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LLOYDS BANK ens Page 1of5, Statement number 3 Issue date 21 April 24 MRS C PRACOWNIK Writetousat 8x3 8X1 117 4199 BRISTOL ROAD Callus on (0345 300 0000 BRIDGWATER i Visitus online ynvwilloydsbenkcom TAs 4B Your Branch LONDON Sort Code 30-97-90 ‘Account Number 53551208 IBAN 6B23 LOYD 3097 9053551208 BIC Lovoce21765 CLASSIC 01 February 2024 to 21 April 2024 Your Account Arranged Overdraft Date of previous statement 31 January 2024 Balance on 01 Feb 2024 £5,099.88 Money in £4,203.10 Money out £4,260.21 Balance on 21 Apr 2024 €5,042.77 Arranged overdraft interest £00 ‘You shouldreview your account regularly to check whether it remains appropriate for your circumstances, Your Interest Rates Fees Explained (lub Lys Account Holders~ The Cb Los maintaining the Amount of Arranged Overdraft Arranged Overraftccounttee wilbe hou nine warsactonscvetleat as Club abe Tiare WORE rata nyt fe tyovareelgdletonave he Mantanigthe accountfee waived, avy ao se atrensaction desc bedas agp he cay neresioe sown veo you aangedovwaat baceatihe cared) ‘Clu Lloyds waived. This doesnot apply to nol yes vs hayearbucedonnewoltanandowmchjovaearetaanndy anetheetectofcerseundret- Other service There xe fes for other services yauhave asked ‘ergingrtees on meres aeady changed. Tener ratedoesrtisidearyherfeesanécnaaes. for Yeucon fh mare Getalsin yout account conan oat wr oyesbankcom, ‘Tum over for more information on managing overdrafts oy Bank pl 25 sham rst Lonson EC2V7HN, Things you need to know Gettingin touch p> write tous:Lioyds Bank, sonoma Keep rack of what's going inand coring out of yeu account at anytime using + Internet Banking -View andmanageyour accounts cnine- 2¢hou'saday,7 days week Register at loydsbank.comv/intemetbanking + Mobile Banking - Manage yout account onthe go wth your mobilephone or tablet-28 hours aday, 7 daysa week, Download our app rom Google Play or theapp Store + Telophone Banking ~ Our automated seniceis valle 24/7, youcan tak tousbetween Bam andor, 7 daysa week Noll sericesareavalabie 24 hoursa dy, 7 days aweek + Text Alerts We can aso sendyou mobile alerts Aletscan help younanage yourmoneyari avoid charges. They remind you when youneed to pay cleared Fundsinto your account. They can koh youavold goinginto an unavranged overcaft or having payments refused, Uness youve apted out, youlautorratcally receive lets prxided we havean up odate mobile rurberforyou. Fé out ere Overdraft - choosing the right way to borrow Anarranged overdraft can help out when youneed toborrouinthe short term For framaietopay an unexpected Butt you uve itften and derteeduce your balance,itcantum ntoan expensive wa toborrow. Our cost calculator, hich you an find orne at loydsbank.comoverdrafts, tes jou how machanavranged ‘overdraft costs, You shoud consider fan arranged ovecattfacityisthemost Suitable option fer youtobowraw mane yaurieed toborrow money fo alongee time, tere maybe ther aptons batter suited a your needs Fer mare information ‘stlloydsbank com/borrw or callus takthroughyour options. Check it your account still right for you Vou banking needs can change over tine oit'simportantto checkyouaccountis| Silnightforyou by sting to see ow latest, ‘uarentaccounts. Ourinterest rates ltwepayinterestonyourbalance, your uent interest rates shown on the fontof thisstatemert Tofng out what the interest rates are on ureter accounts. st, iteratively asus in bYanch Bd Protocting yousett from fraud + Checkyour statements regularly -\fsomething doesitlook ightor you ‘pota transaction onyour statement youidnt make, callus straight away ‘990800917 7017 «+44 207 4812614" outside heUK.Wemaynatbe abletorefundapaymenton