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Rubric for Interviews.

Student’s name and grade:

CATEGORY Excellent (4) Good (3) Needs Improvement (2) Poor (1) SCORE
Accuracy. Uses a variety of structures with one to Uses a variety of grammar structures, Uses a variety of structures Uses basic structures only
two grammatical errors. but makes three to four errors. with five to six errors, or uses and/or makes seven or more
basic structures with the same errors.
amount of errors.
Fluency. There are no breaks in rhythm while There are one to three breaks in Speaks with extended pauses Hesitates while speaking,
talking. The message is intelligible. rhythm while speaking. The message is or hesitations. There are four towords and/or phrases are
still intelligible. six breaks in rhythm while repeated and extended
speaking. The message is pauses are an impediment.
blurry. There are more than seven
breaks while speaking. The
message is unintelligible.
Vocabulary Provides detailed descriptions and shows Provides accurate descriptions of the The student provides adequate Provides vague descriptions
the entire domain of the topic, using all topics. Present 2 or 3 errors in the use descriptions of the topics of the topics, no details
the vocabulary in the proper context. of vocabulary in context without giving details. Present included. Most of the
more than 3 errors in the use of vocabulary is out of context
vocabulary in context or misused.
Interaction and Student initiates and responds to all the Initiates and responds to the Responds to the formulated Doesn’t respond to the
coherence formulated questions giving all the formulated questions, hesitating in less questions, hesitating in more formulated questions and /or
information required. than 2 occasions. than 2 occasions. the answers do not
Student maintains and develops the Keeps the interaction going with very Needs support to keep the correspond to the topic.
interaction fluently discussing all the little support and /or discusses the interaction going. 3 or more It is not able to keep the
possibilities and coming to an agreement majority of the possibilities. possibilities are not discussed interaction going.
at the end. .
Description of All the aspects required when describing a All the aspects required when One of the aspects required More than one aspect
pictures picture (all you can see, actions, and describing a picture are used by the when describing a picture is required when describing a
inferences) are used by the students with students with up to five grammatical missing and/or the description picture is missing.
up to two grammatical mistakes. mistakes has more than five grammatical
Total /20
Date: Mark:

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