Finals Endo

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FINALS ENDO - Prevent the formation of a smear layer during instrumentation

ENDODONTIC IRRIGATING SOLUTIONS, DISINFECTING DEVICES - Dissolve smear layer once it has formed (Not all)
AND TECHNIQUES - Antimicrobial agent
Dr. April Sherry Mae Guillermo
*Alin Ang nakaka dissolve ng inorganic? Alin ang nakakdisaolve ng organic?
*side notes *best for removing smear layer: those containing EDTA, especially gels
in which the shavings may be suspended, but these are not recommended
- Reducing friction between the instrument and dentin -
reduce/prevent fracture Biological objectives
- Improving the cutting effectiveness of the files - Related to their antiseptic and nontoxic properties.
- Dissolving organic remnants - not all irrigating solutions are Properties of an ideal irrigating solutions
able to do that, only one expected - Disinfect the root canal system
- Cooling both the file and tooth - Should be a biocompatible bactericidal agent, tissue solvent,
- Washing effect and an antimicrobial effect - rinse out dentinal lubricant, and smear layer remover capable of physically
shavings flushing debris
- Irrigation is also the only way to have a positive impact on - Penetrate dentin and its tubules
areas of the root canal wall not touched by mechanical - With sustained effect but without affecting the physical
instrumentation (accessory canals) - *new study: non properties of the dentin
mechanical endo - Non-antigenic, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic

CLASSIFICATION OF IRRIGATING SOLUTIONS *Because there is no irrigant that has these properties, use at least two that
- Antimicrobial solutions collectively will have all of these properties
*Chlorhexidine gets absorbed by oral mucosa, also EDTA but it depends on
- Chelating solutions aka anticalcifying
the concentration
- Combinations (antibacterial and chelating solutions combines)
*Sodium hypochlorite does not have a sustained effect - always prepare
- Solutions with detergent a fresh solution
- Antimicrobial effects: (antiseptic solutions, topical antibiotics)
bacteriostatic solution, and bactericidal solutions Example:
In pulp extirpation, change the solution once you get to biomech prep
*For vital one sitting appointment - use bactericidal (vs bacteriostatic)
OBJECTIVES OF USING ENDODONTIC IRRIGANTS Any materials used to achieve all the aims mentioned in root canal will
Mechanical Objectives have the same effect in the periapical tissues - use the material at a
- Rinse out debris and lubricate the canal concentration that is high enough to achieve the aims, yet low enough
Chemical objectives to avoid periapical irritation
- Solvent - soften and dissolve organic and inorganic tissues
(not all) - *Always Consider benefit:risk ratio
- Irrigating solutions must always be contained within the canal
only - maintain apical construction *never use hypochlorite if
there is an open apex or large apical foramen
- Irrigating solutions must always be confined to the canal
during use to avoid harmful effects to the periapical tissues
- There is not one solution available that will achieve all of the
mentioned aims
- Organic solvents are not as effective as inorganic solvents.
Therefore it is necessary to use 2 solutions to achieve all of
these aims

HClO - hypochlorous acid, odorless

Example of 2 solutions used together (ABBOT endo manual)

- 17% ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid with cetrimide (EDTAC)
and 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) when used together can
achieve the aims mentioned above


1. Local anesthetic, saline/distilled water

2. Sodium Hypochlorite
NaOCl – antiseptic solution
Most common irrigating solution used in endodontics
- Antimicrobial and proteolytic agent, excellent organic
Mode of Action
tissue solvent, and lubricant with fairly quick effects
1: Saponification reaction
- An oxidizing agent and a hydrolyzing agent
2: Neutralization reaction
- Commercial sodium hypochlorite solutions are
3: Hypochlorous acid formation
strongly alkaline and hypertonic and typically have
4: Solvent action
nominal concentrations of 10-14% available chlorine
5: High pH
Using Sodium Hypochlorite
Allergic reaction
*Inflammatory response similar to allergic reaction
- most common
- signs and symptoms:
- Severe pain
- Edema of neighboring soft tissue
- Possible extension of edema over the injured
half of face and upper lip
- *One of the most common signs of toxicity: profuse
bleeding in the canal → use antibiotic and analgesic
on NaOCl = also
tp chlorhexidine
due to chlorine

- open apex
easily soluble, very

- cannot remove
smear layer

Substantivity - due to the cationic nature of CHX molecule -

can be absorbed by an ionic substrate (oral mucosa, tooth
structure) → results in sustained effect
Uptake is reversible - substantive antimicrobial property
- Lower concentrations - single layer stored
- Higher concentrations - multilayer stored on the tooth
3. Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHX) surface, providing a reservoir
Length of exposure affects length of effect
CHX cannot dissolve organic tissues - NaOCl still considered
primary irrigating solution, **but depends on the stage of the
CHX may be used every time you change medicament
EDTA alone cannot remove the smear layer, paired with
NaOCl to effectively remove it


1. idk
2. idk
3. Basta 4 na yung start
4. Citric Acid

5. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA) 6. HEBP (Etidronic acid)

colorless, water-soluble

- chelate and remove the

remineralized portion of the prevents
smear layer resorption,
applied with
patients who
- little or no antibacterial effect or Paget's
Combinations and Solutions with Detergents

MTAD - alternative for

EDTA in removing
smear layer

7. BioPure MTAD and Tetraclean

9. Iodine Potassium

E. fecalis often assoc with therapy-resistant periapical

8. QMIX infections, and combinations of IKI and CHX may be able to
kill Ca(OH)2-resistant bacteria more efficiently
Obvious disadvantage of iodine - possible allergic reaction in
some patients
10. Lubricant

Facilitate manipulation of hand files during cleaning and shaping

Aid in initial canal negotiation
KY jelly - used in ultrasound
Endo lubricants always contain EDTA
Not recommended during night time(??)
When you are to use EDTA in chemo mechanical prep, it will
deactivate the antimicrobial effect of sodium hypochlorite but will also
reduce the chlorine and potential toxicity of it
13. Super oxidized water

11. Alcohol
14. Ozonated water

12. Hydrogen peroxide

15. Herbal
- NaOCl + CHX → change of color and precipitate
- Rxn is dependent on concentration of NaOCl
- Higher conc NaOCl, larger precipitate - if 2% CHX is used
- Concern: color change may have clinical relevance, causing
staining of the tooth
- Resulting precipitate may interfere with the seal of the root
canal obturation

Interaction between CHX, NaOCl, and EDTA

EDTA must still be used after - deactivates itself, must be replaced with
fresh solution subsequently
The continue doing the biomech
EDTA may be used as a final rinse after biomech to remove the smear
However, mas maganda yung pag remove ng smear layer pag finish mo din
ng NaOCl

Sodium ferborate as a bleaching agent
Chlorhexidine - what property does it have that is most beneficial to Endo?
Antibacterial property
- When to use? (Instead of NaOCl)
Also note the contraindications
Sodium hypochlorite - harmful upon perforation of root, any instance
EDTA may also be used during biomech to soften dentin – easier
that it may infiltrate periapical/periradicular/PDL area
Use a solution in between NaOCl and CHX to avoid ppt

*class note:
NaOCl - use during pulp extirpation to dissolve organic tissue
EDTA - soften dentin
We can still irrigate with NaoCl every change of file

C. ?
Tests: all must be (-)
Spont pain
Fistula healed
Reduced radiolucency
Culture test

If ayaw mag negative - apply medicaments (iodine potassium)

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