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Read the text then answer the question!

Internship Experience in the Beauty Industry

Five months ago, I had the incredible opportunity to engage in an internship in the field
of beauty and cosmetics as part of my vocational school program in Beauty Department. The
internship took place at a famous beauty salon, and it was a wonderful experience that allowed
me to apply my classroom knowledge to real-world situations.
During my internship, I had the chance to work closely with experienced beauty
professionals. I learned the art of skincare, makeup application, and various beauty treatments.
I also gained valuable insights into the business side of the beauty industry. From
managing appointments to handling customer, I developed essential skills that go beyond the
technical aspects of beauty services. This internship not only enhanced my practical skills but
also broadened my understanding of the beauty industry as a whole.
The relationship among the salon's team members made the experience even more
enjoyable. They were supportive and willing to share their knowledge, creating a positive and
motivating work environment. I felt like an integral part of the team, contributing to the success
of the salon while learning from the professionals.
This internship has significantly influenced my career aspirations in the beauty sector. It
provided me with a solid foundation and a clearer vision of my future in this beauty industry. I
am grateful for this experience and the chance to explore my interests in a real-world setting.

1. What kind of skills or techniques the writer learned during the internship?
2. According to the writer, What was the most enjoyable part of her internship experience?
3. How did the internship influence the writer’s understanding of the business side of the
beauty industry?
4. Tell about your experience during your first day on your PKL?
5. Please tell about the PROCEDURES OR STEPS doing one of your job at PKL? For
example as a beautician tell how to do facial treatment.
6. Please describe your PKL place (hotel/salon/restaurant/office/boutique/laboratory). Please
describe general information such as name, location, facilities, etc)
Read this advertisement about job vacancy and then answer the questions

7. What position will you apply based on the job vacancy? Give your reason.
8. Tell about your strength related to the position you want to apply?

Complete the dialog about job interview using suitable questions

9. Hiring manager : …..
Tiara : I sometimes had difficulty trusting trusting other people in my group to
do our project. I preferred doing everything myself. However I learnt to
trust other people to work with me

10. Hiring manager : ….

Tiara : Cooking is my blood, Sir. I have wanted to be a chef since I was A child.
I’m happy to cook and serve food for people

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