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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET #4 (Quarter 3, Week 7 and 8)

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Learning Area – Grade Level: Physical Education and Health IV – Grade 12___________________
Track/Block: ________________________________Date: _________________________________



Being outdoors entails certain risks – risks of being injured, risk of having accidents, and the tragedy of
death. These risks may come from the participants, from the activity itself, from very location of the activity
or from environmental conditions. Such risks may be minimized through proper planning and management.
Since outdoor recreational activities entail combination of challenge, risk and adventure and the presence
of the risk factor in an outdoor activity creates some uncertainty and the possibility of negative outcomes,
safety is always a consideration but this cannot always be guaranteed because there are factors where one
has little control or no control at all such as sudden rock fall or inclement weather condition. However, there
are ways of reducing these risks and these can be planned prior to the activity.


• Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment


Note: Write your answer directly on this Learning Activity Sheet.


Test I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following refers to the administration of care to prevent deterioration of the victim, to aid recovery,
and to preserve life.
A. Treatment B. First Aid C. Prevention D. Safety
2. Which of the following is NOT a good characteristic of a first aider?
A. Tactful B. Cheerful C. Militant D. Observant
3. Who is the right person to turn to while waiting for full medical attention?
A. first aider B. neighbor C. traffic officer D. physician
4. What is the first thing should one do when faced with a medical emergency situation?
A. stay at home B. stay calm C. stay at the area D. all of the above
5. Which of the following is the condition of being protected from unlikely to cause danger, risk or injury?
A. Treatment B. First Aid C. Prevention D. Safety

Test II. Give what is being asked in each question.

1. Give at least 2 ways to protect yourself and others from COVID 19 pandemic.
2. Why physical activities are important especially in this time of pandemic?


Review on First-aid

Administering First-aid - one must be knowledgeable enough of first aid during outdoor activity, you
would have understood by now the importance of the first aid kit, you would also have realized that the
kit will play an important role in administering first aid. Some first-aid essentials are:

1. Tweezers – the safest tool to use in removing a splinter or tick. Disinfect the tweezers well before
and after each use.
2. Hydrocortisone cream – used to relieve itchiness from insect bites and reduce inflammation. Just rub
some cream to the infected area.
3. Hand sanitizer and gloves – used to sanitize the hands before attending to any injuries if soap and
water are not readily available.
4. Pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are used to relieve pain an bring down
5. Gauze and tape – use to cover, protect and stop the bleeding due to cuts, scrapes and wounds.
6. Wipes used to clean cuts, scrapes and wounds if no clean water is available.
7. Antibiotic cream can help protect minor wounds from infection. It can keep the area moist which may
promote healing and prevent the wound from getting stuck to a bandage.
8. Allergy medication such as antihistamines are used for mild allergic reactions.

Risk Identification and Reduction

Risk identification therefore first involves knowing the hazards of the activity. There are three (3) sources
of hazards that may give rise to the risks. Parkin and Blades (1998) in their published paper explains
that there are three factors to consider in identifying risk, namely, the participants, the equipment, or
from the surroundings. Some are visible and easily identifiable and others may be less definable of the

❖ Hazards from Human factor - human factors include hazards coming from the participants and the
leaders or organizers of the activity. Participant factors may include the unmanageable size of the
group, the lack of skills, knowledge and experience, poor health, age, and even attitude problems.
Leader/organizer factors may include their lack of knowledge of environmental hazards, poor
coordination and management skills, inability to respond to emergencies, poor planning, and
communication, among other things.

❖ Hazards from Equipment – equipment should be clearly identified and checking them is a way of
reducing risks. However, hazards that are not as easily defined, such as the attitude or state of mind
of participants. If one factor conflicts with another factor, there might be a great potential for accident.
Equipment includes the basic things to be used in the activity such as masks and flippers in
snorkeling, the boat and PFD in kayaking, ropes in trekking, etc. Equipment also includes the proper
clothing and footwear of the participants.

❖ Hazards from the Environment - weather condition tops the list of environment hazard. Others the
temperature, the terrain, rock stability, darkness, and the other environmental hazards.

Risk reduction is coming out with strategies and implementing the strategies that will minimize the risks
of the activities. This will include detailed pre-trip planning, coming up with policies and procedures, staff
training, equipment inspection and maintenance and knowing the participants prior to the activity.

Pre-trip planning will cover basic knowledge of weather forecast, site selection, availability of emergency
personnel in the area, and basic facilities of the site. Pre-trip planning is basically having an
understanding and knowledge of how the activity will go in a specific place at a particular date and time.
Policies and guidelines may be set by the activity facilitators as safety measures to participants. Some
policies are in accordance with national or local laws, it can also be on school level policy or procedure,
such as medical certificate must be issued by physicians before being allowed to join an outdoor activity.
Qualified and trained individuals are important factor to conduct or coordinate activities. There are
specific skills that are very crucial to conduct and facilitate outdoor recreational activities. This plays a
very important role in the safety of participants.

IV. Let’s Do This

Activity 1: Administering First Aid

Scenario: You and two other friends were hiking and along the trail you saw a man who is unconscious,
with blood oozing from his head. How should you deal with this situation?

a. What is the first thing that you should do?


b. List everything you think you would need to do as the first persons to arrive at the scene?

Activity 2: First Aid Skills

If you will be administering first aid, what skills should you possess? Think of three important skills and
expound your answer.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Practice Task #1

Activity: Risk Management Plan

The end goal for the activity is for you to come up with a risk management plan for a specific outdoor

Activity: ___________________________________________________
Planned Site of the Activity: ____________________________________

Come up with a risk management plan by filling in the following details:

Risk Reduction Strategy

(Identify a specific risk Risk
(Identify the specific (What should be done
that the hazard Assessment
source of Hazard) to reduce
may bring)
or manage the risk)

Factors coming from

Environmental Factors:


Practice Task #2
Activity: Post-Event Assessment

Consider your previous hiking outdoor activity “Plan a Hike” and answer the questions that follows.

Activity/Event Name: ______________________________________________________________

Date of activity/event: __________________________

1. Was the activity/event a success? ___ Yes ___ No

Why or why not?

2. Did you encounter any unforeseen problems? ___ Yes ___ No

If yes, how did you deal with problem(s)? What actions could’ve been taken to prevent or prepare for it?

3. Do you recommend doing this activity/event in the future? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, what changes would you recommend making for the next time it is planned.


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher, HOPE 4

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