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•Where did you go on your last holiday?

•How did you get there?

•What food did you eat while you were there?
•How did you travel around while you were
there? •Do you think tourism will change in the
future? How?
•Imagine you and a friend are planning a holiday,
how can you make it environmentally friendly?
Destination 2. Visa
3. Border
4. Currency
5. Baggage /
6. Fare
7. Journey
8. Reservation
1. Boarding pass
2. Double room
3. Check out
4. Coach
5. Customs
6. Roundabout
7. Duty free
8. Traffic jam

• What’s the worst journey you’ve ever

experienced? • Have you ever travelled by plane?
• Woud you like to?
• Did you enjoy it?
• Have you ever been to the border between Mexico and the
USA? • Have you ever made a hotel reservation? How easy is
it? • How much is the fare to travel by metrobus in Mexico city?
• Have you ever bought anything duty free?
• Have you ever had to go through customs at the
airport? • How often do you get stuck in a traffic jam?
• How much baggage do you carry when you
travel? • What’s the best coach company to travel in
Questions Tags
• Depending on how you pronounce a QT, you can
express two different meanings:
1. Asking a question: emphasis in the subject • You
haven’t seen Juan today, have you? No, not today.
2. You want the listener to agree with you:
emphasize the auxiliary
• Today’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Yeah, really pretty.
• Form: Auxiliary + Subject?
A. (-) sentence, (+) QT?
B. (+) sentence, (-) QT?
• Special cases:
a) Let’s . . . , shall we?
b) Do / Don’t . . . , will / won’t you?
c) I’m . . . , aren’t I?
Subject and Object Questions
• Subject
• Question Word + Verb (3rd person singular) + the rest
1. We live in a house → Who lives in a house?
2. My friends have eaten my chocolates → Who has eaten my chocolate?
3. 300 People work in this school → How many people work in this school? 4. An
earthquake destroyed the building → _____________________________________ 5. My
students are intelligent → _____________________________________ 6. I4 and I5
include a lot of grammar → _____________________________________ • Object
• QW + Auxiliary + Subject + Verb (the form depends on the tense) +
(preposition)? 1. I work at UPIICSA → Where do you work?
2. I live with my family? → Who do you live with?
3. I have taught 10 students English? → How many students have you taught English? 4. →
What have you taught 10 students? 5. My friend took Laura’s book by mistake →
_____________________________________ 6. My father has listened to rock all his life →

•On board •On foot
Travel collocations •At
•At the station
•At the airport
•On holiday •On time •At the bus stop
•By •At the petrol station •In
•By sea •In a taxi
•By rail •In a helicopter
•By land •In a hotel
•By air •In a car
1. Relaxing
2. Exciting
3. Stressful 4. Comfortable 5. Calm
6. Noisy
7. Crowded 8.
Past Perfect
A. Past Perfect
• An action that happened before a particular point in the past 1.
☺ + had + (already / just / never) + Vpp + before / when / by the time + Past
Simple • He graduated in 2010. He got married in 2015.
• He had already graduated by the time he got married
2. Past Simple + because / after + had + (already / just / never) + Vpp • I
didn’t take my class online because the lights had just gone out
3. ☺ + had + (already / just / never) + Vpp, so + Past Simple
• I had never eaten ants’ eggs, so I decided to give them a try
B. Past Perfect Continuous
• An action that had been in progress for a period of time
• ☺ + had + been + Ving + for + period of time
• We had been waiting for half an hour when they arrived

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