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Week 1 Date: January 22-26 2024

What happened this week?

I was happy and nervous at the same time in our first week because this week is the
announcement of who is scheduled off or on campus. We also have a practice teaching
send-off program to be ready for our teaching internship. This program is our
preparation for our teaching internship, and it gives them a lot of knowledge,
expectations, and possible experience during our OJT. And we also clean our quarters
because this is our area on campus. Overall, my first week really prepared me for our
incoming teaching internship.

Week 2 Date: January 29 - February 1, 2024

What happened this week?

In the first week of internship, we have orientation for the lighting and pinning. As the
candle produces light, the candle melts. This symbolizes that teachers offer their whole
lives for educating the youth. Moreover, the Pinning Ceremony symbolizes that the
student interns have responded to the calling for the teaching profession. This is one of
the memorable event in my college journey. This ceremony was not only full of joy and
excitement, but it was also full of symbolisms. In the earliest times, candles were used
to light the directions of travelers in order to get to their desired destinations. Today, in
the teaching profession, candles symbolize the teachers. The teachers provide light to
the travelers, who are the students who chase their dreams. The light that candles
produce symbolizes the knowledge, skills, and values of teachers that guide the

Week 3 Date: February 4 - 8, 2024
What happened this week?

In week 3, this is our first day of our on-campus teaching internship. They introduce to
us our supervising instructor in PSU LIS, and they already give us our grade and section
that we will observe and teach. Our supervising instructor was considerate because he
already guided us in our topics for the teaching demo and helped us with the lesson
plan. The grade and section of my class were also responsible because, based on our
observations during the class of Sir Jude, they will all be interactive in class. I am
nervous and excited at the same time to teach them. My second week was tiring but

Week 4 Date: February 12-16, 2024

What happened this week?

In week 4, this is my first time demo teaching to students. I felt worried because what if
the outcome of my demo was not good. But I surpassed my first demo teaching as a
student teacher. I am very happy because my students were interactive and
participated in my discussion. They raise their hands when I have a question, and they
enjoy the activities that I prepare. I am also thankful to my supervising teacher because
they guide me in my demo and also to my groupmates because they help me prepare in
class. At first, I was nervous, but throughout my discussion, I enjoyed what I was doing.
I also observed the demo teaching of my groupmates, and it was all successful. My
fourth weeMy fourth week was very happy and enjoyable because I completed it.

Week 5 Date: February 19-22, 2024

What happened this week?

In week 5, because all of us in the group are done with the first demo lesson and we
finish the whole lesson, we made a long quiz. Each of us contributes a 10-item quiz, and
we are four in the group. We are so happy because all of them passed the quiz that we
made. And in my free time, I’m doing my worksheets and activities in quarters. I also
observe my classmates in their demo teaching. In week 5, I must say that we are
comfortable as teaching interns.

Week 6 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 7 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 8 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 9 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 10 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 11 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 12 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 13 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 14 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Week 12 Date: _____________

What happened this week?


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