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New Close-Up (B1)

Preparatory One
Second Term
Name: ………………...........
Class: ……………………..

Unit 5: Where we Live

1-heating (n) a system that makes a house or building warm inside
(heat :v, heater :n, hot :adj)
2-access (n) the right or possibility to use sth(access :v, accessible :adj)
3-gas (n) a substance like air that is burnt as fuel
4-off-grid (adj) not connected to the country’s power supplies (grid :n)
5-switch on (v) to turn sth on (opp : switch off )
6-decision (n) a choice you make after thinking about sth
(decide :v, decisive :adj, decisively :adv)
7-harm (v) to hurt or damage (harm :n, harmful :adj)
8-network (n) a system of lines, roads, etc. that are connected to each other
9-zip-line (n) a cable or rope stretched between two points, that people can
slide along
10-permanent (adj) always there (permanence :n, permanently :adv) ( opp:
11-vision (n) an idea of how things might be
12-agency (n) a government organization (agent :n)
13-connection (n) a link (connect :v)
14-eco-friendly (adj) not harmful to the environment
15-cable (n) a strong thick metal rope used on ships, for supporting bridges,
16-floor (n) a level of a building
17-lift (n) a machine that goes up and down in a tall building and that
people can ride in (lift :v) ( Also: elevator :US English)
18- select (v) to choose
19- book (v) to make arrangements to stay in a place, go to a theatre, eat at a
restaurant, etc. on a particular date or time (booking :n)
20- opinion (n) what you think of sth
21- repair (n) sth you do to fix a thing that is damaged or not working (repair :v)
22- household (adj) relating to things or people in a home
23-appliance (n) a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific

24-ceiling (n) the top inside surface of a room
25-roof (n) the structure that covers the top of a building
26-balcony (n) a platform with bars around it that is built on a high level on the
outside wall of a building
27-garage (n) a building for housing a motor vehicle or vehicles

1- accommodation (n) a place where you stay(accommodate :v)

2- cottage (n) a small house in the countryside
3- apartment block (n) an apartment building with several floors (syn : block of flats)
4- resident (n) a person who lives in a particular place
(reside :v, residential :adj, residence :n)
5- rent (v) to allow sb to use a house, shop, etc. in return for regular
payments (rent :n)
6- flatmate (n) sb who shares a flat with you
7- flat (n) a set of rooms to live in somewhere
8- property (n) the things that you own
9-neighbour (n) a person who lives near or next to you

1-blanket (n) a large thick cover put onto a bed to keep you warm
2-chest of drawers (n) a piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes in
3-cushion (n) a soft bag filled with soft material and used on a chair or
4-duvet (n) a bed cover made from a large cloth bag filled with light soft
5-pillow (n) a cloth bag filled with sth soft that you use to rest your head
on in bed
6-sheet (n) a large thin cloth that you lie on or under in bed
7-wardrobe (n) a cupboard to hang clothes in
8-book case an open cabinet containing shelves on which to keep books

1-make a mess: to make a place untidy
make your bed: to tidy the covers on your bed
2-move house: to change the house where you live
move away : go to live in another area.
3-do the housework: to do work in a home, such as cleaning, cooking,
do the washing up: to wash plates, cups, etc. after using them
4- take a seat: to sit down
take a break: to stop working for a short time
5- tidy your room: to have everything ordered and arranged in the right
tidy up : arrange something in a neat and ordered way
6-have lunch: eat lunch
have a shower: to wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from
a shower

A-Choose the correct answer:
1- She’s living in Oxford to study at university, but her ________ home is in Rhodes.
a) temporary b) permanent c) proper d) suitable

2- The architect had a/an ________ of how the underground house would fit into the
natural environment.

a) vision b) access c) opinion d) property

3-Some mountain villages in Greece were off ________ with no electricity until the 21st

a) rent b) grid c) fridge d) duvet

4- I will move ________ next month.

a) flat b) room c) house d) seat

5-My ________ only has two bedrooms. I need to move house soon.

a) apartment block b) floor c) flat d) property

6-Microplastics cause water pollution, which ________ sea creatures.

a) provides b) protects c) connects d) harms

7-The adventure park has a ________ which children love sliding down above the

a) zip – line b) floor c) lift d) cable

8- I work on the second ________ of this building.

a) flat b) block c) floor d) ground

9-The ________ of this city are very proud of its history.

a) immigrant b) neighbours c) fans d) residents

10-The old lady owns four flats, which she ________ to four families for 400 euros a

a) sells b) rents c) pays d) selects

11-The cost of ________ is too high in the city centre, so we rented a house a few miles

a) accommodation b) recommendation c) immigration d) education

12-This piece of land and the buildings on it are the ________ of a local farmer.

a) structure b) property c) power d) source

13-They hate living in the city and want to buy a house in the ________.

a) urban b) district c) neighbourhood d) countryside

14-We live on the third floor, so we haven’t got a garden, but we can sit outside on our

a) roof b) window c) balcony d) garage

15-Don’t ________ a mess in the living room, we’ve got some guests over dinner.

a) make d) do c) create d) take

16-We painted the walls of the room green and the ________ white.

a) roof b) floor c) ceiling d) window

17-When the ________broke down, I couldn’t wash my clothes until I bought a new

a) washing machine b) dish washer c) chest of drawers d) household

18-They bought a ________ in the country where they stayed at weekends and during

a) apartment block b) cottage c) zip line d) flat

19-My________ flatmate and I share the cost of renting this flat.

a) neighbour b) resident c) flatmate d) pedestrian

20-I put my supper in the ________ to heat it and in two minutes it was ready.

a) microwave b) kettle c) oven d) freezer

21-Cooking, sewing, and housekeeping are ________chores.

