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Weekly Tables Volume 2

✗ Apocalypse factions

✗ Close combat weapons

✗ Equipments and items

✗ Preserved foods

✗ Refuge events

✗ Survivors npcs

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
21- The Scrapyard Scavengers: A loose alliance
Apocalypse factions (d66) of survivors who have turned a massive
scrapyard into a bustling trade hub.

22- The Night Runners: A group of stealthy

assassins who navigate the city at night, taking
out threats to their territory.

23- The Radiant Hope: A religious community

centered around a charismatic leader who
claims to have a divine mission.

24- The Tunnel Rats: An underground-

dwelling faction, using tunnels to navigate the
city and evade threats.

25- The Thunderbirds: A motorcycle gang

known for their speed and recklessness,
always on the move.

26- The Beacon Keepers: A lighthouse-based

faction that guides survivors to safety but
11- The Enclave: A secretive group holed up in a
demands loyalty in return.
fortified hospital, focusing on medical research
and isolation from outsiders.
31- The Phoenix Rebirth: A faction that believes
in rebuilding the old world, focusing on
12- The Ironclad Militia: An authoritarian military
infrastructure and technology.
faction that maintains strict control over a
walled-off city district.
32- The Silent Hand: A group of skilled
infiltrators and spies, gathering information
13- The Green Thumbs: A pacifist community
and manipulating events.
residing in a park, prioritizing sustainable
farming and peaceful coexistence.
33- The Emporium: A wealthy trade consortium
controlling key resources and trade routes.
14- The Reclaimers: A nomadic group
scavenging and reclaiming valuable resources
34- The Iron Fist: An oppressive regime that
from the ruins.
imposes strict laws and curfews on its
15- The Cult of the Whispering Shadows: A
mysterious cult worshipping the undead,
35- The Seekers of Eden: An environmentalist
seeking to harness their power.
faction dedicated to restoring nature within the
16- The Engineers: A tech-savvy group
inhabiting a university campus, focused on
36- The Vigilant Protectors: A group of self-
restoring advanced technology.
appointed defenders who patrol the streets
and keep the peace.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
52- The Masked Carnival: A traveling group
known for their flamboyant performances
and artistry.

53- The Children of Desolation: A faction of

orphaned children who have banded together
for survival.

54- The Wrecking Crew: A demolition and

engineering team repurposing buildings for
shelter and resources.

55- The Sirens of Sorrow: A group of

mournful musicians who use music to soothe
and inspire survivors.

56- The Guardians of the Gate: A faction that

41- The Shadow Syndicate: An underground controls the main entrance to a fortified city,
network of smugglers and black-market demanding tolls for entry.
61- The Lost Souls: A faction of amnesiac
42- The Techno-Wizards: A faction obsessed survivors struggling to piece together their
with reverse-engineering technology and past.
creating innovative devices.
62- The Ivory Savants: An order of scholars
43- The Arcane Brotherhood: A group of dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the
survivors who have turned to the occult to apocalypse.
gain an edge against the undead.
63- The Neon Enigma: A mysterious faction
44- The Heralds of Change: A faction that communicates solely through neon signs
advocating for a complete societal overhaul and symbols.
and a new way of life.
64- The Burning Embers: A pyromaniac faction
45- The Ivory Tower: An intellectual enclave that delights in setting controlled fires to deter
focused on preserving knowledge and culture. the undead.

46- The Bitter Rivals: Two rival factions 65- The Misty Harbingers: A group that uses
engaged in a bitter feud for control of a smoke and illusions to confuse and repel
strategic location. threats.

51- The Nomadic Wanderers: A group of 66- The Forgotten Ones: A faction of
wanderers who roam the wastelands in search outcasts and misfits, often ignored or
of new horizons. overlooked by others.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
Close combat weapons (D66)
23- Riot Baton: A police baton repurposed for
self-defense against walkers.

24- Bone Dagger: A dagger made from animal

bones, perfect for silent kills.

25- Crowbar: A versatile tool and weapon

useful for prying open doors and skulls.

26- Hatchet: A compact and deadly hand axe

for close-quarters combat.

31- Chain Whip: A length of chain with

weighted ends, ideal for crowd control.

32- Sawed-off Pipe Shotgun: A short-barreled

shotgun for point-blank encounters.

