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TAB Reaction Prompts

Write a brief paragraph about your reactions to the TAB experience you went through in class.
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability...

1.) How did the TAB experience affect you as a learner?

I liked having so many choices and getting to do what I wanted. It was a lot of fun and knowing
that if the choice I chose at first was something I didn’t like I could change what I did.

2.) What are the strong points to a TAB based classroom/lesson set up? What are the down

Strong points:
The child is the artist/ student centered
no feelings of judgment since everyone did their own compare themselves to themselves and
not others
problem solving skills
can create your own style choose what they want as a project
can be rewarding/ a confidence builder

down side:
to much freeness could stress out a child
hard if your an in the box thinker of thinking about what you want to do
to much lack of structure

3.) What are some educational theories of practices that are used/highlighted in the TAB

problem solving
self reflection on their projects
social skills
student centered
making connections

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