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Homework sheet for January (1)

(1). The percentage increase of quantities from 700 to 875 is equal to


(2). The salary of a person has been increased by 15% across a year.
What is the new salary of the person, if his present salary is $700?

(3). The rent for a shop has been reduced by 5%. The current rent of
the shop is $12000. The new rent of the shop is ___.

(4). The number of people who were expected to go for the first show of
a movie was 600. But due to rain the number of people who had been to
the movie was 540. What is the percentage decrease in the number of
people? (a).25% (b).20% (c).10% (d) 8%

(5). The number of breads which were sold in a supermarket have risen
from 50 to 60. Find the percentage increase in the sale of the breads.

(6). Due to an error the weight of 5kgs was measured as 5kgs and 100
g. Find the percentage error in calculating the weight.

(7). The number of people in a parti+cular society are 800, and it is

expected to increase by 12% across the year. What is expected
population by the end of the year?

(8). The salary of a person has been reduced by 20%. By what

percentage should this salary be increased to get back to the earlier
salary? (a).20% (b).25% (c).30% (d).50%

(9). The temperatures across two days have recorded as 42.5 and 43.1.
Find the percentage increase in temperature.

(10). Due to increase in demand the cost per kg of tamatoes have

increased from $1.50 to $2. What is the percentage increase in the price
of tamatoes?

Homework sheet for January (1)

(11). The production of wheat increases from 25 tons to 30 tons.

The percentage increase in production of wheat is ___.

(12). The semester fee for an accounting course has been

increased from $3600 to $4500. Find the percentage increase in the
fee per semester.

(13). The increase of 12.5% over $1600 is ____.

(14). Find the percentage change of the first quantity with

reference to the second quantity: 72 units, 60 units.

(15). The price of fuel has increased by 25%. By what price should
the increased price of fuel be reduced so that the price of fuel
remains unaltered? (a) 18% (b) 20% (c) 25% (d) 30%

(16). The population of a town first increased by 20%, and 15%

in two successive years. What is the total increase in the
population, across the two years?

(17). While measuring a cloth of length 2 meters, it was measured

as 1.95 meters. Find the percentage error in measuring the cloth.

(18). A person received a monthly salary hike of 20% and the hike
was $300. What was his monthly salary before this hike in salary?

(19). Due to a delay in submission of assignment the marks of a

student were decreased by 20% and he has received 160 marks.
What could have been his marks in the assignment, if there was no
delay in submission? (a) 120 (b) 150 (c)200 (d) 250

(20). Due to an error John misread a number 142, as 124. What is

the error in reading the number?

Homework sheet for January (1)

(21).In a field the yield of cotton increases from 20 tons to 24 tons. Find
the percentage increase in the yield of cotton.

(22).The fees for a computer course is increased from $30 to $36 per
month. Find the percentage increase in the fee. (a).15% (b).20%
(c).25% (d).30%

(23).T he value on decreasing of 15% from $1200 is equal to _______.

(24). Find the percentage change of the first quantity with reference to
the second quantity: 480 units, 560 units.

(25). The price of pulses has increased by 40%. By what price should
the increased price of the pulses should be reduced so that the price of
the pulses remains unaltered?

(26). The population of a town increased by 10%, and 20% across two
successive years. What is the net increase in the population, across the
two years?

(27).While measuring a cloth of length 1.5 meters, it was measured as

1.53 meters. Find the percentage error in measuring the cloth.

(28). A person received a monthly salary hike of 10% and the hike was
$50. What was his monthly salary before this hike in salary?

(29). Due to traffic congestion the bus took 20% more time to travel and
took 180 minutes to travel between two citiies. What could have the time
of travel, if there was no traffic congestion? (a).120 mins (b).150 mins
(c).160mins (d) 200mins

(30). Due to an error Jacob misread a number 74, as 47. What is the
approximate error in reading the number?

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