a) neighbourhood b) flatmate c) household d) residence

22-Jake lay down resting his head on the ________ and went to sleep.

a) cushion b) sheet c) duvet d) pillow

23-It’s difficult to get internet ________ on the island.

a) connection b) access c) agency d) cable

24-The ________ took five minutes to go from the first floor to the top floor.

a) stair b) ladder c) lift d) zip line

25-Mum and Dad have ________ a luxury hotel to spend our holiday in Italy.

a) bought b) booked c) provided d) rented

26-The bridge isn’t safe because the ________ might break.

a) cables b) networks c) connections d) attachment

27- What’s your ________ of this painting? Do you like it?

a) recommendation b) ideas c) opinion d) vision

28- The mechanic said that the ________ to our car will cost a lot because there was so
much damage.

a) repair b) access c) programme d) survive

29-He’s been working for four hours on the computer, so he should take a ________
and have a snack.

a) rest b) break c) chance d) seat

30-Electrical ________ have made housework easier.

a) appliances b) tools c) equipment d) devices

31-Don't forget to put the car in the ________.

a) roof b) garage c) ground floor d) neighbourhood

32-School children should learn to ________ their beds after they get up.

a) do b) mess c) make d) tidy

33-Can you please tidy ________ your room? It is very messy.

a) in b) out c) on d) up

34-Many people now use ________ to heat their homes.

a) gas b) water c) power station d) fire

35- I went to an employment ________last week to help me find a suitable job.

a) network b) connection c) agency d) station

B-Rewrite with words in brackets:
1- Let’s turn the TV on and watch the news. (Rewrite with a synonym)


2- I must make a_________(decide) soon about what I want to do when I finish school.

(Put the word in the correct form)

3-ladder – kettle – freezer – dishwasher (Circle the odd one out)

4-I rented a cosy flat in the countryside last summer. (Correct the underlined word)


5-The underground railway system of lines connects most areas of the city.

(Give one word)


6-Paper bags are not harmful to environment more than plastic ones as they can be

recycled. (Give one word)


7-They have no phone connect because there’s a problem with the lines.

(Correct the error)


8-What time do you want to eat lunch? (Rewrite with a collocation)


9-The kids like to make the washing up after dinner. (Correct the error)


10-iron – duvet – pillow – sheet (Circle the odd one out)

11-Please sit down in the waiting room. The doctor will call you in a moment.

(Use a collocation)


12-He chose the fastest internet connection in his neighbourhood. (Use a synonym)


13-My mother makes all the housework by herself. (Correct the mistake)


14-This apartment is cold because the cost of ________(heat) is too expensive.

(Put the word in the correct form)

15-I bought some ice cream for the party and put it in the fridge. (Correct the error)



A. Choose the correct answer:
1-My sister _______ 16 next month.

a) is going to b) will be c) might be d) is

2- After they _______ their flat, they will move to Germany.

a) will sell b) are going to sell c) sell d) sold

3- I don’t think there _______much construction work in the next few years.

a) is being b) will be c) is going to be d) are

4-Next Monday I _______ attend an important meeting so I can’t travel anywhere.

a) might b) will c) am going to d) won’t

5-I’m sure you _______ find your lost ring soon.

a) are going b) will c) won’t d) might

6-I _______ help you carry those books. They look really heavy.

a) will b) am going to c) might d) won’t

7-My father _______ to Australia next week.

a) will go b) is going c) is going to go d) goes

8- ‘The phone is ringing. ‘OK. I _______ it.

a) am going to answer b) am answering c) will answer d) might answer

9-I don’t think schools _______ much in the next few years.

a) are going to change b) are changing c) will change d) change

10-The play _______ on the 26th June. We need to buy the tickets.

a) Is starting b) is going to start c will start d) starts

11-My sister and I _______ to Holland in August.

a) will travel b) are travelling c) might travel d) travel

12- You _______spill the milk if you don’t slow down.

a) are going to b) won’t c) will d) would

13-Jim has a terrible headache. He _______ some pills to get better.

a) will take b) is taking c) is going to take d) takes

14-Mrs. Smith _______ her neighbours this afternoon. We can’t pass by.

a) visits b) will visit c) is visiting d) might visit

15-Ann _______ her room in an hour. It is very dirty.

a) cleaning b) is going to clean c) cleans d) will clean

B-Rewrite with words in brackets:
1- The children are playing football now. (Use: tomorrow)


2- Yes, Jack will come back from China soon. (Make a question)


3- There will be some food left when you are back. (Put in the negative form)


4- If the pizza arrives late I am going to eat salad. (Correct the error)

5-We may arrive late for the party. (Rewrite with definitely)

6- My friends will buy the tickets and we will go to the theatre immediately.

(As soon as)


7-I’m sure you ……………………………………………………………………… .

(Complete to form a meaningful sentence)

8-I am sure that everything might be all right in the end. (Correct the mistake)
9-I am going to …………………………………………………………………………………………… .
(Complete to form a meaningful sentence)
10-Hurry up! or you ________(miss) the bus. (Put the verb in the correct tense)

