Final 6 2021 - Math For Business-10

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Date: 28/06/2021

Duration: 120 minutes

Student ID: .................................. Name:................................................

SUBJECT: Math for Business (BA282IU)

School of Business Lecturer

Signature: Signature:

Full name:
Full name:
Dr. Trinh Quoc Dat
Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Van
Mr. Le Ngoc Anh Khoa
Mr. Vu Tuan Anh
Mr. Nguyen Duc Tri Anh


1 This is an OPEN book examination. Students are allowed to bring 1

double-sided A4 note and calculator (without memory card attached) to the

2. Students are required to open the camera during the exam time and submit
their answers with the name as follows: Studentname_StudentID_Math

1. Question 1 (20 marks):

Draw and find the consumer’s surplus at Po = A for the following demand function:

P = 25 – 2Q (10 points)
Draw and find the producer’s surplus at Po = 30-B for the following supply function:
P = 15 + 3Q (10 points)
Noted: A is your last digit of your student ID. B is your birth’s month. If the last digit of your
student ID equals to zero, A will be converted automatically to 5. Please, write your birth
month and the last digit of student’s ID before you continue to solve the question.
Question 2. (20 marks)
Suppose a monopolist is practicing price discrimination in the sale of a product by changing
different prices in two separate markets. The demand is
𝑝1 = 100 − 𝑞1 in market 1 and the demand is 𝑝2 = 120 − 𝑞2 in market 2
where 𝑞1 and 𝑞2 are the quantities sold per week in market 1 and 2, respectively; and 𝑝1 and 𝑝2
are the respective selling prices. If the monopolist’s cost is 1200 + 4𝑞1 + 6𝑞2
a) Express the profit as a function 𝑃 in terms of 𝑞1 and 𝑞2 . (10 points)

b) How much should be sold in each market to maximize the profit? (10 points)

2. Question 3: (20 marks)

The production function of a firm is given by Q = K0.2L0.7 where Q, K and L denote output,
capital and labour, respectively. The firm currently uses 300 units of capital and 500 units of
labour. If the firm decreases labour by C%, estimate the increase in capital needed to maintain
current output levels.

Noted: C is the first digit of your birth month. Please, write your birth month in your answer
before you continue to solve the question.

Question 4. (20 marks)

Maricopa's Success scholarship fund receives a gift of $130 000. The money is invested in
stocks, bonds, and CDs. CDs pay 3.75% interest, bonds pay 5.1% interest, and stocks pay 8.3%
interest. Maricopa Success invests $20 000 more in bonds than in CDs. If the annual income
from the investments is $7050, how much was invested in each account?

Give your answer as (x,y,z) in terms of x dollars in bonds, y dollars in stocks and z dollars in
Question 5: (20 marks)

To survive during Covid-19 pandemic, everyday KYC Manufacture must consume at least 3000
kilo Watt (kW) of electricity to make at least 360 units of chip Alpha and 900 units of chip
Theta. Robot Megatron consume 600 kW, can produce 120 units of chip Alpha, and 100 units
of chips Theta daily. Robot Cybertron consume 600 kW, can produce 60 units of chip Alpha,
and 300 units of chip Theta daily. The cost to run each Robot Megatron is $120 and each Robot
Cybertron is $150.

Let a be number of Robot Megatron, b be number of Robot Cybertron, x be units of chip Alpha,
y be units of chip Theta.

a) Write a mathematical linear programming for the problem of cost optimization. (10
b) Draw the feasible region and find the value of a, b to solve the optimal problem in
question a) (10 points)

-----THE END----

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