School Evaluation Summary Using Maturity Model Benchmarks: Demographics

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School Evaluation Summary using Maturity Model Benchmarks

The school environment evaluation was done at BES. This is a rural area school. This school has grades kindergarten through eighth grade. There 453 students. The school is made up of 90% white/Caucasians, 8% Hispanic, and 2% other. 56% of the students are female with 46% being male. 20% of the students have some sort of disability whether it is learning, physical, or mental. 45% of the students are on the free or reduced lunch program. 85% of the students have English as their first language. 10% have English as a second language, and 5% are English language learners.

Maturity Model Benchmarks I. Administrative A. Policy 1. Behavioral: Islands Many teachers are older and refuse to change their ways and incorporate technology into their classroom. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Without much teacher support, administrators are more laxed pushing the technologies. B. Planning 1. Behavioral: Islands Many plans are for specific purposes instead of looking at the whole program. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Plans are focused to just a couple areas. There is hardly any implementation to other areas.
C. Budget

1. Behavioral: Integrated With new technology laws in education, more money is being budgeted for technology. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Only money for budgeted for technology is being used. No other budgets include technology. D. Administrative Information 1. Behavioral: Integrated Many teachers have done away with paper and have used technology in place of paper. Teachers are utilizing technology more effectively in this regard.

2. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated II. Curricular A. Electronic Information 1. Behavioral: Islands Many students and staff rely on technologies for information but not all. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated B. Assessment 1. Behavioral: Intelligent Many teachers are unwilling to use technology as a resource but all are willing to use it as a tool for assessments. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent All reporting and assessment tools are available for staff and students and parents as well. C. Curriculum Integration 1. Behavioral: Emergent Only two teachers use technology in their curriculum. All others refuse to use it even when available. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Resources are available for core classes but many electives get overlooked. D. Teacher Use 1. Behavioral: Islands Teachers use technology but most do not use it for daily work in the classroom. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Most teachers have access to technologies for their areas, but a few do not use what is available. E. Student Use 1. Behavioral: Islands Students are limited in using technology mostly for word processors. Other technologies are being ignored for more comfortable methods. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands There are two teachers that integrate technologies into their instruction. Their students are able to use those technologies and learn by a various ways. III. Support A. Stakeholder Involvement 1. Behavioral: Islands Many stakeholders are older and comfortable where they are at and not willing to really step up and make a push for technology. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands B. Administrative Support 1. Behavioral: Islands

Administrators are invited to planning process but not allowed much of a voice. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands C. Training 1. Behavioral: Emergent There is little to no formal training. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent Only one professional development day a year is given to training of technologies. D. Technical and Infrastructure Support 1. Behavioral: Emergent Any support that is offered is not taken advantage of by faculty. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands There is one technical support person for the whole school district. The district is only made up of three schools but the tech support person is constant;y running between each one. IV. Connectivity A. Local Area Networking (LAN) 1. Behavioral: Islands Networks are used but mostly for assessments and email. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated B. District Area Networking (WAN) 1. Behavioral: Islands Services used are limited and networks are not used to full potential. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated C. Internet Access 1. Behavioral: Integrated Most everyone uses the Internet many times throughout the day. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent D. Communication Systems 1. Behavioral: Intelligent E-mail the is main form of communications with administrators, teachers, students, and parents. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Those that teach music have limited access to e-mail and a computer while at the school. V. Innovation A. New Technologies 1. Behavioral: Emergent The older teachers are rejecting all that is being presented and offered to them. Only a couple teachers are willing to try the new technologies. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent Technologies and being introduced and then forgotten about or left alone. Teachers are rejecting them or are unwilling to use them in their curriculum.

B. Comprehensive Technologies 1. Behavioral: Islands Teachers are starting to use some technologies that dont necessarily affect their teaching styles. 2. Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent Any new technologies offered are sitting there unused or not being used to their potential.

After surveying BES I believe that they are in the Islands stage but only just. I believe that mostly they fall in the emergent stage but there are a couple things which they excelled in so I felt that they werent entirely emergent. Until the teachers are willing to change their ideas about using technology in their classroom to enhance teaching, then the school will not be able to move on. The school is set up to more forward with technology but until the administration pushes more for it and there is more of an emphasis placed upon technology, the school will remain stagnant. There are a couple teachers trying to implement technology in the classroom and are having success.

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