Unit 6: Go for it!
1-go for it (phr) to try hard to achieve sth
2-indoor (adj) located or done inside a building (indoors :adv) ( opp:
3-fit (adj) strong and healthy because you take regular exercise
(fitness :n)(opp: unfit)
4- combination (n) a mixture (combine :v)
5-challenge (n) sth difficult that tests your ability (challenge :v, challenging
6- level (n) a particular standard; how much you know about a subject;
how good you are at an activity (level :adj)
7- instructor (n) a trainer; sb who teaches you a sport(instruct : v, instruction
:n) (syn: coach (n,v)
8- be in safe hands to not be in danger
9- hire (v) to rent for a short time
10-equipment (n) things that are needed for an activity (equip :v ,equipped
11-belt (n) a long narrow piece of leather or cloth that you wear around
your waist
12-qualified (adj) having the correct training and/or experience to do a job
(qualify :v, qualification :n)
13- competitively (adv) n a way that shows you are trying very hard to be more
successful or better than others(competitive :adj, compete
:v, competition, competitor :n)
14-enjoyment (n) the feeling of pleasure from doing sth you enjoy(enjoy :v),
enjoyable :adj)
15- coordination (n) the ability to control your movements well (coordinate :v)
16- ice rink (n) a specially prepared surface of ice where you can skate
17- pull along (phr v) to make sb/sth move towards you because they are attached
to you or because you are holding them
18- ride the waves (phr) to move on the surface of the water on a board(syn: surf)
19- life jacket (n) a jacket filled with air that helps you float in water
20- try sth out (phr v) to do sth or use sth to find out if you like it

21- experienced (adj) having skills or knowledge in a particular activity or
job:experience :n, v) ( opp: inexperienced)
22- tournament (n) a set of games where you must win to carry on to the next
23- shoot (v) to kick or throw a ball to score a goal or point(shot:n)
24- champion (n) a person who has won a contest (championship :n)
25- regularly (adv) often (regular :adj)
26- occasionally (adv) sometimes (occasional :adj)
27- track (n) the ground you run along in a race
28- pitch (n) he area of grass where you play football, hockey or rugby
29- court (n) the area of ground where you play basketball, volleyball,
tennis, etc.
30- goal post (n) one of the two posts that form the area where the ball must
go to score in football, hockey, etc.
31- match (n) a sports event
32- team (n) a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or
33- point (n) a mark that counts on the score of a game or competition
34- run (n) a point scored in baseball or cricket by running from one
place to another (run :v, runner, running :n)
35- score (v) to win a point in a game or sport(score, scorer :n)
36- stadium (n) a sports ground surrounded by many seats
37- official (adj) formal(official :n)
38- league (n) a group of teams of a similar level that compete with each
39- workout (n) a series of physical exercises
40- diver (n) a person who works underwater, usually with special
equipment; a person who dives for pleasure
41- fitness (n) the condition of being strong and healthy
42- professional (n) sb who does a sport or other activity as a job and earns
money from it (profession :n, professional :adj) ( opp:

1- watersports (n pl.) sports that are done on or in water
2-athletics (n) sports which are usually done on a track, e.g. running or
jumping (athlete :n, athletic :adj )
3- paddleboarding (n) a sport where you lie on a surfboard and use your arms or
stand up and use a paddle to move forward
4- surfing (n) a sport where you stand on a board and ride on waves
5- rowing (n) a sport or activity of travelling in a boat using oars
6- scuba diving (n) swimming underwater using a container of air that you have
on your back and a tube that you use to breathe the air in the
7- ice-skating (n) the sport of moving on ice, wearing special skates(ice-skate
8- water-skiing (n) a sport in which you are pulled behind a fast boat on skis
(water-ski :v)
9- snowboarding (n) the sport of moving over snow on a board(snowboard: n,
snowboarder :n)
10- gymnastics (n) a sport involving movements that need skill and strength
( gymnast :n, gym :n)
11- yoga (n) a type of exercise that keeps you fit and helps you relax
12- cycling(n) the sport or activity of riding a bicycle
13- boxing (n) a sport in which two people fight each other using their
hands, which are covered with thick gloves
14-judo(n) a sport of unarmed combat derived from ju-jitsu and involves
using holds and leverage to unbalance the opponent.

1-helmet (n) a hard hat that protects your head
2- paddle (n) a pole with a flat part at the end, used to push water to make a
small boat move
3- board (n) a long thin piece of hard material used in sports like surfing
4- skate (n) a boot with a metal blade or wheels on the bottom(skate :v,
skater, skating :n)
5- surfboard (n) a board used for surfing(surfing, surfer :n), surf :v)
6- stick (n) a long piece of wood that you use to hit a ball in some sports
7- basket (n) a net on a metal ring where the ball must go to score points in
8- tracksuit (n) a pair of trousers and a jacket or top worn for doing sports or
9-gloves are pieces of clothing which cover your hands and wrists and have
individual sections for each finger to protect them.
10-trainers soft sports shoes suitable for casual wear
11-bat(n) an implement with a handle and a solid surface, typically of wood,
used for hitting the ball in games such as cricket, baseball, and
table tennis
12-racket(n) a bat with a round or oval frame strung with catgut, nylon, etc.,
used especially in tennis, badminton, and squash

1-do a workout: practice or exercise to test or improve one's fitness for
athletic competition, ability, or performance.

2-enter a competition: to put your name on the list for a competition (to
compete: v)

3-hit a ball: hit or kick something such as a ball with your hand, foot, or
a piece of sports equipment

4-join a club: become a member of a club

5-practise a skill: Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or

regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.

