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ROLL NO. ………...


HMT Township, Pinjore
Time allowed : 60 min MM : 20
General Instructions :
⮚ All the questions are compulsory.

⮚ Read the questions carefully and then answer.

Q 1- Choose the correct answer: (1X4=4)
a) Poor condition of health caused by lack of proper food is called ________.
i) starvation ii) weakness iii) malnutrition

b) _________is regarded as the natural ability to do something well.

i) Talent ii) Behaviour iii) Manner

c) _________is an acquired trait.

i) Discipline ii) Straight hair iii) Colour of eyes

d) Fruit peels are ________________.

i) biodegradable iii) non-biodegradable iii) harmful to the environment

Q 2- Write true or false: (2 Marks)

Change in a family can be due to birth only.
b) Green colour represents rivers on a map.

c) A family in which mother, father and children live together is called a nuclear family.

d) Old newspaper cannot be recycled.

Q 3- Identify the given sign or symbol of the map: (2 Marks)

S.No. Sign / Symbol Represents

1. __________

2. __________


Q 4- Fill in the blanks : (2 Marks)

a) Family in which parents, children, grandparents and other relatives live together is called_________.
b) _______ are meals served at gurudwaras.

Q 5- Answer the following questions: (3 x 2=6)

a) Differentiate between biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.

b) What is recycling? Give examples.

Q 6- Mark the following on the Indian political map: (4 Marks)

a) Bay of Bengal
b) Jim Corbett National Park
c) Mahatma Gandhi Setu (Bridge)
d) Haryana

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