33- Tire Iron: A sturdy and heavy tool-turned-

11- Zombie Cleaver: A heavy cleaver designed
for dealing with undead threats. 34- Spiked Flail: A chain with a spiked metal
ball for devastating swings.
12- Survivor's Shiv: A makeshift knife crafted
from scavenged materials. 35- Meat Cleaver: A smaller, one-handed
cleaver for precision hacking.
13- Barbed Wire Bat: A baseball bat wrapped in
barbed wire for extra lethality. 36- Golf Club: A golf club modified to deliver
deadly swings.
14- Katana Blade: A traditional katana sword
repurposed for post-apocalyptic combat. 41- Tanto Knife: A Japanese dagger designed
for quick, lethal strikes.
15- Machete: A versatile tool and weapon for
cutting through both zombies and obstacles. 42- Tire Chain: A chain with heavy links for
crushing blows.
16- Sledgehammer: A heavy, blunt weapon
capable of crushing skulls. 43- Fireman's Axe: An axe used by
firefighters, capable of chopping and
21- Rebar Club: A reinforced steel bar smashing.
fashioned into a brutal club.
44- Reinforced Baseball Bat: A baseball bat
22- Tactical Baton: A collapsible tactical baton reinforced with metal for extra power.
for close-quarters combat.
45- Stun Baton: A baton that delivers electric
shocks to incapacitate foes.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
63- Brick on a Rope: A brick tied to a rope for

64- Sawblade Sword: A sword with a

sawblade edge for cutting through walkers.

65- Sewing Scissors: Large scissors adapted

for close combat.

66- Chain Sickle: A sickle attached to a chain

for versatile attacks.

46- Brass Knuckles: Metal knuckles for

delivering powerful punches.

51- Spear: A makeshift spear for keeping

walkers at bay.

52- Broken Bottle Shiv: A glass bottle turned

into a crude but effective weapon.

53- Pipe Wrench: A wrench used for both

repairs and skull-cracking.

54- Chain Whip: A chain with broken glass

shards for added cutting power.

55- Wooden Stake: A sharp wooden stake for

impaling zombies.

56- Serrated Machete: A machete with a

serrated edge for gruesome kills.

61- Nail Bat: A baseball bat studded with nails

for maximum damage.

62- Lead Pipe: A heavy pipe for swinging with

deadly force.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
Equipments and items (D66)
24- Bicycle: A quiet and efficient means of

25- Cooking Utensils: Allows for more varied

and nutritious meals.

26- Geiger Counter: Detects radiation levels,

aiding in safety.

31- Portable Solar Charger: Keeps electronic

devices powered in the absence of electricity.

32- Firestarter Kit: Includes flint, tinder, and

matches for starting fires.

33- Blank Journal: Useful for recording

observations, maps, or notes.

34- Fishing Gear: Allows for catching fish as a

11- Medicinal Herbs: Useful for crafting basic food source.
remedies and healing.
35- Portable Water Filter: Purifies water from
12- Water Purification Tablets: Essential for natural sources.
making contaminated water safe to drink.
36- Ham Radio: Enables communication with
13- Hand-Cranked Flashlight: A reliable light distant survivors or groups.
source that doesn't rely on batteries.
41- Cigarettes and Lighter: Can be used for
14- Climbing Rope: Handy for scaling obstacles trade or to alleviate stress.
or creating makeshift traps.
42- Gardening Tools: Essential for cultivating
15- Gasoline Canister: Fuel for generators, crops in a post-apocalyptic world.
vehicles, or improvised weapons.
43- Musical Instrument: Provides
16- Sewing Kit: Allows for repairs to clothing entertainment and morale-boosting.
and equipment.
44- Reinforced Backpack: Increases carrying
21- Maps and Navigational Tools: Helps in capacity for supplies and gear.
finding safe routes through the wasteland.
45- Portable Stove: Facilitates cooking and
22- Lockpicking Tools: Useful for bypassing meal preparation.
locked doors or containers.
46- Weatherproof Clothing: Helps protect
23- First Aid Manual: Provides guidance on against the elements.
medical procedures and treatments.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
64- Tea and Herbal Medicine: Offers comfort
and potential health benefits.

65- Welding Equipment: Useful for crafting

and repairs.

66- Portable Shelter: Provides temporary

protection from the elements.

51- Photographic Equipment: Allows for

documenting the world's changes.

52- Scrap Metal and Building Materials: Useful

for fortifications and repairs.

53- Hiking Boots: Durable and comfortable

footwear for long journeys.

54- Pet Supplies: Food and care items for

animal companions.

55- Blankets and Sleeping Bags: Provides

warmth and comfort during rest.

56- Multi-Tool: A versatile tool for various

repairs and tasks.

