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Module 1: 004


How to Create a Vision Board

1. Identify Your Goals: Think about what you want to achieve in your life. Your goals can be related
to your personal life, career, health, relationships, travels, or any other area you care about. Try
to be specific about what you want to accomplish.
2. Gather Your Materials: You'll need a board (this can be a cork board, poster board, or even a
digital platform like Pinterest), magazines or printed images, scissors, glue, tacks, and any other
materials you want to use.
3. Find Your Images and Words: Search for images online that really align with your goals. For
example, if one of your goals is to travel to Paris, you might cut out pictures of the Eiffel Tower or
French words. Then print these images and words
4. Arrange Your Images and Words on Your Board: Start laying out your images and words on your
board. You can organize them by different areas of your life, by timeline, or in any other way that
makes sense to you. The most important thing is that the board feels right to you.
5. Place Your Vision Board Somewhere Visible: The point of a vision board is to keep your goals and
dreams in your mind, so place it somewhere you'll see it often. This could be in your office,
bedroom, or even as a wallpaper on your computer or phone if you've made a digital vision board.
6. Update Regularly: As your goals and dreams evolve, so should your vision board. Feel free to add,
remove, or change things as needed. Or make a whole new vision board!

Action Steps
1. Read the Untethered Soul.
2. Read the Four Agreements.
3. Create a new set of standards.
4. Cultivate your winner effect.
5. Create your vision board.
6. Purchase a daily affirmations journal.
7. Start creating a new environment for your newfound identity.
8. Clean your room, rearrange things, and set a new stage for yourself as the main character in this
movie of life.

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