6-ride a horse: the activity of riding a horse, for enjoyment, exercise, or in


7-sail a boat: to control a ship or boat (especially one that has sails) while
traveling on water

8-score a goal: to get a goal in sport

A-Choose the correct answer:
1-Cyclists should always wear a ______to protect their head.
a) cap b) glove c) helmet d) trainer
2-I got bored watching the athletes running round the ______.
a) pitch b) stadium c) track d) court
3- The world ______ will be held in Spain next year.
a) championship b) competition c) tournament d) game
4- The tennis player threw his______ to the floor when he lost the match.
a) sprint b) bat c) racket d) dumbbell

5- The referee sent the footballer off the ______for behaving badly.
a) court b) stadium c) pitch d) track

6- Why are you training so hard?" "Because I'm going to ______ in the Olympic
a) practise b) compete c) join d) beat
7- I love all ______, especially water-skiing and diving.

a) watersports b) indoor sports c) outdoor sports d) team sports

8-Our national ______ took part in the Olympic Games.

a) players b) candidates c) athletes d) competitors

9-Jane put on her ______ to go running in the park.

a) swimming costume b) helmet c) belt d) tracksuit

10- We sailed a______ on the lake last weekend.

a) board b) boat c) ball d) match

11-The team have won the first game, so there are still nine games in the______.

a) tournament b) competition c) challenge d) campaign

12-He’s good at judo; he has a black ______.

a) helmet b) glove c) belt d) bat

13-The ______ was full of fans waiting for the match to begin.

a) pitch b) stadium c) court d) track

14-Our team ______ five goals in the match yesterday!

a) kicked b) ran c) scored d) shot

15-If you are in a boat, you should wear a life ______ in case you fall into the water.

a) jacket b) floaters c) belt d) trainers

16-You should take her advice as she’s very ______ and she knows how to do things

a) qualified b) experienced c) educated d) equipped

17-The ______ for sports like scuba diving is very expensive.

a) tools b) devices c) equipment d) appliances

18-You don’t have to buy a boat when you go on holiday. You can ______ one for as
long as you want.

a) borrow b) rent c) book d) select

19-At the end of the word game, we counted our ______ to see who had the best

a) goals b) shots c) points d) levels

20-You are in safe hands because the instructor has been giving skiing lessons for 20
years. ‘in save hands’ means______.

a) in danger b) at risk c) not in danger d) not

21-We need to ______ extra workout at the gym.

a) make b) practice c) play d) do

22-They're doing exercises to improve their ______.

a) fitness b) level c) energy d) power

23- In winter, we go swimming at a/an ______swimming pool.

a) outdoor b) indoor c) high quality d)

24-Before you buy expensive equipment, you can try surfing ______ for a day at the
water sports club.

a) in b) up c) out d) about

25-Are you going to ______ the story-writing competition? You might win it.

a) hold b) enter c) participate d) be part

26-The player ran down the field, and scored.

a) kicked b) hit c) shot d) hired

27-She gets a lot of ______ from walking in the countryside.

a) enjoy b) enjoyment c) enjoyable d) enjoying

28-I was over the moon when the coach chose me to be the captain of the ______.

a) match b) game c) championship d) team

29-When you go skating, it is quite cold on the ice______, so dress warmly.

a) rink b) pitch c) ring d) court

30-Did you see the football ______ between Arsenal and Liverpool on Saturday?

a) game b) team c) match d) competition

31-Professional surfers can ride the ______for great distances.

a) horse b) boards c) boats d) waves

32-I intend to______ a chess club this summer.

a) enter b) join c) practice d) do

B-Rewrite with words in brackets:

1-Surfing needs a mixture of balance and strength. (Use a synonym)


2-She wants to win, so she plays very______________(competitive).

(Put the word in the correct form)

3-Ellie does a half-hour series of exercises every day to keep fit. (Give one word)


4-The rowing instructor made his team train every day for an hour. (Use a synonym)


5-My grandparents visit us regular. We see them once a month. (Correct the error)


6-Hundreds of athletes _____________(competition) for a gold medal at the Olympic

Games. (Put the word in the correct form)

7-The team manager is travelling to London on formal business. (Use a synonym)


8-I’ve been studying English for five years and my standard is quite good.

(Use a synonym)


9-You need to ……………………. your ball skill.

(Complete the missing part of the collocation)

10- Dad runs in the park three times a week, so he’s very fitness. (Correct the error)


11-Which team do you think will be the Premier group of teams of a similar level
champions next year?
(Give one word)


12-We occasion go camping at weekends, but only when the weather is good.

(Correct the error)



If you freeze water, it turns to ice.

Metal expands if you heat it.

If you press the button, the television turns on.

If ice-cream gets warm, it melts.

Since zero conditionals describe general truths, things that happen all the time, you can
also use “when” instead of “If” in the condition part of the sentence, with the meaning
remaining the same. For example:

If/When it rains, I take an umbrella.

If/When the sun shines in Spain, the weather is hot.

A-Choose the correct answer:
1. If he __________ hurry, he ____________ miss the train.
isn't / won't
doesn't / will
does / will
won't be / will

2. She wouldn't be nervous if she ________ her homework.

would do

3. We will go for a picnic if it ________ fine tomorrow.

will be
is be

4. If you ____________ borrowing money, you __________ in trouble.

won't stop / will be
aren't stop / will be
don't stop / will be
won't stop / are

5-What would you __________ if you won the lottery?
was doing
have done

6. If you crash my car, I ___________ forgive you.

am not

7-If you printed on both sides, you ________ paper.

were saved
would save
would be save

8. If my father _____________ his work early, he ____________ home.

will finish / comes
finishes / will come
finish / comes
won't finish / don't come

9. They __________ go for a walk if the weather _____________.

will / clears
are / clear
aren't / won't clean
will / cleaning

10-If my grandfather ________ alive, he ________ 110 years old.
were / was
would be / were
was / will be
were / would be

11. If we ___________ by bus, it __________ cheaper.

will go / is
going / will be
go / will be
are going / is

12-If he ________ to İstanbul, he ________ the Blue Mosque.

would go / visited
went / would visit
were go / visited
went / were visited

13. If I ___________ well tomorrow, I'll stay home.

am not feeling
haven't feel
won't feel
don't feel

14. _______ you write to me if I give you my address?


