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ِ ‫ِب ْس ِم الله ال َّر ْح‬

‫ال َّرحي ِم‬
In the name of Allah,
the most Gracious, the
most Merciful.
To enjoy online classes
connect your computer/laptop
with an
LCD screen
(the bigger the better)
good speakers.
I would
recommend using
Mobile phones’ screens
and speakers.
They are harmful for your
eyes and mind.
English in Medicine
3 rd Edition pages 135-141
Appendix 2
Shortlisted Common
Medical Abbreviations
These are the
shortlisted medical
from appendix 2
which are used in all 7
units of the book.
In this class, pay special
attention to:
1- Pronunciation of medical
2- Dots, capital & small letters
in abbreviations.
3- Learn these words with
Page 135
abdo. abdomen
a.c. before meals/food
AF atrial fibrillation
AJ ankle jerk
a.m. morning

b.d. twice a day / two times daily

b.i.d. twice a day / two times daily
BP blood pressure
Page 136
c̅ with
Ca. cancer, carcinoma
CBC complete blood count (US)
c.c. with food / meals
CCF congestive cardiac failure (UK)
Chr.CF chronic cardiac failure
CHF chronic heart failure;
congestive heart failure (US)
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of
Page 136
CV cardiovascular
CVS cardiovascular system;
cerebrovascular system
CXR chest X-ray
D divorced
DU duodenal ulcer
D&V diarrhoea and vomiting
Δ/Dx diagnosis
E electrolytes
ECG/EKG (US) electrocardiogram
Page 137
ENT ear, nose and throat
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
F female
FBC full blood count (UK)
FUO fever of unknown origin
G gram
GC general condition
GIS gastro-intestinal system
GP General Practitioner (UK)
Page 137
GTT glucose tolerance test
GUS genito-urinary system
Hb/Hgb haemoglobin
HBP high blood pressure
Hct haematocrit
HR heart rate
HS heart sounds
IP in-patient; interphalangeal
IQ intelligence quotient
IU international unit
Page 138
IV intravenous
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVU intravenous urogram
Ix investigation
L left
LP lumbar puncture
M male
mane in the morning
M/F male/female
M/W/S married/widow (er)/single
Page 138
MCV mean corpuscular volume
mg milligram
Mitte give
ml millilitre
MMR measles, mumps & rubella
MO Medical Officer (UK)
Page 139
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
NA not applicable
NAD no abnormality detected /
nothing abnormal detected
nocte at night
NPU not passed urine
NS nervous system
O/E on examination
oed. oedema
Page 139
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
NA not applicable
NAD no abnormality detected /
nothing abnormal detected
nocte at night
NPU not passed urine
NS nervous system
O/E on examination
oed. oedema
Page 139
P pulse; protein
p.c. after food /meals
PID prolapsed intervertebral disc
Pl. plasma
p.m. afternoon
p.o. by mouth
p.r. per rectum
Page 140
PU passed urine; peptic ulcer
q.d.s./q.i.d. four times a day
R right; respiration; red
Rₓ take (used in prescriptions)
RBC red blood cell count
red blood corpuscles
ref. refer
reg. regular
RI respiratory infection
RS respiratory system
Page 140
RTI respiratory tract infection
Rx treatment

S single; sugar
sig. write / label (in prescriptions)
SOB short of breath
SOBOE short of breath on exertion
Page 141
T temperature
Tabs tablets / pills
TB tuberculosis
t.d.s./t.i.d. three times daily /
thrice a day
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
TURP transurethral prostate resection
U urea
U&E urea and electrolytes
USS ultra sound scan
Page 141

W widow (woman) / widower (man)

WBC white blood cell count;
white blood corpuscles

XR X-ray
YOB year of birth
DOB date of birth
# fracture
Good Luck
Aurangzeb Yousaf

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