Activity 1

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Part 2

Egyptian civilization: The Book of Dead

 Symbolism and religiosity:

o God Anubis weights Ani’s heart to see if he is pure
o Scarab amulet
o Duat/ underworld
o Judge by 42 assessor gods
 They used to write and draw symbols:
o I didn’t find anything in this point
 The idea of death and their attempts to overcome it:
o After life
o His body is mummified and wrapped to preserve it for when
his spirit returns.
 They invented papyrus:
o You could customize your scroll that includes spells, prayers
and codes that your spirit might need.
 Social structure:
o Only the Pharaohs and people with money could have.

Mesopotamian civilization: The Epic of Gilgamesh

 Phonographic writing:

 The story was inscribed on crumbling clay tablets.

 Had great spiritual unity:

 Gilgamesh made peace with his mortality and he learned and

dedicated his life to be good.

Indian civilization: Ramayana

 Is full of imagination and symbolism:

 A monkey army
 Hanuman could fly over mountains; he could change his size and
has the power to leap across oceans in a single stride.
 Religious context mixed with myths and legends:

 Demons
 Ravan’s weakest point was in his navel.

 The world is magical, mystical and full of values:

 Hanuman was loyal

 Life on earth is temporary:

 Couldn’t find anything

Part 3
The Iliad

 What is the story developed on it?

Is about a war between two kingdoms because a guy fell in love with
the other kingdoms wife and took her to Troy with him. An iconic
character like Achilles fought with the Greeks.
 What is the theme that addresses it?
Anger and revenge, because they already have a past and now, they
found an excuse to keep fighting, but also revenge because Paris took

The Odyssey

 What is the story developed on it?

Is a story after the Iliad about Odysseus and his journey traying to
return home (Ithaca), because he provokes the anger of Poseidon when
he blinded the cyclops (Poseidon’s son).
 What is the theme that addresses it?
Hospitality because throughout the story he is welcomed to strangers

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