15. If I __________ late this evening, _______ wait for me.
will be / won't
am / don't
do / won't
be / don't

16.What would you do if you ________ invisible?

will become
would become
were become

17. We ________ football if the weather were good.

would be able to play
would were able to play
were able to play
will be able to play

18. If you ________ a bike you wouldn't cycle to school.

don't have
didn't have
not had
weren't have

19. Don’t call the police ________ it's strictly necessary.


20. The film ________ more interesting if it ________ a happy ending.
would be / has
were / would have
was / would have
would be / had

21.You ________ pink if you ________ red and while.

will get / mix
would get / mix
get / will mix
get / mix

22. If my father ________ me a ticket, I ________ to the cinema.

didn't buy / wouldn't go
weren't buy / won't go
wouldn't buy / didn't go
wasn't buy / won't go

23.Unless the weather ________, we ________ a picnic.

improves / won’t have
will improve / won't have
improved / would have
doesn’t improve / won't have

24-If plants ________ enough water, they ________.

didn't get / wouldn't grow
get / will grow
don’t get / don’t grow
don’t get / won't grow

25-If you ________ a cactus every day, it ________ in a short time.
don’t water / dies
water / dies
don’t water / will die
didn’t water / would die

26-If I ________ clean the garage, my father ______ give me any money.
don't / won't
am / will
won't / doesn't
am not / isn't

27-My brother _________ a sports car if he _________ the money.

bought / would have
would buy / had
would bought / have
bought / would had

28-We __________ you if we _________ how.

helped / would know
help / knew
would helped / knew
would help / knew

29-If you __________ carefully, you __________ have an accident.

will drive / don't
drive / aren't
will drive / not
drive / won't

30-If there _______ any milk in the fridge I ____________ and buy some.
is / go
be / will go
isn't / will go
isn't / don't go

B-Rewrite with words in brackets:

1-If you heat water to 100 0C, it will boil. (Correct the error)

2- If I were you, ………………………………………….………………………………………………………… .

(Complete to make a meaningful sentence)
3- His mum will be very upset if he ___________ (not - pass) the exam.

(Put the verb in the correct tense)

4- If you worked harder, you (will be - would be - be) the CEO of the company.
5- If Mary doesn’t invite Ann to the party, Ann won’t go. (Rewrite with Unless)

6- I don’t have enough money that's why I can’t buy two books. (Rewrite with if )

7- Your friend is spending too much money. (Rewrite with: if I were you….)


8- She doesn’t help the poor because she doesn’t have enough money. (Use unless)


9- If I lost the game, …………………………………………………………………………………………… .


10- I will go to the cinema if I did well in my English test. (Correct the mistake)


11-If Jenny is free tonight, I _________(ask) her to come to the club.

(Put the verb in the correct form)

12-If you ________ (be) scared of spiders, ________ (not, go) to the garden.

(Put the verbs in the correct tense)

Unit 7: Have a Great Trip!
1-attitude (n) the way that sb thinks or behaves towards sb/ sth
2-tourism (n) he business related to providing services for people travelling on
holiday(tour :v, n), tourist :n)
3-time off (n) a period of time when you do not go to work or school, e.g.
because of illness or for a break
4-carbon footprint (n) the amount of carbon dioxide your activities produce
5-return flight (n) a ticket for a journey by plane that covers going to and back
from somewhere
6-generate (v) Produce (generator :n)
7- avoid (v) keep away from sb/sth (avoidance :n)
8-balance out (phr v) to be the same in value to something that has an opposite effect
9-suffer (v) to be negatively affected by sth
10-over- (prefix) too much
11-overcrowding (n) bad conditions when there are too many people(overcrowded
12-increase (v) to become or make sth greater in amount, number, etc.(
increase :n, increasingly :adv)
13-rather than (phr) instead of
14-chain (n) a group of business that all belong to one company
15-fill up (phr v) to make sth full
16-equal (adj) that is the same as sb/sth else(equally :adv, equal :n)
17-cheaply (adv) without spending a lot of money (cheap: adj)
18-conditions (n pl) the way things are around you

1- sustainable keeping a natural balance by not using up natural resources( sustain
:v, sustainably :adv, sustainability :n) ( Opp: unsustainable)
2- hidden not able to be seen or found easily(hide :v)
3- harmful causing harm or injury to sb/sth(harm: v, n) ( Opp: harmless)
4-seasonal available or happening only in part of the year(season :n, seasonally
5-stressful making you feel worried and nervous (stress :n)
8-particular specific , referring to one person or thing, not others (particularly
9- lively enthusiastic and cheerful

1-fare (n) the amount you pay for a ticket to travel

2-baggage (n) travelling bags (Syn: luggage)
3-reservation (n) a booking (reserve :v)
4-currency (n) the money used in a country
5-border (n) the official line between two countries
6-suitcase (n) a large bag with flat sides that you can pack clothes in
when you travel
7-coach (n) a bus for transporting people long distances
8-boarding pass (n) a document which allows you to get on a plane
9-check out (phr v) to pay for your stay as you are leaving a hotel(Opp: check
10-customs (n pl) the part of an airport or port where baggage is checked
when you enter a country
11-duty free (n) a shopping area at an airport where you can buy things
tax free (duty-free :adj)
12- reception (n) the front desk in a hotel or company where visitors go
when they arrive (receive :v, receptionist :n)
13- roundabout (n) a crossroads where you drive round a circle to enter
another street
14- traffic jam (n) a lot of vehicles that cannot move because there are so
many of them
15- departure lounge (n) an area where passengers wait for their flight at an
airport(depart :v)
16- tour guide (n) a person who takes tourists to interesting places and
gives information about them
17- arrival (n) the act of reaching a place (arrive :v)(Opp: departure)
18- announcement (n) an important statement that is made to give people
information about sth (announce :v, announcer :n)
19- gate (n) the part of an airport where you go to get on a plane
20- on board (phr) on a plane, ship or train
21- petrol station (n) a place where you stop to put petrol in a car
22- visa (n) an official paper needed for the right to travel in some
23- arrangement (n) a plan or agreement to make sth happen (arrange:v)
24- permission (n) the act of saying that sb is allowed to do sth (permit :v)
25-flight attendant (n) sb who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane
and looks after them