some types ofaccountifyoutel usmore tan months ater theca thapnened += Koop your statementsina safe place: fyou vant tothraw them away, you should doitina secure way ike sredding them~ please donjustputthem inthetin. + Halpingyou stay protected - Well doallwe can tobslayou aveidfrauc, Visit for waysto protect youre andinformatin on thelatest seams. + Ityour cad, cheque book o PIN Is ost or stolan Callus straightaway on (08000969779 +44 1702278 2701 outsdetne UK- Ines are open 207. + Thetreeze cara feature in ou Mable Banking 200 ets you quick freeze and Lntreee ferent types of transaction an ya cards whenever you need Froutmoreat coonine: cal.0345 300 0000 TD ‘gampm, 7 daysa week About the fees we chargeif you use your card abroad Personal Debit and Cashpoint@ Card Charges fyouuse your card to withdraw cashor makeapaymertin acurency othe than pounds the amount converted tapounds onthe day tis processedby Visausingthe VisaPayment Scheme exchangerate an the day Youcan finde exchange ate by caling (0345 300.0000 (+44 1733 347 007 tom overseas). 'youaccauetisheldinthe (Channel sland ole of Man, al345 744 9900 +48 1539 736826 10m oversea) you callbeforethe tansacton's processed he rate proviced wil be anindieation ony. ‘Weill charge youa foreign currency ransacionfee of299% ofthe valve ofthe twansaction. This isafee forthe currency conversion, Youcanfind mace infermation on aur website about the exchange ates that appl to your "wansactiontohelp yeu compare them with oer card issuers ates, you use your debit cardor your Cashpoint carat withdraw cashina currency ‘othe than pounds (at cash machine er ver the counter) we wilasa cage @ foreign currency cash fee of £50. Whereyou elect to allow the cash machine operato/finarcialsenice prover to make the conversionto pounds we willy chargea foreign cash fe of £150. Te provider of theforegn cmtency may make ‘Separate chargefor conversion, We won't charge a orien currency cash fee ota foreign cash fe you vithdrau euco within theEER or UK Where you useyour debit card tomake a purchase or ather transaction (not cash withdrawal ina currency oter than pounds, whether inperson, or byintemet ar ‘hone we wil also chargea £050 reign currency purchase fee. The orsign {urtencypurchasefee does ot appyto the Premier and Platinum debit cards and will nate car geaityourpaymentis made ine. within the EERO UK. ‘Weill not make acharge or te withdrawal of cashin pounds within theUK, however, the owner faon-Lloyes Bank cash machine may, Other charges app, please see the banking charges gidefordatals ‘wit Travel Smart you can use your debit card abroad asoftenas your tke with no ebitcard fees for £7 aweek Acct to your account before you travel andi start onthedate youtel us, Keeping your data safe \Wepromiseto keep your personalinformation safe and only sein te way youve asked. See ur pivacynatceatHloydsbank-con/prvacy or cl uso acopy on (0345 602 1997, We're here for you if something stright \Wewant to make sire youre happy with the products nd service we offer. Suit something goes wrong, let usknow and wel do everthing we can toput things Fight fyoure sti nothappy, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Sericealook at your concer fer fee ‘The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) ‘Tre deposits you hod with usar covered bythe Financial Senices Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Every year well ‘send youan information sheet which telsyouthe pes of deposits covered andthe protection fered the FSCS, Feemace information vst C= Fscs) \Wesendstaterents and othercornications from timeto ime frlegal reasons otolet youknow about changes to your accounts or