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Here is a list of some key entities in Dota 2:

1. **Heroes:** Playable characters with unique abilities and attributes.

2. **Creeps:** Non-playable units that spawn periodically and march down lanes to
attack enemy units and structures.

3. **Buildings:** Structures that must be destroyed to win the game, including the
Ancient, barracks, and towers.

4. **Neutral Creeps:** Creeps that are not aligned with either team and reside in
the jungle. They can be killed for gold and experience.

5. **Runes:** Power-ups that spawn at designated locations in the river every two
minutes, providing various temporary bonuses when picked up.

6. **Items:** Equipment that can be purchased to enhance a hero's abilities and


7. **Wards:** Items that provide vision of an area, aiding in map control and

8. **Couriers:** Units that deliver items to heroes on the battlefield.

9. **Shrines:** Structures that can be activated to heal nearby allied units and
restore their mana.

10. **Ancient:** The central structure in each team's base that must be destroyed
to win the game.

In Dota 2, heroes have several attributes that define their characteristics and
abilities. Here are the main attributes and their effects:

1. **Strength (STR):**
- Each point of Strength increases a hero's maximum health by 20 and health
regeneration by 0.1 HP/second.
- Heroes with high Strength tend to have more health and health regeneration,
making them more durable in combat.

2. **Agility (AGI):**
- Each point of Agility increases a hero's armor by 0.14, attack speed by 1, and
movement speed by 0.06%.
- Agility heroes typically have higher attack speed, armor, and movement speed,
making them more adept at dealing physical damage.

3. **Intelligence (INT):**
- Each point of Intelligence increases a hero's maximum mana by 12 and mana
regeneration by 0.04 mana/second.
- Intelligence heroes tend to have more mana and mana regeneration, making them
more capable of using their abilities frequently.

4. **Primary Attribute:**
- Each hero has a primary attribute (Strength, Agility, or Intelligence) which
determines their main source of damage.
- For each point in the primary attribute, the hero gains 1 point of damage.
Agility heroes gain 1 attack speed for every 7 points of Agility.
5. **Base Attributes:**
- Each hero also has base values for Strength, Agility, and Intelligence, which
contribute to their starting health, armor, mana, and damage.

6. **Attribute Gain:**
- Heroes gain a certain amount of their primary attribute per level, which
further increases their health, mana, damage, armor, attack speed, and movement
speed as they level up.

7. **Attribute Bonuses:**
- Every few levels, heroes gain additional attribute points that can be used to
increase their Strength, Agility, or Intelligence, further enhancing their

In Dota 2, creeps are non-player units that spawn regularly and move down the lanes
toward the enemy base. There are several types of creeps, each with its own

1. **Melee Creep:**
- Health: 550 (at start of the game).
- Damage: 21-26 (at start of the game).
- Attack Speed: 1.2 attacks per second.
- Bounty: 45-49 gold, 90 experience (shared among nearby enemy heroes).

2. **Ranged Creep:**
- Health: 300 (at start of the game).
- Damage: 15-21 (at start of the game).
- Attack Speed: 1.35 attacks per second.
- Attack Range: 500.
- Bounty: 45-49 gold, 90 experience (shared among nearby enemy heroes).

3. **Siege Creep:**
- Health: 550 (at start of the game).
- Damage: 55-65 (at start of the game).
- Attack Speed: 1.2 attacks per second.
- Attack Range: 690.
- Siege Damage: Deals 150% damage to buildings.
- Bounty: 88-100 gold, 155 experience (shared among nearby enemy heroes).

4. **Neutral Creep:**
- Health, damage, and other attributes vary based on the specific type of
neutral creep (e.g., Centaur Conqueror, Hellbear Smasher, Wildwing Ripper).
- Neutral creeps provide gold and experience to the hero that kills them.

5. **Ancient Creeps:**
- Found in the Ancient Camps located near each team's base.
- Ancient creeps are stronger and provide more gold and experience than regular
neutral creeps.

Creeps play a crucial role in Dota 2 by providing a steady income of gold and
experience to heroes, as well as pushing lanes and applying pressure on enemy
structures. Understanding the attributes and behaviors of creeps is essential for
effectively controlling lanes and gaining an advantage in the game.

In Dota 2, buildings are structures located on the map that serve various purposes,
such as defending the base, providing vision, and upgrading hero abilities. The
main buildings in Dota 2 are:

1. **Ancient:**
- Health: 4250.
- Armor: 20.
- Damage: 150-200 (area damage to enemies).
- The Ancient is the central building in each team's base. Destroying the enemy
Ancient is the primary objective of the game and results in victory.

2. **Tower:**
- Health: 1400-2600 (varies based on location).
- Armor: 14.
- Damage: 110-120 (single-target damage to enemies).
- Attack Range: 700.
- Towers are defensive structures located along the lanes. They attack enemy
units and heroes that come within range.

3. **Barracks (Melee and Ranged):**

- Health: 1500 (Melee), 1200 (Ranged).
- Armor: 10.
- Barracks are buildings located inside the base that spawn melee and ranged
creeps for the team. Destroying barracks weakens the enemy's creeps in that lane.

4. **Outpost:**
- Health: 1500.
- Armor: 15.
- The Outpost is a neutral building located near each team's jungle. Controlling
the Outpost provides vision and allows teleportation to it.

5. **Shrine:**
- Health: 1500.
- Armor: 20.
- Shrines are healing structures located inside the base. They can be activated
to heal nearby allied units and restore their mana.

6. **Glyph of Fortification:**
- This is not a building but a team-wide ability that temporarily grants
invulnerability to structures and causes them to deal double damage. It can be used
to defend against enemy pushes.

Understanding the attributes and roles of buildings is essential for strategizing

in Dota 2. Protecting your own buildings while attacking and destroying enemy
buildings are key aspects of gameplay.

In Dota 2, items play a crucial role in enhancing a hero's abilities, providing

utility, and improving survivability. Here are some common attributes found in

1. **Attribute Bonuses:**
- Many items provide bonuses to the hero's primary attributes (Strength,
Agility, and Intelligence), increasing health, mana, damage, armor, attack speed,
and other attributes.

2. **Active Abilities:**
- Some items have active abilities that can be used by the hero. These abilities
can range from damaging spells to buffs, debuffs, disables, and utility effects.

3. **Passive Abilities:**
- Some items provide passive bonuses, such as increased movement speed, evasion,
lifesteal, magic resistance, or cooldown reduction.

4. **Health and Mana Regeneration:**

- Some items provide passive health or mana regeneration, allowing heroes to
sustain themselves during battles and between engagements.

5. **Damage and Attack Speed:**

- Items can increase a hero's damage output and attack speed, making them more
effective in combat.

6. **Armor and Magic Resistance:**

- Items can increase a hero's armor, reducing physical damage taken, or provide
magic resistance, reducing magical damage taken.

7. **Movement Speed:**
- Items can increase a hero's movement speed, allowing them to maneuver more
quickly around the map and escape from dangerous situations.

8. **Cooldown Reduction:**
- Some items reduce the cooldown of a hero's abilities, allowing them to use
their spells more frequently.

9. **Utility Effects:**
- Items can provide various utility effects, such as vision, detection of
invisible units, teleportation, and regeneration of health or mana.

Understanding the attributes and effects of items is crucial for effective

itemization in Dota 2. Different items are suitable for different heroes and
situations, so choosing the right items can greatly impact a hero's effectiveness
in the game.

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