1- cabin (n) a small house, usually made of wood, in the countryside
2- campsite (n) a place where people on holiday can camp (camp :n, v, camper
3- holiday home (n) a home that sb uses to stay in for short periods of time
4- hostel (n) a building where people can stay cheaply for a holiday, usually
in shared rooms
5- double room (n) a bedroom for two people

ON board – foot – holiday - time

BY sea – rail – air - land
AT the station – the airport – the bus stop – the petrol station
IN A taxi – a helicopter – a hotel – a car

A-Choose the correct answer:
1- Overeating can be _________ to your health.

a. sustainable b. seasonal c. harmful d. stressful

2- You should _________ sitting in the sun around midday or you’ll get burnt

a. suffer b. avoid c. increase d. realise

3- The pleasures of travelling to another country must balance _________ the cost. b. up c. out d. with

4-We finally reached our_________after travelling all day.

a.board b. customs c. gate d. destination

5-When everybody was on _________ the plane, the captain made an announcement
about the weather.

a. time b. board c. holiday d. foot

6-The students stayed in a _________l to save their money.

a. hotel b. campsite c. hostel d. holiday house

7-The _________ where we put up our tent had toilets and showers, and a small shop.

a. campsite b. hotel c. cabin d. hostel

8- As we were waiting in the _________ at the airport, we heard that our flight was late

a. reception b. customs c. gate d. departure lounge

9- Before her flight, Natalia bought some perfume and gifts at the _________.

a. duty free b. boarding pass c. reception d. double room

10- The manager wouldn’t let anyone take time _________ until the project was

a. out b. out c. off

11- If you don’t have any luggage, you can check in online and go straight to the
boarding _________ at the airport.

a. roundabout b. reception c. cabin d. gate

12-How much is the bus _________ from Athens to Petra?

a.fee b. fine c. salary d. fare

13-The _________ used in Australia is the Australian dollar.

a. currency b. fare c. visa d. border

14-We made _________ to meet after school.

a.permission b. arrangements c. reservation d. announcement

15-Travellers from the UK have to get a _________ to enter Turkey.

a. visa b. coach c. business d. fare

16-Sophie reduced her carbon _________by taking cold showers to save electricity

a. foot b. print c. balance out d. footprint

17- Our day trip to the city was spoiled by_________ on public transport.

a. overcrowding b. attitude c. conditions d. arrangement

18-We booked a _________ flight to Paris for our short holiday.

a. particular b. coach c. return d. arrival

19-We arrived at the airport in time to hear the _________ that our flight was

a. announcement b. arrival c. customs d. reservation

20- We’re going to the park by_________ because our car is broken.

a. coach b. foot c. plane d. sea

21- Our teacher gave us _________to leave the room when we finished our test.

a. admission b. permission c. reservation d. arrangement

22-I had to show my boarding _________ to get on the plane.

a. gate b. visa c. fare d. pass

23- The taxi driver helped us with our _________ because our suitcases were very

a. baggage b. currency c. passport d. boarding pass

24- The _________ told us some interesting facts about the Tower of London.

a. flight attendant b. receptionist c. tourist d. tour guide

25- Take the first right at the _________ to get to the port.

a. departure lounge b. traffic jam c. roundabout d. gate

26- The islanders depend on _________ to make a living.

a. overcrowding b. tourism c. traffic jam d. holiday homes

27- The local people on the island have a positive _________ towards tourists.

a. attitude b. reception c. permission d. condition

28- Many houses on the island are _________ which are only used in summer, so it’s
very quiet in winter.

a. border b. holiday homes c. hotels d. campsites

29-We weren’t allowed to take our Turkish spices through _________ when we
arrived in Australia.

a. customs b. duty free c. boarding pass d. departure lounge

30- My friend and I shared a _________when we stayed at a hotel in Berlin.

a. holiday home b. hostel c. double room d. cabin

B-Rewrite with words in brackets:

1-They were lucky to find a 24-hour petrol stop on the motorway after driving so far.
[ Correct the error]
2- cabin – hostel - petrol station - holiday home [Circle the odd word out]
3-The party went well because everybody was enthusiastic and cheerful.
[Rewrite with one word]

4-They spent the weekend hiking and stayed in a small house the mountains.
[Rewrite with one word]
5- The taxi driver helped us with our luggage because our suitcases were very heavy.
[Rewrite with a synonym]
6-The hotel is popular in summer, so you won’t get a room unless you make
a____________ (reserve). [Rewrite with the correct form of the word]
7- The walking group stopped to make their water bottles full at the tap by the road.
[Rewrite with a phrasal verb]
8-The town always gets flooded during the _________(season) rains.

[Rewrite with the correct form of the word]

9- arrangement – permission – announcement – sustainably [Circle the odd word out]

10-Edinburgh Festival events became so popular that the residents were worried about

too much tourism. [Rewrite with a prefix]


11-The sun’s energy can be used to produce electricity. [Rewrite with a synonym]


12-Camping is a good way to stay at different places cheap. [Correct the error]


13- I prefer walking to work instead of taking a bus. [Rewrite with a synonym]


14- Men and women should receive equally pay for doing the same job.