seraces ‘when you callus your calla be monitored or ecordedin case weneed to check vwehave cared out yourinsttuctions carect/andtahelpimprave au quality of If your vision is impaired — please contact us for an alternative format such as large print, Braille or audio CD. Iyourhearing orspeech s impaired ~ you can contact us using the Relay UK Service or via Textphone on 0345 300 2281 (ines are open 24hours a day, 7 days a week). Signvideo services are also available if you e Deaf and use Bish Sign Language at Leyes Banko Rested Ofc: 25 Gesram Steet LondonECA\ THN Reteredh Engand ane Welesro 2065 ods Bar les authored he Predera Regulation Autry and tegusteddy thet rancs CenaetAthory ante Puen egtaton Ahoy dregeana 8278 Ing toadhorto The Suncare ol orn raciceirharemontcadares nro the SB waMelendngstandardsboardoguk LLOYDS BANK ens Statement No. 3 Sort Code 309790 21 April 24 ‘Account Number 53551208 Page 3 ofS CLASSIC Your Transactions Date Print Details MoneyOut(E) Moneyin(&) Balance (E) Type ‘O1Feb 24 [STATEMENT OPENING BALANCE 5,099.88 onfeb24 [pep | amie wicHoLs 100.00 5,199.88 O1Feb 24 |FPO | WALTER ROBBINS EXPENSES O1FEB24 13:21 150.00 5,049.88 o2Feb 28 |DEP | ANNAHARVEY 320.00 5,169.88 o2Feb24 |pe8 |UIDL BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 31.22 5,138.66 03 Feb 24 |DEB |r MORRISONS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 70.26 5,068.40 (4 Feb 28 DEB | FRESH MARKET BRIDGWATER CD 3155 35.17] 5.03323 o4Feb.28 |pe8 | ALDI BRIDGWATER cD 3155 40.22 4993.01 04 Feb 24 |peB | SAINSBURY'S BRIDGWATER CD 3155 5069 4,942.32 (05 Feb 24 |FPO._ | DANIEL MCCARTHY EXPENSES 05FEB24 20:47 100.00 4.84232 06Feb 28 [DEB | DAILY NEEDS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 2073 482159 O6Feb24 |oeB [EUROPE FOOD BRIDGWATER CD 3155 14.28 480731 7 Feb 24 |DEB {ICELAND SUPERMARKET BRIDGWATER CD 3155 88.7 471854 7 Feb28 |DEB _|IMAIA DELICATESSEN BRIDGWATER CD 3185 30.12 4,688.42 08Feb.24 |pE8 | FARMFOODS LTD BRIDGWATER CD 3155 S194 4,636.48 t0Fe24 |csH |tovD 25 CORNHILL 300.00 4,936.48 iifeb24 |FPO | TIM LOPEZ EXPENSES 11FEB24 15:02 150.00 4,786.48 12Feb24 |DEB [EUROPEAN FOOD SHOP BRIDGWATER CD 3155 33.28 4,753.20 12Feb24 DES |as FOODHALL BRIDGWATER CD 3155 40.95} 471228 13Feb24 |DEB [TESCO EXTRA BRIDGWATER CD 2155 106.18 4,606.07 14Feb24 |DEB _ |KIRANAPASAL BRIDGWATER CO 3155, 30.22 457585 14Feb24 |DES | LONDIS BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 7a85| 4,505.20 asFeb24 |csH |tovD 25 CORNHILL 200.00 4,705.20 igFeb24 ep |paviD BROWN 90.00 4,795.20 a7 Feb24 DEP | JEFFREY STEVENSON 105.40 4.90060 18Feb24 |DeB _|BUDGENS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 4409 4.85651 18feb24 |DEB |LONDIS& POST OFFICE BRIDGWATER CD 3155 12651 4,730.00 19Feb24 |pe8 |kFC BRIDGWATER CD 3155 0.18| 4719.82 20Feb24 |DEB | MUNCHIES BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 3177 4,888.05 22Feb24 |eB |NexT BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 5094 4637.11 25Feb24 DEP |SARAMEYER 13385 4,770.96 25Feb24 |FPO | MARY ROGERS EXPENSES 25FEB24 11:13 100.00 4,670.96 26Feb24 |FPO | MARY ROGERS EXPENSES 26FEB24 09:18 250.00 442096 28Feb24 |DEB |DRAGONFLY MOON BRIDGWATER CD 3185 3089 4390.07 29Feb24 |DEB | BONMARCHE BRIDGWATER CD 3155 21.40 4,368.67 o2Mar24 {DEB {ALDI BRIDGWATER CD 3185 80.26 4,288.41 (04 Mar24 DEB | HALFORDS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 699 4,221.42 05Mar24 |csH {LOYD 25 CORNHILL 200.00 4421.42 05 Mar24 |pEP | FREDERICK WOODS 50.00 ania (Continued on next page) yds Banke 2 Gresham tet London, EC2V7HN, LLOYDS BANK ens Statement No. 3 Sort Code 3097-90 21 April 24 ‘Account Number 53551208 Page4 of 5 CLASSIC Date Print Details