Web Scraping and API

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This course introduces students to the fundamentals of web scraping and API usage.

will learn how to extract data from websites and interact with APIs to gather information
programmatically. Through hands-on exercises and projects, students will develop practical
skills in data acquisition, manipulation, and analysis.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Web Scraping and APIs (9 Hours)
 Understanding the concepts of web scraping and APIs
 Exploring the importance of data acquisition in various domains
 Overview of popular web scraping libraries (e.g., BeautifulSoup, Scrapy)
 Ethical considerations and legal implications of web scraping
 Introduction to RESTful APIs and their significance
Chapter 2: Web Scraping Fundamentals (8 Hours)
 Parsing HTML and extracting data using BeautifulSoup library
 Introduction to XPath and CSS selectors for data extraction
 Handling dynamic content using Selenium WebDriver
 Scraping data from single and multiple pages
 Error handling and debugging in web scraping
Chapter 3: Working with APIs (10 Hours)
 Making HTTP requests using requests library in Python
 Understanding different types of authentication mechanisms (e.g., OAuth, API keys)
 Handling API responses (e.g., JSON, XML)
 Exploring pagination and parameterized requests
 Utilizing API documentation effectively for integration
Chapter 4: Advanced Topics in Web Scraping and APIs (10 Hours)
 Dealing with rate limiting and API quotas
 Data validation and cleaning techniques
 Implementing proxy rotation for large-scale scraping
 Scraping data from JavaScript-rendered pages using headless browsers
 Introduction to web scraping ethics and best practices
Chapter 5: Case Studies (8 Hours)
 Analyzing case studies from various industries such as finance, e-commerce, and
social media
 Implementing web scraping and API usage in real-world scenarios
 Extracting insights and trends from acquired data
 Presenting findings and recommendations based on case study analysis
 Discussion on the challenges and limitations faced during implementation

Course Outcome: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of web scraping and APIs.
2. Apply various techniques to extract data from websites and APIs programmatically.
3. Develop skills in data manipulation, cleaning, and analysis using acquired data.
4. Analyze real-world case studies to understand the practical applications of web
scraping and API usage.
CO-PO Mapping with Assigned Values:
Course Program Justification Mapping
Outcome Outcome Value
(CO) (PO)
Understanding the fundamentals of web
scraping and APIs (CO1) contributes to
students' ability to apply modern tools and
1 2, 3, 4 techniques effectively (PO2), enhances 3
their analytical and problem-solving
abilities (PO3), and prepares them for real-
world applications and scenarios (PO4).
Application of various techniques for data
extraction from websites and APIs (CO2)
aligns with the program's emphasis on
utilizing technology effectively (PO2),
2 2, 3, 4 3
enhances students' skills in data
manipulation and analysis (PO3), and
prepares them for practical implementation
in diverse contexts (PO4).
Development of skills in data manipulation,
cleaning, and analysis (CO3) contributes to
students' analytical abilities (PO3), prepares
3 3, 4, 6 them for real-world problem-solving 3
scenarios (PO4), and enhances their
readiness for professional roles that involve
data handling and analysis (PO6).
Analyzing real-world case studies (CO4)
provides students with insights into
practical applications (PO4) and prepares
4 4, 6 2
them for professional roles requiring the
application of acquired knowledge and
skills (PO6).

Sr. No Book Title Author Publisher Year
1 Practical Web Scraping Seppe vanden Apress 2018
for Data Science Best Broucke, Bart
Practices and Examples Baesens
with Python
2 Hands-On Web Scraping Anish Packt Publishing 6 October
with Python Extract Chapagain 2023
Quality Data from the
Web Using Effective
Python Techniques
3 Web Scraping with Ryan Mitchell O'Reilly Media 21 March
Python Collecting More 2018
Data from the Modern
4 Web Scraping with PHP, Matthew PHP[Architect] 16 August
2nd Edition Turland 2019

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