[Correct the error]


15- I like this specific pair of jeans, not the other one. [Rewrite with a synonym]


16-on: foot /time / place / board [Cross the wrong word out]

17- A large bag with flat sides that you can pack clothes in when you travel is called:
______________________. [Complete the definition]

18- The country is negatively affected from a lack of rain [Rewrite with one word]


19- We checked in the hotel and caught a bus to the airport. [Correct the error]


20- The hotel manager welcomed us at ________________(receive).

[Rewrite with the correct form of the word]

21-at: bus stop / the airport / the car / the petrol station

[Cross the wrong word out]

22-There was a hide door behind the cupboard. [Correct the error]


23-Wind power is a ________________ (sustain) form of energy while fossil fuels are
running out. [Rewrite with the correct form of the word]

24-The average temperature of the Earth is increasingly because of climate change.

[Correct the error]
25-They were waiting for the ________________ (arrive) of the train from Liverpool.

[Rewrite with the correct form of the word]


A-Choose the correct answer:
1. I don’t like this book. ______I?
a. do b. don’t c. does d. doesn’t
2. My sister is reading in library, _______?
a. is she b. is my sister c. isn’t she d. isn’t my sister
3. We have two teachers, ______?
a. don’t we b. do we c. have we d. haven’t we
4. I am not lazy, ______?
a. am I b. are I c. aren’t I d. amn’t I
5. My grandfather will read magazines, ______?
a. will he b. won’t he c. will not I d. won’t my grand father
6. I am singing a song, ______?
a. am I b. are c. aren’t I d. do I

7. I bought three books yesterday, ______?
a. did I b. was I c. didn’t I d. wasn’t I
8. They never come to my house, _____?
a. don’t they b. do they c. did they d. didn’t they
9. She has visited her grandparents, ______?
a. does she b. doesn’t she c. has she d. hasn’t she
10.They had a lot of friend last year, ______?
a. had they b. hadn’t they c. did they d. didn’t day
11.You are beautiful, ______?
a. are you b. aren’t you c. do you d. don’t you
12.She was not studying English at 7 o’clock yesterday, ______?
a. was she b. was not she c. wasn’t she d. isn’t she
13.They dislike writing a novel, ______?
a. do they b. don’t they c. did they d. do not they
14.Your brother is impolite, ______?
a. is your brother b. is he c. isn’t he d. isn’t your brother
15.She cut her hair, ______?
a. did she b. does she c. doesn’t she d. didn’t she
16.I was lazy last time, ______?
a. was I b. wasn’t I c. were I d. weren’t I
17.The solution is impossible, ______?
a. is it b. isn’t it c. is the solution d. isn’t the solution
18.My father seldom has problem, ______?
a. has he b. hasn’t he c. does he d. doesn’t he

19.The cow has taken the food, ______?
a. has it b. hasn’t it c. does it d. doesn’t it
20.My niece will go to Mecca, ______?
a.will she b. won’t she c. will he d. won’t he


A-Choose the correct question for these answers:

1. I bought a newspaper this morning.
a. What bought you this morning?
b. What did you buy this morning?
c. What you did buy this morning?

2. Something odd happened during the storm last night.
a. What happened during the storm last night?
b. What did happen during the storm last night?

3. One of the students didn't do the final exam.

a. Who didn't the final exam do?
b. Who didn't do the final exam?

4. I wrote a romantic letter to one of the teachers.

a. Who did you write a romantic letter to?
b. Who wrote you a romantic letter?

5. Something disturbed me when I was working.

a. What did you disturb when you were working?
b. What disturbed you when you were working?
c. What did disturb you when you were working?

6. I dreamt about a strange animal last night.

a. What did you dream about last night?
b. What dreamed about you last night?

7. Somebody rang me at 3am last week!

a. Who did you ring at 3am last week?
b. Who you rang at 3am last week?
c. Who rang you at 3am last week?

8. Someone gave me a watch for my birthday.

a. Who gave you a watch for your birthday?
b. Who did give you a watch for your birthday?

B-Ask a question about the underlined words:
1-I thought her name was Sarah.
2-Jose brought a new shirt yesterday.
3-Tom sold his house 2 days ago.
4-Julie got married last year.
5-I will answer the phone.
6-The food smells delicious.
7-George wrote a letter.
8-Carmen is listening to music.
9-My father drives a taxi.
10-They have eaten pizza for lunch.
11-Daisy often telephones David.
12-Children likes to go to the funfair.

13-I know Tim very well.
14-Angela loves her students.
15-School starts at 9 o’clock.
16-We see the Browns every morning.
17-The film lasts about an hour.
18-Cars make a lot of noise.
19-The police caught a pickpocket yesterday.
20-A book fell off the shelf.



A-Choose the correct answer:
1- They ___ to find water the day before they were rescued.
a) had been managing b) had managed c) manage d) managed
2-The plane ___ over the Alps when it got caught in a storm.
a) flew b) had flown c) had been flying d) flying
3-Who ___ to ask for help when you needed some assistance?
a) had you called b) have you called
c) will you call d) has you been calling
4-___ up your tents by the time the rain started?
a) Did you put b) Had you put
c) Had you been putting d) Have you put
5-He ___ his leg, so he couldn’t go skiing.
a) had been breaking b) had broken c) break d) has broken
6-She had ___ for hours before she reached the village.
a) walks b) walking c) been walking d) walked
7-I ___ that hiking in the mountains would be so difficult until I actually attempted it.
a) hadn’t been imagining b) didn’t imagine
c) hadn’t imagined d) hasn’t imagined
8-Andrew didn’t have any difficulty on the dangerous slopes because he ___ for years.
a) had skied b) had been skiing c) skied d) has skied
9-They found the injured explorer, ___ him to hospital and contacted his family.
a) took b) had taken c) had been taking d) has taken
10-I was starving because I ___ anything for three days.
a) hadn’t been eating b) had eaten c) hadn’t eaten d) hasn’t eaten

11- My aunt is very rich because my uncle ___ millions before he died.

a) has made b) was making c) have been making d) had made

12- 'Had they told the actor about the award before he came on stage?'