61- Books on Survival: Offer knowledge and

skills for survival.

62- Telescope: Aids in long-range scouting

and observation.

63- Hygiene Kit: Contains toiletries and

sanitation supplies.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
Preserved foods (D66)
24- Canned Soup: A can of hearty soup with
a long shelf life.

25- Powdered Milk: Powdered milk for

reconstituting with water.

26- Trail Mix: A bag of nuts, dried fruits, and


31- Instant Oatmeal: Packets of flavored

instant oatmeal.

32- Canned Beans: A can of baked beans or


33- Canned Meat: Preserved meats like spam

or corned beef.

34- Cereal: A box of dry cereal or granola.

11- Canned Vegetables: A tin of assorted
35- MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat): A complete,
preserved vegetables.
self-contained meal for field use.
12- Beef Jerky: Dried and seasoned strips of
36- Dried Fruit: A bag of assorted dried fruits.
41- Honey: A jar of natural honey, a long-
13- Canned Fruit: A can filled with preserved
lasting sweetener.
fruits in syrup.
42- Instant Coffee: Packets of instant coffee
14- Rice and Beans: A vacuum-sealed pouch of
or coffee crystals.
rice and beans.
43- Powdered Soup Mix: Dehydrated soup mix
15- Instant Soup Packets: Dehydrated soup mix
in bulk.
in individual packets.
44- Canned Tomatoes: Canned tomatoes for
16- Peanut Butter: A jar of creamy or crunchy
cooking or sauce.
peanut butter.
45- Chocolate Bars: Bars of chocolate for a
21- Dried Pasta: A bag of dried pasta noodles.
morale boost.
22- Canned Tuna: Canned tuna fish in oil or
46- Condensed Milk: Sweetened condensed
milk for desserts.
23- Energy Bars: Nutrient-rich bars for quick
51- Dried Beans: A bag of dried beans, a staple
for cooking.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
65- Instant Pudding Mix: Powdered mix for
quick desserts.

66- Canned Potatoes: Canned potato chunks

or slices.

52- Instant Rice: Quick-cooking instant rice


53- Nut Butter: Almond or cashew butter for


54- Canned Corn: Sweet corn kernels in a


55- Granola Bars: Bars made with oats, nuts,

and dried fruits.

56- Vitamins and Supplements: Bottles of

essential vitamins.

61- Potato Chips: Bags of potato chips for


62- Canned Peaches: Canned peach halves or


63- Powdered Eggs: Dried and powdered eggs

for cooking.

64- Fruit Preserves: Jars of fruit preserves or


Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
Refuge events (d66)
22- Structural Damage: Parts of the refuge's
defenses or infrastructure begin to

23- Raider Threat: A hostile group of raiders

discovers the refuge and demands tribute.

24- Critical Equipment Failure: A crucial piece

of equipment, like the water purifier, breaks

25- Reunion: A long-lost friend or family

member of one of the survivors reappears.

26- Animal Infestation: Dangerous creatures

(mutated or otherwise) invade the refuge.

31- Psychological Strain: The survivors grapple

with the mental toll of the post-apocalyptic
11- Supply Shortage: The group discovers that world.
their food and water supplies are running
dangerously low. 32- Food Spoilage: A portion of the food
supply becomes contaminated and unfit to eat.
12- Infected Infiltration: Zombies breach the
defenses, infiltrating the refuge. 33- Medical Emergency: An injured or sick
survivor requires urgent medical attention.
13- Internal Conflict: Tensions rise among the
survivors, leading to a potentially violent 34- Supply Run: The group must venture out
disagreement. into the dangerous world to gather essential
14- Power Outage: The generator powering the
refuge fails, plunging the group into darkness. 35- Radio Transmission: A mysterious radio
signal offers a potential ally or threat.
15- Epidemic Outbreak: A contagious illness
spreads within the refuge, affecting several 36- Incoming Storm: A severe weather event
survivors. threatens the refuge and its defenses.

16- Mysterious Stranger: A stranger arrives at 41- Fuel Shortage: The refuge's fuel reserves
the refuge, claiming to have critical information. run critically low, affecting power and mobility.

21- Resource Discovery: A hidden cache of 42- Moral Dilemma: The group faces a difficult
supplies or weapons is found within the ethical decision with far-reaching
refuge. consequences.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
55- Abandoned Survivor: A lone survivor from
another group seeks shelter in the refuge.

56- Infiltrator: A spy or saboteur from an

enemy faction infiltrates the refuge.

