Fruit and Veg-WORKSHEET

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GCSE- Unit 3

Les fruits Les légumes

In the wordsearch, find the French vocabulary for the fruits listed below. Complete the crossword below with the French translation. Use a box for

Then, write the French equivalent in the table to complete the list.
Across down
apple = peach= 5. mushroom = 1. potato =
apricot = pear = 6. carrot = 2. cucumber =
banana = pineapple = 8. lettuce = 3. tomato =
cherry = plum = 10. asparagus = 4. cabbage =
grapefruit = strawberry = 11. green beans = 7. peas =
grapes = raspberry = 13. onion = 9. corn =
lemon = watermelon = 14. leek = 12. cauliflower =
orange = 15. pepper =

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