Classroom Teaching Demonstration Observation Sheet 2 1

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Reference No.: BatStateU-FO-CTE-01 Effectivity Date: January 3, 2017 Revision No.: 00


Name of Student Date of
Teacher: Observation:

Course/Subject: Subject Matter:

INSTRUCTIONS: The following is the list of teacher attributes and competencies that are expected from a
student teacher to improve the quality of instruction. Using the list, please rate the student-teacher by checking
the column that corresponds to his/her performance. Please use the following scale.
4 - Very Evident
3 - Moderately Evident
2 - Slightly Evident
1 - Not Evident


Student Teacher’s Personality (15%)
The student teacher
1. is neat and well-groomed.
2. shows confidence, observes proper postures, and is free from distracting
3. speaks with appropriate volume that commands respect and attention.
4. manifests dynamism and a light, non-threatening disposition.
Average (x 0.15)
Lesson Planning (10%)
The lesson plan
1. manifests a good amount of preparation.
2. has SMART objectives that are congruent with the subject matter, methods and
assessment tools used.
3. clearly specifies the subject matter, references, materials, and assessment
4. is free from glaring formatting, grammatical and typographical errors.
Average (x 0.10)
Content and Mastery (25%)
The student teacher
1. demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.
2. connects the lesson to real life situations and give examples related to the learners’
experiences to arouse their interest.
3. answers questions accurately and explains difficult concepts with ease.
4. presents the lesson with smooth facility and with minor lapses in grammar,
pronunciation and structure.
Average (x 0.25)
Method and Technique (20%)
The teaching methods and techniques
1. are suited to the learners’ context and skill level.
2. are adjusted within the class to respond to apparent learning difficulties.
3. encourage class participation through provoking questions and giving praises to
learners whenever necessary.
4. highlight student teacher’s creativity and resourcefulness through the use of
appropriate instructional materials and visual aids.
Average (x 0.20)

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Classroom Management (15%)

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The student teacher
1. starts and ends the class promptly, and manages all activities within acceptable
time limits.
2. systematically performs routine activities (prayer, class attendance, distribution of
papers, etc).
3. consistently explains all directions and procedures, and moves between activities
after ascertaining the learners’ readiness.
4. maintains a clean and organized classroom, and manages internal and external
Average (x 0.15)
Assessment of Learning (15%)
The student teacher
1. helps learners articulate their ideas and understanding of the subject matter
through carefully designed assessment tools.
2. summarizes important points and generalizes concepts before giving a quiz, test,
or alternative forms of assessment.
3. gives relevant homework that facilitates recall and stimulates curiosity.
4. provides assessment tools that are responsive to the stated objectives and
congruent to teaching methods.
Average (x 0.15)
Student-Teacher’s Personality (15%)
Lesson Planning (10%)
Content and Mastery (25%)
Methods and Techniques (20%)
Classroom Management (15%)
Assessment of Learning (15%)

Total Points Earned Equivalent Grade

3.8 - 4.0 1.00
3.5 - 3.7 1.25
3.2 - 3.4 1.50
2.9 - 3.1 1.75
2.6 - 2-8 2.00
2.3 - 2-5 2.25
2.0 - 2.2 2.50
1.7 - 1.9 2.75
1.4 - 1.6 3.00
1.3 and below 5.00
Compliments, Comments and Suggestions:

___________________________________ _________________________
Signature over Printed Name of Observer Date

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