61- Lost in the Maze: Survivors get lost within

the refuge's complex layout.

62- Psychic Disturbance: Strange, unexplained

phenomena disturb the refuge's inhabitants.

63- Rescue Opportunity: A distant distress

signal offers a chance to save other survivors.

64- Haunted Memories: A survivor

experiences vivid, haunting flashbacks.
43- Mutiny: A faction of survivors rebels
against the refuge's leadership. 65- Food Poisoning: A meal prepared from
scavenged supplies leads to food poisoning.
44- Survivor Disappearance: One of the
survivors goes missing, leading to a search 66- Betrayal: A trusted member of the refuge
mission. is revealed to be a traitor.

45- Discovery of a Diary: A diary is found,

revealing valuable information about the past.

46- Impending Horde: The sound of a distant

zombie horde approaching the refuge.

51- Radioactive Contamination: The refuge is

exposed to dangerous radiation, requiring

52- Wildlife Encounter: An encounter with

mutated or aggressive wildlife poses a threat.

53- Power Struggle: Leadership disputes

escalate, threatening the refuge's stability.

54- Evolving Virus: The nature of the zombie

virus mutates, creating new challenges.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
Survivors npcs (D66)
23- Nina "Shadow" Kim: A stealthy infiltrator
and information gatherer.

24- Riley "Riot" Thornton: A fearless brawler

who thrives in close combat.

25- Professor Daniel Whitman: A historian and

librarian preserving knowledge of the past.

26- Samantha "Siren" Carson: A musician

whose melodies offer solace in troubled times.

31- Sheriff Maggie O'Donnell: A former law

enforcement officer determined to maintain

32- Lucas "Wrench" Rodriguez: A gifted

mechanic and inventor of improvised
11- Dr. Eliza Mercer: A brilliant but reclusive
scientist with knowledge of a potential cure. 33- Nurse Maya Sinclair: A caring medical
professional known for her compassion.
12- Captain Victor Steele: The grizzled leader
of a group of well-armed mercenaries. 34- Vincent "Ratcatcher" Lowry: A tracker
skilled in hunting and trapping.
13- Evelyn "Evie" Marks: A resourceful
scavenger and expert in survival skills. 35- Maria "Mariposa" Ruiz: A skilled seamstress
who mends clothes and offers comfort.
14- Father Gabriel Ramirez: A charismatic
preacher who provides spiritual guidance. 36- Captain Felix "Thunder" Jensen: A leader
of a motorcycle gang known for their speed.
15- Mara "Raven" O'Malley: A skilled sniper
known for her deadly accuracy. 41- Travis "Ghost" Holloway: A scout with a
knack for staying unseen and unheard.
16- Caleb "Slick" Anderson: A smooth-talking
trader and black marketeer. 42- Sister Abigail: A nun who offers aid and a
sense of hope to survivors.
21- Doctor Lydia Bennett: A dedicated
physician struggling to treat the sick and 43- Walter "Gravekeeper" Banks: A grave
injured. digger and undertaker in charge of burials.

22- Javier "Viper" Vasquez: A cunning 44- Ivy "Oracle" Malone: A fortune teller who
strategist who excels in guerrilla warfare. claims to have insights into the future.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes

Weekly Tables Volume 2
62- Leonard "Geiger" Harris: A scientist
monitoring radiation and contamination.

63- Penelope "Dancer" Reyes: A dancer who

brings joy through her performances.

64- Calvin "Gadget" Finch: A tinkerer who

repurposes technology to suit survival.

65- Amelia "Dove" Armstrong: A peacemaker

who strives to mediate conflicts.

66- Ezekiel "Piper" Boone: A musician with a

unique instrument that calms the undead.

45- Chef Miguel "Spice" Santiago: A culinary

expert who elevates campfire meals.

46- Harrison "Hitch" Mitchell: A charismatic radio

operator and communicator.

51- Lila "Witch" Blackwood: A practitioner of

herbal medicine and folklore.

52- Lieutenant Simon "Blade" Hunter: A

military officer skilled with bladed weapons.

53- Deborah "Lark" Anderson: A birder who

listens to the world for signs of danger.

54- Isaac "Bishop" Wallace: A religious leader

who interprets signs in the apocalypse.

55- Quincy "Scribe" Barnes: A journalist

documenting the stories of survivors.

56- Dexter "Pyro" Turner: A firestarter who

uses controlled burns to protect settlements.

61- Samara "Gale" Foster: A meteorologist who

predicts extreme weather events.

Rodrigo Martins de Araújo Fernandes


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