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Quarter 1;Week 1-7

Respectfully Submitted by;

Sanne Clarice Claro

Respectfully Submitted To;

Ma’am Lea Febrero
Week 1
Sept. 4
In this week of our math module, I learned
about sequences and its element such as the
terms used; subscripts, ellipsis, common
difference etc. I also discovered that there are
many classifications of sequence, FINITE,
QUADRATIC. It was confusing at first but as
time goes by, I can tell that it gets easier
because of the examples provided. These topics
are lot easier than what we tackled last school

I didn’t experience a major difficulty while

answering because it is easy and I understand it
very well.
Week 2
The thing I’ve learned in this topic is
arithmetic is strings of numbers where
each number is the previous number plus
a constant. The common difference is the
difference between the numbers. If we
add up a few or all of the numbers in our
sequence then we have what is called an
Arithmetic Sequence. The difficulties
I’ve experience in this topic are none
because my classmate taught me about
Arithmetic Sequence. The happiest part
in this topic is finding the adding to the
last term that is given.
Week 4
I got to learn about geometric sequence
and it has come to my knowledge that it
is a sequence which each term after the
first is obtained by multiplying the
preceding term to a non-zero constant.
They gave us formulas on how to solve
for the following means. It also tackled
about the difference of geometric to
arithmetic sequence that became a big
help in answering the modules. This
week’s lesson is fun but at the same time,
confusing. It requires a lot of
understanding to fully understand the
module. Luckily, I managed to
understand the lesson.
Week 5
CT. 10
Our 5th lesson in math I have learned
what a geometric means and
geometric series. And on how to
insert terms between any two
nonconsecutive terms of a geometric
sequence. When I was solving for the
sum of an infinite geometric, I got
confused but I was able to overcome
it with the help of YouTube. Inserting
terms between any two
nonconsecutive terms of a geometric
sequence was my happiness.
Week 7
Oct. 30
This part too, is one of the
easiest topics we tackled
through the quarter. It is all
about factoring polynomials.
This topic was already taught
when we were in grade 8 so I
was excited to answer the
module because I understand
the contents of it. I
experienced zero difficulty in
this lesson.
Week 6
Week 3 Oct. 18
The thing I’ve learned from this
. 26
topic is polynomial. The
I have learned on how to find the
struggle I’ve experience is
other unknown variables in an
Arithmetic division
Sequence, how toand
solve for
the Arithmetictheorem.
Means andYouTube
on how to
find the sum
teached me of aanlot
Sequence. The
polynomial, so difficulties
it would be thateasy
encountered was in finding the sum of
an me to solve. The In
Sequence. part
thisI part
gethappy about
confused ofbit
a little this
I was isable
to overcome ofthis
polynomial using
with the helped of
online long
class. division.
I encountered my
happiness when I was solving for the
missing term of the different
Arithmetic Sequence.

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