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Name: ______________________________________ Class: ______________________________

Gold Advanced Unit 12 test

Section 1: Vocabulary

1 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

My grandmother has become somewhat (1) _____ of hearing over the past few years but
it’s strange how she can hear the slightest (2) _____ sound, especially when I’m using my
keyboard. She complains that it’s much too noisy. However, if she owes you money and
you ask her for it, she’s as deaf as a doorpost. I can (3) _____ really softly from across the
room that I owe her money and she’s heard every word – unbelievable! None so deaf as
those who don’t want to hear! We got her a hearing aid last year but she refuses to turn it
on because she says that it (4) _____ all the time, which annoys her. Yet when she watches
television, she has the sound turned up so loudly that I can’t (5) _____ myself think. She
can hear the garden gate (6) _____ (the hinges need oiling!) but she can’t hear us when we
speak normally. Yesterday I came home to hear her (7) _____ with laughter. I was
astonished to find her watching television with the sound at normal volume!

1 A difficult B tough C hard D strict

2 A clicking B croaking C whooshing D shuffling
3 A roar B chatter C whisper D gurgle
4 A hoots B snaps C buzzes D rustles
5 A make B hear C find D listen
6 A creak B croak C patter D whoosh
7 A quacking B creaking C humming D hooting

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Name: ______________________________________ Class: ______________________________

2 Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form
a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

How sound affects us

A (1) _____________ of sounds assault our senses in today’s world and many VARY
people yearn for the peace and (2) _____________ of a desert island to de-stress TRANQUIL
and relax. However, the natural world is full of sounds, from the breaking of the
waves on the seashore to the endless chirping of hundreds of birds. Many people
who live in cities find these natural sounds (3) _____________ and even more SETTLE
annoying than the throbbing of car engines and the wailing of police sirens.
However, other people seem to find the sound of waves breaking on a sandy
beach very (4) _____________ . SOOTHE

Despite being surrounded by sound, there are also many (5) _____________ FREQUENT
we cannot hear. For example, a dog whistle can only be heard by dogs and not
humans, and many marine animals such as whales and dolphins also hear
and use sounds which are (6) _____________ to the human ear. No doubt, as DETECT
a teenager you enjoyed listening to your music at the highest volume possible
and your parents would have told you to turn it down as it could damage
your ears. This wasn’t just because they hated your taste in music – it is a
known fact that loud sounds can be (7) _____________ to the ears and HARM
once they are damaged, they are unlikely to ever recover.


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Name: ______________________________________ Class: ______________________________

Section 2: Grammar

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three
and six words, including the word given.

1 They were going to announce the appointment of the new CEO when they learned that he
had decided not to take the job.
They ______________________________ the appointment of the new CEO when they
learned that he had decided not to take the job.
2 We wanted to go camping but the weather was awful, so we didn’t.
We ______________________________ but the weather was awful, so we didn’t.
3 He was planning to climb Mount Everest last year but he had an accident and had to pull out.
He ______________________________ Mount Everest last year but he had an accident and
had to pull out.
4 The meeting should have taken place this morning but it was cancelled.
The meeting ______________________________ place this morning but it was cancelled.

4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

This time last year we (1) are going/were planning/would have to arrange a big party for the end of
term and (2) were going/would have/were thinking to invite both the current and the previous
year’s students. It (3) would have been/was planning to be/would mean to be the best party the
college had ever had. Unfortunately, someone posted a general invite on a social networking site
and we had no idea that over a thousand people (4) were turning up/would turn up/would have
turned up. We were only expecting about 300, so you can imagine the chaos this number of people
(5) were due to cause/were causing/would cause. We (6) were about to call/were meant to call/
would call the police when the DJ started playing some dance music and everyone stopped shouting
and arguing and started to dance. For a while, everything was calm. However, once the music
stopped, they began to fight with each other and we finally did have to get the police involved. And
the next day our party was headline news. Who could have known that we (7) would end up/
were ending up/would have ended up being famous for holding the worst college party ever!

TOTAL: /25

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