 23 500 3 Dim 1: 95.1%
competences review 2017 44.6%
(February – May 2017) Dim 2:
Dim 3:
11 Consultation on the Employment 94 81 1,035 3 Dim 1: 94.5%
European Pillar of social [16,457] 55.4%
rights (March – May Dim 2:
2016) 25.6%
Dim 3:
12 Consultation on Proposal Employment 59 45 379 2 Dim 1: 90.2%
to establish a European [5,877] 53.6%
Labour Authority; An Dim 2:
initiative on a European 36.6%
Social Security Number
(November 2017 –
January 2018)
13 Consultation on the retail Energy 117 100 236 2 Dim 1: 68.4%
energy market (January – 54.0%
April 2014) Dim 2:
14 Consultation on ecodesign Energy 94 74 1,230 1 Dim 1: 83.6%
and energy labelling on 83.6%
refrigerators, dishwashers,

washing machines,
televisions, computers and
lamps (February – March
15 Consultation on the Environment 101 71 1,281 2 Dim 1: 69.3%
Circular Economy (May – 48.0%
August 2015) Dim 2:
16 Consultation on an EU Environment 62 47 66,579 2 Dim 1: 96.8%
initiative for pollinators 71.7%
(January – April 2018) Dim 2:
17 Consultation on a Eurostat 63 38 103 2 Dim 1: 59.6%
Framework regulation for 46.4%
the production of Dim 2:
European statistics on 13.2%
persons and households
(Integrated European
Social Statistics – IESS)
(July – November 2015)
18 Consultation on the cost- Eurostat 80 52 23,536 3 Dim 1: 79.4%
benefit and administrative 45.1%
burden reduction potential Dim 2:
of options for re-design of 19.2%
Intrastat (January – March Dim 3:
2016) 15.1%
19 Consultation on Green Finance 41 17 317 2 Dim 1: 95.0%
Paper on retail financial 71.5%
services: better products, Dim 2:
more choice, and greater 23.5%
opportunities for
consumers and businesses
(December 2015 – March
20 Consultation on non- Finance 41 32 269 2 Dim 1: 44.6%
financial reporting 32.8%
guidelines (January – Dim 2:
April 2016) 11.8%

21 Consultation on the Health 47 30 57 2 Dim 1: 62.0%
initiative to limit industrial 33.1%
trans fats intakes in the EU Dim 2:
(November 2017 – 28.9%
February 2018)
22 Consultation on Health 105 91 8,894 2 Dim 1: 91.9%
strengthened cooperation 63.2%
against vaccine Dim 2:
preventable diseases 28.7%
(December 2017 – March
23 Consultation on Remedies Internal market 46 23 160 2 Dim 1: 63.6%
in Public Procurement 42.2%
(April – July 2015) Dim 2:
24 Consultation on EU rules Internal market 42 34 641 2 Dim 1: 77.6%
for products used in the 58.9%
construction of buildings Dim 2:
and infrastructure works 18.7%
(January – April 2018)
25 Consultation on equality Justice and 26 21 4,896 1 Dim 1: 92.7%
between women and men consumers 92.7%
in the EU (April – June
26 Consultation on EU Justice and 81 25 1,484 2 Dim 1: 55.9%
citizenship: share your consumers 30.9%
opinion on our common Dim 2:
values, rights and 25.0%
democratic participation
(September – October
27 Consultation EU ecolabel Maritime 132 116 443 4 Dim 1: 80.1%
for fishery and aquaculture 32.8%
products (April – July Dim 2:
2015) 21.4%
Dim 3:
Dim 4:

28 Consultation on EU Maritime 76 57 156 3 Dim 1: 54.7%
marketing standards for 30.5%
fishery and aquaculture Dim 2:
products (July – October 12.8%
2018) Dim 3:
29 Consultation on Migration 76 24 32 1 Dim 1: 86.8%
combatting fraud and 86.8%
counterfeiting on non-cash
means of payment (March
– May 2017)
30 Consultation on Revision Migration 54 45 83 2 Dim 1: 57.8%
of the EU Regulation on 30.6%
explosives precursors Dim 2:
(December 2017 – March 27.2%
31 Consultation on a policy Mobility and 150 143 207 3 Dim 1: 49.3%
initiative on opening the transport 20.9%
market for remotely Dim 2:
piloted aircraft systems 16.3%
(RPAS or civil drones) Dim 3:
(August – October 2014) 12.1%
32 Consultations on the Mobility and 117 105 1,044 2 Dim 1: 48.9%
enhancement of the social transport 31.1%
legislation in road Dim 2:
transport (September – 17.8%
December 2016)
33 Consultation on Regional policy 20 9 288 1 Dim 1: 92.0%
overcoming obstacles in 92.0%
border regions (September
– December 2015) (e167)
34 Consultation on EU funds Regional policy 68 56 4,395 3 Dim 1: 81.0%
in the area of cohesion 35.0%
(January – March 2018) Dim 2:
Dim 3:

35 Consultation on EU survey Research and 73 51 326 2 Dim 1: 69.1%
on Earth observation in a innovation 57.8%
global context: A public Dim 2:
consultation on possible 11.3%
EU actions in relation to
global coordination of
Earth observations via the
Group on Earth
Observations (GEO)
(January – April 2015)
36 Consultation on the joint Research and 46 39 250 2 Dim 1: 92.1%
programming on innovation 79.2%
metrology research Dim 2:
(EMRP and EMPIR) (July 12.9%
– October 2016)
37 Consultation on the General 60 34 5,322 3 Dim 1: 88.0%
European citizens’ secretariat 62.7%
initiative (May – August Dim 2:
2017) 13.9%
Dim 3:
38 Consultation on the General 50 35 596 2 Dim 1: 82.1%
stocktaking of the secretariat 61.6%
Commission’s ‘better Dim 2:
regulation’ approach (July 20.5%
– October 2018)
39 Consultation on rules on Taxation 41 31 293 1 Dim 1: 66.0%
the import of cultural 66.0%
goods (October 2016 –
January 2017)
40 Consultation on the Taxation 49 37 102 3 Dim 1: 57.3%
Definitive VAT system for 30.4%
Business to Business Dim 2:
(B2B) intra-EU 14.7%
transactions on goods Dim 3:
(December 2016 – March 12.2%

41 Consultation on the export Trade 72 69 96 2 Dim 1: 74.4%
control policy review 60.2%
(Regulation (EC) no. Dim 2:
428/2009) (July – October 14.2%
42 Consultation on the future Trade 169 135 164 3 Dim 1: 84.2%
of EU-Turkey trade and 55.9%
economic relations (March Dim 2:
– June 2016) 16.5%
Dim 3:
Note: Two consultations experienced online mass campaigns (these are consultation no. 11 on the European Pillar of social rights and consultation no. 12 on the Proposal to
establish a European Labour Authority; An initiative on a European Social Security Number). Since the Commission disregards responses from online mass campaigns, we
consider only unique responses in our analysis. For consultations no. 11 and 12, we report in the table both the unique number of responding stakeholders that we consider in
the analysis and the total number of responding stakeholders including those that were part of online mass campaigns (in square brackets).

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