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Connections to History: Democratic Principles

In 1789, the United States of America wrote up a system of government based in large part
upon ancient Greek & Roman democratic principles. The words “democracy” and “republic''
themselves are even rooted in Greek & Latin. Before we start learning about Greece and Rome,
let’s see what you know about the aspects of our government which have ancient Greek and
Roman roots...

1. Define democracy, or explain what makes a democratic government different from other

2. The United States is considered a republic; can you explain what that is?

3. What are the three branches of the U.S. Government?

4. Can you explain why our government has three different branches?

5. Senate is another word with Latin roots that plays an important role in our government.
What is the job of US Senators? Can you name any?

6. What did the Declaration of Independence do?

7. What is the Constitution?

Analyzing Images: Look at the two photographs below. Underneath each image, write what it
is a photo of. What similarities in architecture do you notice? Why do you think these buildings
are so similar?

Critical Thinking: Does the U.S. Government assume that people are smart enough &
responsible enough to participate in government? Explain your answer.

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