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PMU Assisted State Estimation in Distribution System with PV Penetration

Conference Paper · February 2020

DOI: 10.1109/UPCON47278.2019.8980207


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4 authors:

Abul Khair Marwan Ahmed Abdullah Alasali

Aligarh Muslim University Aljanad University for Science & Technology,Taiz


Mohd Zuhaib Mohd Rihan

Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Muslim University


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PMU Assisted State Estimation in Distribution
System with PV Penetration
Abul Khair1, Marwan Ahmad Abdullah Sufyan2, Mohd Zuhaib3, Mohd Rihan4,
Electrical Engineering Department, Z.H. College of Engg., Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India

Abstract— The advancement in the field of renewable flow in lines that may lead to blackouts [6-7]. Also, large scale
energy, PV manufacturing technology and power electronics, PV integration into conventional electrical grid can
fast rising energy demand and need of environment friendly considerably reduce system inertia that may lead to transient
energy resources have forced the power industry to switch over instability [8-11]. Subsequently, it is the time to study and
for integration of large scale Distributed Generations. This work examine the effect of such enhanced solar PV penetration into
discusses the effect of large scale solar PV penetration on IEEE- the existing electrical network. In this paper, optimal PV
9 bus system. A PV system has been modelled in ETAP and location and maximum allowable solar power penetration is
integrated at suitable locations to analyze the effect of effectively identified in IEEE-9 bus system using ETAP.
penetration on IEEE-9 bus system. Based on steady state bus
Further, PMU assisted estate estimation has been performed
voltage bus profile and system losses, optimal PV location and
maximum PV integration capacity has been identified. Further,
utilizing ETAP load flow results.
a comparative state estimation study is performed on IEEE-9 II. MODELLING OF IEEE-9 BUS SYSTEM WITH SOLAR PV
bus system to show how phasor measurements can enhance the
state estimation results over conventional measurements.
The complete IEEE-9 bus system with integration of solar
Keywords— Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), Photovoltaic photovoltaic (PV) is modelled in ETAP software. This ETAP
(PV), State estimation, ETAP software. model is given by Figure 2. First, IEEE-9 bus system has been
developed with standard data. Table 1 and Table 2 lists the
I. INTRODUCTION standard data for this test system. Further, a PV plant has been
Renewable energy source is increasing enormous modelled with the help of many small PV array blocks. This
significance among all types of energy resources and is being PV array block have been made with the help of many such
given pushed and accentuation over the globe. It is the high small PV panels combined in series and parallel to give a
time to curtail down the utilization of fossil fuels and decrease maximum power of 24.5 MW approximately (MPP power)
on its reliance is the need of great importance to cut down the and nearly 1000 V (Vdc) DC bus voltage. Every PV array has
outflow of ozone depleting substances. Shifting to sustainable its own inverter unit with an AC rating of 11 kV and 26.2
power source may be a promising answer for the current crisis. MVA roughly. Ten similar such PV arrays have been designed
Solar energy, particularly solar PV and wind power are two and they are collectively joined to a common bus (11 kV)
major sources of commercially developed renewable energy called as solar bus.
and are verified technologies for clean energy generation.
Energy production from renewable energies is growing faster,
especially photovoltaic solar energy. In 2017, solar PV power
generation recorded a growth of 40% and is well on target to
satisfy its SDS target as shown in Fig. 1 [1]. Such tremendous
growth has been made possible because of advancement in
research in the field of solar energy, solar PV manufacturing
technology, grid tied power converter, etc. Solar energy
(specially solar PV) possess several advantages over others
like it does not have any moving part, noiseless and smooth
operation, require little time in installation, easy installation,
lesser maintenance, etc. As per CEA (Central Electricity
Authority, India), solar power generation contribute nearly
3.4% of total utility electricity generation in January 2019. A
target of 100 GW solar PV generation by 2022 has been set by Fig. 1. Historical development and targets of Solar PV power generation
MNRE’s JNNSM-2015 (Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar
Mission) which would be approximately 23% of total utility Here, transmission network voltage is 230 kV therefore, a
installed capacity [2-5]. Such bulk PV power penetration into step up transformer (11/230 kV) has been placed to step up
the electrical grid without effective regulation can
the solar bus voltage (11kV) to 230 kV for suitable
significantly cause voltage instability issue, overloading of
transmission lines, power losses, etc. A random location of PV penetration of PV into the test system.
system without any technical analysis may affect the power