'No, they ___.'

a) hadn't b) hasn't c) hadn't told d) didn’t

13- Karen ___ well for ages, so she looked very tired.

a) didn’t sleep b) hasn't slept c) hadn't been sleeping d) wasn't sleeping

14- Sandra had ___ seen a worse film than Crazy Mutant Aliens.

a) yet b) ever c) never d) since

15- The journalist ___ for weeks before he got what he was looking for.

a) was nosing about b) nosed about c) had been nosing about d) nosing about

16- ' ___ the novel before you saw the film? ‘Yes, and the book was better.'

a) Have you read b) Had you read c) You had read d) Were you reading

17- Julia was very hungry because she ___ all week.

a) dieting b) had been dieting c) dieted d) diets

18- By the time he got to the theatre, the play ___.

a) started b) has started c) had start d) had started

19- 'Had they been gossiping about you when you ___ in? ‘Yes, I think so.'

a) were walking b) walked c) had walked d) have walked

20- They ___ who she was until her fans started screaming her name.

a) not realize b) hasn't realized c) hadn't realized d) haven't realized

B-Rewrite with words in brackets:

1-Andy does his homework after he eats lunch. [Rewrite with: had]
2- Does he go to school every day? [Rewrite with: Yesterday]
3- Our dinner was burnt an hour ago. [Rewrite with: Had been]
4- She first got dressed, then went out. [Rewrite with: After]
5-The woman slept. Then, her husband came home. [Rewrite with: Before]
6-After we finished the training, we had a shower. [Rewrite with: before]
7- She ate her breakfast and she went to work. [Rewrite with: after]
8- He had been following me for 2 hours before I noticed him.
[Rewrite with: How long]
9- I bought a new car and started taking driving lessons. [Rewrite with: had]
10- She fell asleep before by the end of the film. [Rewrite with: By the time]
11- Dogs like meat, ………………………………………………...?
[Rewrite with a question tag]
12- Having handed the report, he handed it to his boss. [Rewrite with: After]
13-My brother works in a hospital. [Rewrite with a subject question]
14-Something happened during the night. [Rewrite in question form]
15-She had been work in the company for three years when it went out of business.
[Correct the error]
16-Tom was eating dinner yesterday. [Rewrite with an object question]
17- She is collecting stickers, aren’t she? *Correct the error]
18- We watered the garden. Then we cleaned the house. [Rewrite with: When]
19-How long had you waited for John before he finally arrived? [Correct the error]
20- Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ……………………….?
[Rewrite with a question tag]


Complete the following dialogue:

Yasser: The mid - year holiday will start soon.

Samy: ………………………………………….………………………………………….?
Yasser: I am going to travel to Luxor,1) ………………………………………?
Samy: I am going to my uncle's farm.
Yasser:3) ………………………………………….………………………………………….?
Samy: It is in Ismailia. 4)………………………………………….……………………?
Yasser: Maybe I will stay about two weeks.
Samy: I hope 5) ……………………………………………………………………………. .
Yasser: same to you.

Complete the following dialogue:

Jane: Do you like summer or winter holidays?

Kate: 1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
Jane: 2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...?
Kate: I like spending my holiday shopping and relaxing on the beach with my family.
Jane: What is the one unforgettable trip you have had before?
Kate: 3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Jane: That sounds interesting 4) ……………………………………………………………………...?
Kate: Japanese people are very friendly and hospitable.
Jane: 5) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
Kate: Yes, I enjoyed my vacation very much.

Complete the following dialogue:

Student A- I’m going to play football with my friends.

Student B – 1) ___________________________________________.
Student A – 2) ___________________________________________?

Student B – Sure! I’d love to.

Student A – Ok. Let’s go3) _______________________________________?

Student B – Yes, I’m pretty good,4) _________________________?

Student A – I’m pretty good, too. What other sports do you like to play?

Student B – 5) __________________________________________________
Student A – 6) ____________________ but I prefer to go 7) _____________________.

Student B – I like 8) ___________ too, but I’m not a very good at it.
Student A –9) ____________________________________________?

Student B – Not very often. Just10) _________________________.

Student A – That’s not enough practice to be good at it. Do you like to practice with

Student B – 11) _______________________________________________.

Student A – Okay! Great.

Complete the following dialogue:

Julie: what are you going to do in the summer vacation?

Sophia: 1) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Julie: Really? Where are you going to camp?
Sophia: We are planning to go to Hidalgo. 2) …………………………………………………….?
Julie: 3) .......................................................................................................
Sophia: This will be a great trip.
Julie: 4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………...?
Sophia: We need to get a sleeping bag, a map and repellent insects.
Julie: That’s a must forsure.5) ………………………………………………………………….............?
Sophia: We are going to go fishing, swim and sing a lot of songs in the campsite.
Julie: That sounds exciting! 6) ……………………………………………………………………………..?
Sophia: We will be staying for one week.
Julie: Can’t wait for this trip.
Sophia: 7) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Complete the following dialogue:

Asha: Who stitches your clothes?

Noha: My clothes (1) …………………………………………………………………………….… .
Asha: They are beautiful. (2) …………………………………………………………………….?
Noha: The material is bought by my mom.
Asha: And who designs your outfits?
Noha: The outfit I am wearing today (3) ……………………………………………………. .
Asha: Your yellow dress has beautiful embroidery. Who did it?
Noha: Oh, It was (4) …………………………………………………………………………………. .
Asha: Impressive! (5) ……………………………………………………………………………………?
Noha: I was taught by my grandmother.


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