SEM II Minor (Zoology)

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Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University

Syllabus & Course Curriculam

Syllabus (ZOOLOGY)
Course Type: ME-2
Semest er: 2
Course Code: BZ OOMEB12C
Course T it le: Diversity of Animals and Cytogenetics
(L-P-Tu): 2-2-0
Credit : 4
Pract ical/T heory: Combined
Course Object ive:
Learning Out come: Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student should be able to: Understand
basics of classification of non-chordates and chordates. Learn the diversity of habit and habitat of these
species. Study the functional biology of animals through their
Diversity of Animals and Cytogenetics
Theory=2 credits
Course objective: It is required to generalize about certain things and to dismiss others
because the field of non-chordate and chordate biology is so extensive and runs across so
many disciplinary lines that it is necessary to generalize about some topics. Classification,
Structure and function were chosen as the primary focuses for the curriculum that we
devised for studying diversity of animals so that we could establish common threads of
Genetics is one of the fastest-moving fields of science, with new discoveries being made
every month. The study of genetics is timely, important, and fascinating because of the
many new discoveries and applications of genetics that have substantial economic and
ethical implications.
Group A:
Diversity of Animals
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to phylum (according to Levine
et. al., 1981)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Evolutionary significance
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
General characteristics and Classification with examples up to classes (Ruppert and Barnes,
1994, 6th Edition)
1. General characteristics of Phylum Chordata
2. Classification with characteristic features and examples with scientific names of:

a. Up to Classes: Sub-Phyla Urochordata and Cephalochordata – as per J. Z. Young (1981)

b. Up to Order: Superclass Agnatha – as per J. Z. Young (1981)
c. Up to Sub-classes: Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes – as per Berg (1940); and Aves – as
per J. Z. Young (1981)
d. Up to living Orders: Amphibia – as per Duellman and Trueb (1986),
e. Up to living Orders: Reptilia and Mammalia – as per J. Z. Young (1981)

Group B:
Overview of Cells

1. Basic structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells,

Viruses, Viroid,
2. Plasma Membrane and Nucleus, Cytoplasmic
organelles (Mitochondria, Endoplasmis Reticulum,
Golgi Apparatus and Lysosome)

Basic Mendelian Genetics and its Extension

1. Principles of inheritance, Epistasis Multiple alleles, Sex-linked, sex-

influenced and sex-limited inheritance, Polygenic Inheritance.

Linkage and Crossing Over

Sex Determination in Drosophila sp.
Chromosomal disorder: Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome
Practical- 2 Credits
Group A: Diversity of Animals

1. Identification with reason:

Protozoa: Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium

Porifera: Sycon, Neptune’s Cup
Cnidaria: Obelia, Physalia, Aurelia
Platyhelminthes: Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium
Nematoda: Ascaris lumbricoides
Annelida: Aphrodite, Nereis, Hirudinaria
Arthropoda: Limulus, Eupagurus, Bombyx, Periplaneta
Mollusca: Pila, Pinctada, Sepia, Octopus
Echinodermata: Asterias, Ophiura, Cucumaria
Hemichordata: Balanoglossus
2. Mount of mouth parts and dissection of digestive system of cockroach

1. Identification with reason:

Protochordata: Ascidia, Branchiostoma

Agnatha: Petromyzon, Myxine, Ammocoete larva
Chondrichthyes & Osteichthyes: Scoliodon, Hippocampus, Heteropneustes, Clarias,
Amphibia: Bufo, Rana, Ambystoma, Rhacophorus, Necturus
Reptilia: Chelone, Hemidactylus, Draco, Typhlops, Chamaeleo, Naja , Ptyas, Hydrophis
Aves: Psittacula, Passer, Pycnonotus
Mammalia: Pteropus, Funambulus, Suncus

2. Pecten of Fowl
3. Dissection of Tilapia: Digestive system, Brain, pituitary

Group B: Cytogenetics
1. Pedigree analysis of some human inherited traits
2. Preparation of temporary stained squash of onion root tip to study various stages of
Laboratory Note Book must be prepared on day-to-day basis and should be signed
by the concerned teacher immediately after the laboratory work. The Laboratory
Note Book should contain all the items in the syllabus and must be submitted on the
day of examination.
Reference Books:
Group A: Diversity of Animals
Ruppert and Barnes, R.D. (2006). Invertebrate Zoology, VIII Edition. Holt Saunders
International Edition.
Invertebrates by Brusca & Brusca. Second edition, 2002.
The Invertebrates: A New Synthesis, III Edition, Blackwell Science.
Hildebrand, M. (1995). Analysis of Vertebrate Structure. John Wiley & Sons.
Chaki, K.K. Kundu, G. & Sarkar, S. (2005). Introduction to General Zoology. Vol. 1. New
Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata.
Jordan, E.L. & Verma, P.S. (2003). Chordate Zoology. S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.
Sinha, K. S., Adhikari, S., Ganguly, B. B. & Bharati Goswami, B. D. (2001). Biology of Animals.
Vol. II. New Central Book Agency (p) Ltd. Kolkata.
Parker, T. J. & Haswell, W. (1972). Text Book of Zoology, Volume II: Marshall and Willam
(Eds.) 7th Ed. Macmillan Press, London.
Young, J. Z. (1981). The Life of Vertebrates. 3rd Ed. ELBS.
Chatterjee and Chatterjee Practical Zoology
Ghosh, K.C. and Manna, B. (2015): Practical Zoology, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata
Sinha, J.K. , Chatterjee, A.K. and P. Chattopadhyay Advanced Practical Zoology
Group B: Cytogenetics
Lewin’s Cells – 3rd Edition – Cassimeris/Lingappa/Plopper – Johns & Bartlett Publishers
Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. (2009). The Cell: A Molecular Approach. V Edition. ASM
Press and Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA.
Bruce Albert, Bray Dennis, Levis Julian, Raff Martin, Roberts Keith and Watson James
(2008). Molecular Biology of the Cell, V Edition, Garland publishing Inc., New York and
Snustad, D.P., Simmons, M.J. (2009). Principles of Genetics. V Edition. John Wiley and Sons
Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A. (2012). Concepts of Genetics. X Edition.
Benjamin Cummings
Russell, P. J. (2009). Genetics- A Molecular Approach.III Edition. Benjamin Cummings
Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Lewontin, R.C. and Carroll, S.B.

Basic Features

Undergraduat e degree programmes of eit her 3 or 4-year durat ion, wit h mult iple ent ry and exit
point s and re-ent ry opt ions, wit h appropriat e cert ificat ions such as:

UG cert ificat e aft er complet ing 1 year (2 semest ers wit h 40 Credit s + 1 Summer course of 4
credit s) of st udy,
UG diploma aft er 2 years (4 semest ers wit h 80 Credit s + 1 Summer course of 4 credit s) of
st udy,
Bachelor’s degree aft er a 3-year (6 semest ers wit h 120 credit s) programme of st udy,
4-year bachelor’s degree (Honours) aft er eight semest ers (wit h 170 Credit s) programme of
st udy.
4-year bachelor’s degree (Honours wit h Research) if t he st udent complet es a rigorous
research project (of 12 Credit s) in t heir major area(s) of st udy in t he 8t h semest er.

Not e: The eligibilit y condit ion of doing t he UG degree (Honours wit h Research) is- minimum75%
marks t o be obt ained in t he first six semest ers.

The st udent s can make an exit aft er securing UG Cert ificat e/ UG Diploma and are allowed t o
re-ent er t he degree programme wit hin t hree years and complet e t he degree programme
wit hin t he st ipulat ed maximum period of seven years.

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