978-1-7281-3455-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1

Three different cases have been created to effectively analyze • Case B: PV penetration at bus-6
the steady state performance of the test system with PV
penetration. • Case C: PV penetration at bus-8

Fig. 2. ETAP model of IEEE-9 bus system with solar PV integrated at bus-5

Table 1. Generator, Transformer and Load data for IEEE-9 bus system

Generator Data Transformer data Load Data

No. Rating No. X (p.u.) MVA Voltage Ratio Bus P (MW) Q (MVAR)

G1 247.5MVA T1 0.0576 100 16.5/230 KV 5 125.84 50.327

G2 192MVA T2 0.0625 100 18/230 KV 6 87.705 29.235

G3 128MVA T3 0.0586 100 13.8/230 KV 8 96.875 33.905

Table 2. Line data for IEEE-9 bus system Table 3. Variation in voltages for all the three cases considered

Line R (p.u.) X (p.u.) B/2 (p.u.)

Case A Case B Case C
4-5 0.017 0.092 0.079 (PV at bus-5) (PV at (PV at
bus-6) bus-8)
4-6 0.017 0.092 0.079 Maximum 4.95 % at bus- 6.0 % at 8.44 % at
variation 5 bus-6 bus-5
6-9 0.039 0.170 0.179 in Voltages
5-7 0.032 0.161 0.153
7-8 0.0085 0.072 0.0745
8-9 0.0119 0.1008 0.1045 The maximum or peak point of the bus voltages are also
varying with the PV penetration locations. Therefore, the level
These three buses 5, 6 and 8 are chosen because only they are of PV power injection into the electrical grid should be up to
having load connected to it. Without solar penetration the the point where the bus voltage profile improves. For case A,
IEEE-9 bus model is considered as base model with 0 MW the voltage profile of majority of the buses seemed to be
solar penetrations. Now, the PV plant is first integrated into improving till about 30% of the solar penetration and further
bus-5 as it has the maximum load connected to it. Further, PV it collapses. A little severe variation in bus voltages were
power is injected into the transmission network through bus- found in case B compared to case A. Also, some of the bus
5. The PV power is increased from 0 MW to 220.6 MW in voltages starts collapsing from the very beginning of the solar
steps of 21.1 MW. The model is run for each step to give load power injection. In addition to this, the voltage of some of the
flow results with various other parameters. Also, steady state buses were very near to over voltage and under voltage limits
bus voltages, lines power flow, details of generation, real and of the test system. The voltage profile of almost all the buses
reactive power losses were observed. For PV penetration into are even more severe for case C. All the bus voltages were
collapsing right from the beginning, also the intensity of
bus-6 and 8, the same procedure is repeated. For all the three variation is most severe in this case. As a consequence, from
cases, bus voltages are plotted with respect to solar penetration the above analysis it has been found that case A is most
level. Plot for buses1, 2 and 3 are excluded because of their suitable location for PV power integration as it allows more
constant voltage profile. This is due to the fact that bus-1 is power to be injected. Also, this case shows lesser bus voltages
modelled in swing mode and bus-2 and 3 in voltage controlled variation.
The bus voltage profile for all the three cases are quite IV. SYSTEM LOSSES ANALYSIS WITH PV PENETRATION
interesting as it can be seen that initially the bus voltage profile
is improving with solar penetration but after a certain PV System losses in terms of both real power (MW) and reactive
power injection it starts dropping. This dropping power (MVAR) have been analyzed at each PV penetration
characteristics after a certain point is due to large line drop level and for all the three cases. The plots for system losses
because of large solar penetration. Also, it has been found are given by Figure 6 and 7. In case A, the MW loss was
that the intensity of the variation in bus voltages varies with decreasing till about 20% of solar PV penetration and beyond
PV penetration location. The maximum variation of voltages it started increasing whereas, in case B the decreasing trend
for all the three cases are listed in Table 3. was nearly upto 10 % of penetration. In case C, the MW losses
started increasing right from the beginning of PV injection.
Similar pattern were found for MVAR (reactive power)
losses. From this system loss analysis, optimal PV penetration
and their best location can be effectively identified.

