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Activity 1

Managing the Classroom


Activity 3
Managing the Classroom

Teachers have the presence and authority in conventional classes to modify the
environment to be as favorable to learning as feasible. In a single action, closing the
classroom door to eliminate outside noise eliminates the disturbance of all kinds.

My Aims/ Purposes

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

a. prepare all requisites for my first teaching;

b. demonstrate a very satisfactory teaching performance, and
c. develop positive views and conviction in every teaching performance.

My Responsibilities

Embracing the world of teaching requires a daily dose of vitamin C’s for
teachers such as Courage, Confidence, Competence, Commitment, and
Compassion. Each day you must brace yourself with courage and confidence to
face the public (students/learners, colleagues, administrators, and others). Along
with your initial vitamin C's, it is expected that you know how to exude competence
and execute commitment and compassion in every endeavor you take. This means
embracing a holistic, dynamic, unique YOU in the world of different strokes,
different folks.

As a teacher intern, I should:

a. write lesson plans and prepare instructional materials.

b. attend classes on time.
c. conduct/implement the prepared lesson plan.
d. assess my teaching performance.
e. be kind to everyone.

My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

1. What are your expectations for your Teaching Internship in the Post Pandemic?

My expectations for my teaching internship were, first, that it was going to be

challenging for me. Since it marked the beginning of our journey in teaching in a
real setting, I anticipated applying the learnings and skills acquired during my
earlier years in college. However, despite these challenges, I also expected that
this teaching internship would help me develop my teaching skills and learn new
things contributing to my personal and professional growth, which I can surely use
in the future.

2. How did you get started? (State how you prepared yourself emotionally,
physically, mentally, and spiritually)

In preparing for this teaching internship, I practice mindfulness and employ stress
management techniques to help me handle challenges that may arise during the
internship. Additionally, I ensure to maintain a healthy routine, including getting
enough sleep, consuming nutritious foods, and incorporating exercise. Lastly, I
always find time to connect with God and seek His guidance throughout my
teaching internship journey.

3. As a would-be/pre-service teacher, how did you feel while going through your
final experiential learning course (Teaching Internship)?

As I embark on my final experiential learning course, the Teaching Internship, I

experience mixed emotions. I am excited yet nervous—excited because it's an
opportunity to apply my learned skills, gain practical experience, and refine my
teaching abilities. On the other hand, I feel nervous due to the challenges that may
arise in entering a real-world teaching setting. However, I know that this experience
is likely rewarding as I contribute to students' learning and further develop as an

4. What are your experiences during your first teaching? (Narrate your
unforgettable experience/s)

My experience during my first teaching was both nerve-wracking and fulfilling. I felt
nervous because, during my preparation, the complexity of my topic on human
rights posed a significant challenge. I hesitated, wondering if I could discuss it
clearly and effectively to my students. Additionally, deciding on the strategies and
instructional materials proved to be difficult. On the positive side, I felt fulfilled
because, during my discussion, I didn’t anticipate the active participation of my
students. I received positive feedback not only from my co-student teachers but
also from my mentor.

5. What were the challenges you encountered during your first teaching?

The challenges I experienced during my first teaching was selecting suitable

strategies for my topic and deciding on instructional materials. Also, one of the
challenges that I’ve encountered was the limited accessibility of the classroom
board, as the position of the television and the board were not conducive to
effective use.

6. How did you respond or get through with those challenges?

First, I spent enough time gaining a thorough understanding of my topic in

response to choosing and deciding on strategies and instructional materials that
align with my objectives and our topic. Next, addressing the limited accessibility of
the board, I created a mini board and posted key words there for my students to

7. Who/what was your motivation during your first teaching?

To be honest, my motivation before I began my first teaching was simply to finish

my discussion properly, thinking that whatever happens, happens. However, when
I witnessed the support from my classmates and friends during my demo
teaching, which I truly appreciated, it motivated me to do my best. Knowing that
they believed in me at that time was empowering. Additionally, my students
became one of my motivations to stand firm, provide the learning they needed,
and inspire them as well.

8. What is your current perspective towards teaching?

My current perspective on teaching is that it is one of the noblest professions, a

crucial and dynamic role that plays an essential part in shaping individuals.
Teaching goes beyond merely imparting knowledge; it involves fostering critical
thinking, creativity, and a love for lifelong learning. Moreover, it requires adapting
to diverse learning styles, embracing innovative approaches, and demonstrating a
commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

My Exhibits (Evidence/ Documentations)

A. Community linkages

Paste a picture of your peer teaching

B. Lesson Plan

C. Observation Sheet

Observation sheet during my final demonstration teaching

D. Sample output of my students (student’s activities, projects etc.)

E. Photos of my first teaching


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