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What is Atmosphere?

 Atmosphere is a significant part of what makes earth

livable. It blocks some of the sun’s dangerous rays from
reaching earth. It traps heat, making Earth average
These are 4 layers of atmosphere:
1. Troposphere – this is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the
Earth’s surface, extending up to about 10-14 km above the earth’s
2. Stratosphere – this layer lies directly above the troposphere and
is about 35km deep. It extends from 15 to 50 km above the Earth’s
surface. It is warmer at the top than the bottom.
3. Mesosphere – directly above the stratosphere, extending from 50
to 80 km above the earth’s surface, it is a cold layer where the
temperature generally decreases with increasing altitude.
4. Thermosphere – the thermosphere extends from 80 km above the
Earth’s surface to outer space. The temperature is hot and may be
as high thousands of degrees as the few molecules that are
present in the thermosphere receive extraordinary large amount of
energy from the sun.

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