Bus Voltages (%)

0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00
Solar PV Penetration (MW)

Bus-4 Bus-5 Bus-6 Bus-7 Bus-8 Bus-9 Solar Bus

Fig. 3: Variation of bus voltages with respect to Solar PV penetration at Bus-5 (Case-A)

Bus Voltages (%) 105
0 50 100 150 200 250
Solar PV Penetration (MW)

Bus-4 Bus-5 Bus-6

Fig. 4: Variation of bus voltages with respect to Solar PV penetration at Fig. 8: Comparison of states estimation between PMU and conventional
Bus-6 (Case-B) measurements

105 The maximum or peak point of the bus voltages are also
varying with the PV penetration locations. Therefore, the level
Vbus Voltages (%)

of PV power injection into the electrical grid should be upto

100 the point where the bus voltage profile improves. For case A,
the voltage profile of majority of the buses seemed to be
improving till about 30% of the solar penetration and further
it collapses. A little severe variation in bus voltages were
found in case B compared to case A. Also, some of the bus
90 voltages starts collapsing from the very beginning of the solar
0 50 100 150 200 250 power injection. In addition to this, the voltage of some of the
buses were very near to over voltage and under voltage limits
Solar PV Penetration (MW)
Bus-4 Bus-5 Bus-6 of the test system. The voltage profile of almost all the buses
are even more severe for case C. All the bus voltages were
Fig. 5: Variation of bus voltages with respect to Solar PV penetration at collapsing right from the beginning, also the intensity of
Bus-8 (Case-C)
variation is most severe in this case. As a consequence, from
the above analysis it has been found that case A is most
suitable location for PV power integration as it allows more
40 power to be injected. Also, this case shows lesser bus voltages
Losses (MW)



System losses in terms of both real power (MW) and
10 reactive power (MVAR) have been analyzed at each PV
0 penetration level and for all the three cases. The plots for
0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 system losses are given by Figure 6 and 7. In case A, the MW
loss was decreasing till about 20% of solar PV penetration and
Solar PV Penetration (MW) beyond it started increasing whereas, in case B the decreasing
trend was nearly upto 10 % of penetration. In case C, the MW
CASE-A CASE-B CASE-C losses started increasing right from the beginning of PV
injection. Similar pattern were found for MVAR (reactive
Fig. 6: System losses in MVAR with respect to solar PV power) losses. From this system loss analysis, optimal PV
penetration and their best location can be effectively
Losses (MVAR)

50 Steady state analysis has been performed on IEEE-9 bus test

system integrated with solar PV system. From the bus voltage
profile plot, bus-5 is found to be optimal PV penetration
-50 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 location as it give lesser bus voltage variations. Also, the
-100 maximum PV penetration allowed is found to be 66 MW.
Now, from the system loss profile, again bus-5 is most suitable
-150 location for PV penetration and the level of penetration
Solar PV Penetration (MW)
according to this system loss analysis is around 48 MW.
The states in power system implies the voltage phasors i.e.
Fig. 7: System losses in MW with respect to solar PV bus voltages magnitude and their phase angles. Network

topology along with system states together are capable of measurements, state estimation by conventional estimator can
giving operating states of the power system. Local and significantly enhance its performance.
telemetry measurements are utilized to optimally estimate the
system states. In earlier days, the inputs to the state estimator VIII. CONCLUSIONS
were given by different RTUs (Remote Terminal Units) This paper discusses PMU assisted state estimation in
installed at substations. Those RTUs were not providing phase Distribution System with PV penetration. The complete IEEE-
angles because they lack synchronized measurements. Hence, 9 bus test system integrated with PV is modelled in ETAP. For
slack bus was used as reference bus for phase angle each level of PV penetration, steady state analysis has been
estimation. The drawback of RTUs measurement is now performed for three different PV locations. Based on bus
overcome by the new technology known as Phasor voltage profile and system losses, optimal PV location and
Measurement Units (PMUs) [12]. This PMU provides phasor maximum allowable PV penetration have been effectively
measurements i.e. magnitude as well as their phase angles as identified. Large PV penetration can bring voltage instability
all the PMUs placed in the electrical grid are time- issue in the grid and might alters the other parameters like real
synchronized through GPS (Global Positioning System). and reactive power loading of the transmission lines, other
In this work, for state estimation (SE), PMU equipment and losses in the system. Therefore, it is the high
measurements are taken from bus-4, 7 and 9. Conventional time to study such analysis that will certainly help engineers
measurements i.e. ETAP load flow results for remaining buses in identifying optimal PV location with maximum allowable
including solar bus. The estimation problem is represented by: penetration. Further, it has been shown how state estimation is
enhanced utilizing PMUs data over conventional
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