Movie Review

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Clarence F.


Dante’s Peak (1997)

A Movie Review-The DRRM Way
The movie Dante’s Peak, is a movie release on 1997 and directed by Roger Donaldson.
It’s a disaster film set in a fictional town of Dante’s Peak, that explores the catastrophic
disaster of a volcano suddenly erupting.

The main characters are Harry Dalton (played by Pierce Brosnan), a USGS
volcanologist and Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton), the town’s mayor. The story follows
Harry as he investigates the unusual seismic activity near Dante’s Peak. He then tries to
convince the town’s mayor and it’s subordinates, to take necessary precautions. But he
didn’t succeed, until it’s too late so people suffered a great loss

The movie made me realize how important it is to be always be ready for disasters.
Since the volcanic eruption happen very sudden, people didn’t get enough time to get
ready and evacuate. People began to panic that made the situation much worse than it
already is. Because of that many have died and suffered. If only there is a plan or the
town conduct a drill regularly as a preparation in case the volcano erupts, it might make
the situation a lot better. So it is also really important to always participate in every drills
that the government do, so that we can avoid what happened in the movie. We should
also be aware of our surroundings and always listen and follow to government’s
announcement about disasters that might happen or is happening on our place

Overall the movie “Dante’s Peak is good. It is really worth it to watch, especially to those
who love disaster films. So I definitely recommend it to watch.
Clarence F. Ferry

A Movie Review-The DRRM Way

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