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School : SD UALS Subject : English Proficiency

Academic Year : 2nd Semester, 2023/2024 Time Allocation : 2 x 30 Minutes
Grade/Level : 5C Date : Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Teaching Method(s) : Direct Moethod
Learning Resource(s) : English conversation for 5th grades elementary book ,youtube, & holy bible
Learning Media : Student Book & slide Projector
Topic(s) : What do you see in the moon?
IFVL : “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10
Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to;
1. memorize the phases of the moon
2. Identify the phases of the moon
Activities :
A. PRE-ACTIVITIES (10 Minutes)
Greetings Teacher greets the students and asks them how they are doing.
Students read the IFVL and the teacher gives a short explanation of the reading.
Student delivers the opening prayer.
Teacher calls students by names to check their attendance.
Introduction Teacher conveys the topic “What do you see in the moon?” to the students.
Learning Objectives Students are asked to read the learning objectives together by the teacher.
Explanation Students follow the explanation of “what do you see in the moon?” from the teacher.
The teacher will divide the students into 5 groups.
Group Discussion Students (in groups) discuss and identify the phases of the moon in chapter 14.
Students (in groups) will collect their answer to the teacher.
Students (divided into 5 teams) to play the games using “kahoot” and they will answer the questions
about phases of the moon.
Review Review and learning objective check.
Homework Students will write down their 4 wishes.
Appreciation, Closing Teacher thanks the students for being active in the class.
Prayer, and Greetings Student delivers the closing prayer to end the class.

Airmadidi, April 2, 2024

English Proficiency Teacher

Anggreini Mole
NIM: 102022010009

Approved by

UPT Bahasa Principal

Meily I. E. Neman, S.Pd, M.Pd Vivi Budiman, S.Pd, MAEd

NIK: 21160116062 NRKS: 6739762663300132

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