MoneyOut(é) Moneyin(é) Balance (&) Type ‘06 Mar 24 [DEB ]CO-OP FOOD BRIDGWATER CD 3155 35.64) 4435.78 07 Mar 24 |DEB | HOME BARGAINS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 28.17} 4,407.61 07 Mar 24 DEB | WHSMITH BRIDGWATER CD 3155 3192 4,375.69 08 Mar 24 DEB |THE WORKS BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 80.271 4,325.42 09 Mar24 [DEP | EUGENE LYNCH 400.00 4,725.42 t0Mar24 |DEP | EUGENE LYNCH 315.00 5,040.42 11Mar24 |DEB | COSTCUTTERBRIDGWATER CD 3155 30.24) 5010.18 11Mar 24 |DEB _ | PITMANS STORE BRIDGWATER CD 3155 1123 4,998.95 12Mar24 |DEB | PREMIER BRIDGWATER CD 3155 97 4,989.23, 13Mar24 |DEB | LOFT JEANSWEAR BRIDGWATER CD 3155 40.78} 4,948.45, 14 Mar 24 |FPO | ERIC HALE EXPENSES 14MAR24 11:52 260.00 4,688.45 14Mar 24 |CSH |LOYD 25 CORNHILL 200.00 4,888.45 15Mar24 |CSH |LOYD 25 CORNHILL 350.00 5,238.45, 16Mar 24 |DEB | NISALOCAL BRIDGWATER CD 3155 39.87] 519858 17Mar24 [DEB |LIDL BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 40.38) 5.15820 17 Mar24 |DEB | ALDI BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 2155) 5,136.65 18Mar24 |DEB | TESCO EXTRA BRIDGWATER CD 3155 90.66) 5,045.99 19Mar 24 |DEB _ |SAINSBURY'S BRIDGWATER CD 3155 40.98) 5,005.01 20Mar24 |DEB | ASDA BRIDGWATER CO 3155, 2141 4,983.90 21.Mar 24 |FPO | JUDITH MURRAY EXPENSES 21MAR24 13:31 150.00 4,833.90 21Mar24 |DEP |EMMARAMOS 166,00 4,999.90 22Mar24 |DEP | MICHAEL TAYLOR 27830 5,278.20 24Mar24 |DEP | DONALD MORRIS 15055 5,428.75, 27Mar 24 |DEB | DAILY NEEDS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 2039) 5,408.36 27Mar 24 |DEB | MAJA DELICATESSEN BRIOGWATER CD 3155, 2077 5,387.59 29Mar24 |DEB | FARMFOODS LTD BRIDGWATER CD 3155 56.45) 5331.14 30Mar24 |DEB | BESTBUY FOODS LTD BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 80.73} 5,250.41 30Mar24 |DE8 |BUDGENS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 15.66 5,234.75, 31Mar24 |DEB INVICTUS GYM BRIDGWATER CD 3155 150.00 5,084.75 31Mar24 |DEB _ |MB&S FOODHALL BRIDGWATER CD 3155 274) 5,062.01 31.Mar24 [FPO |LINDA JONES EXPENSES 31MAR24 09:47 200.00 4862.01 (O1Apr24|FPO _|SARAH HAYES EXPENSES O1APR24 12:01 350.00 451201 02Apr24 |DEP | EDWARD ELUS 233.00 4,745.01, 02Apr24 |DEB |CO-OP FOOD BRIDGWATER CD 3155 36.99) 4,708.02 03.Apr24 |DEB | RADSTOCK CO-OPERATIVE BRIDGWATER CD 3155| 1256 4,695.46 04.Apr24 |DEB |LONDIS BRIDGWATER CD 3155 33.05) 4,662.41 07 Apr24 |DEB | WILD ROCKETBRIDGWATER CD 3155 1897 4,643.44 08.Apr24 |DEB | WEST INDIA HOUSE BRIDGWATER CO 3255 5031 4593.13 11apr24 [DEB | MALIWAN'S BRIDGWATER CD 3155 2541 4,567.72 asapr24 |CSH |25CORNHILL 1100.00 4,967.72 15Apr24 |cSH |25CORNHILL 100.00 4,767.72 (Continued on next page) yds Banke 2 Gresham tet London, EC2V7HN, LLOYDS BANK ens Statement No. 3 Sort Code 3097-90 21 April 24 ‘Account Number 53551208 Pages of 5 CLASSIC Date Print Details MoneyOutté) Moneyin(é) Balance (&) Type TBApr24 [FPO ]EDITH LONG EXPENSES 1BAPR24 18:22 100.00 4667.72 19Apr24 |FPO _ |SCOTT BARNES EXPENSES 19APR24 21:50 155.00 451272 19Apr24 |DEP | MILDRED WALLACE 611.00 512372 20Apr24 |De8 | vF 2011 BINGO 10.00 541372 20A—r24 eB |vF 2011 BINGO 10.00 5,103.72 2iApr24 |DEB |LIDL BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 40.34) 5,063.38, 21Apr24 |DEB | MORRISONS BRIDGWATER CD 3155, 2061 5,042.77 21 Apr 24 ‘STATEMENT CLOSING BALANCE 4260.21 4,203.10 5,042.77 Paymenttypes: CSH-Cash DEB- Debit Card DEP-Deposit FPO - Faster Payment Transaction Details The "Details" columnin your statement shows the date that a Debit Card payment has come into or ut of your account only if that happened ona weekend ora Bank Holiday. yds Banke 2 Gresham tet London, EC2V7HN,

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