Artificial Intelligence's Impact On The Global Entertainment Economy

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Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On The Global Entertainment Economy 21/04/24, 19:17

Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On

The Global Entertainment Economy
Ryan Kido Feb 5, 2024,

Ryan Kido, Chief Technology Officer, Ateliere Creative Technologies.…nces-impact-on-the-global-entertainment-economy/?sh=7f9f34b263fd Page 1 of 6
Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On The Global Entertainment Economy 21/04/24, 19:17


Imagining a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is the key to

Hollywood's success no longer sounds like a storyline from a sci-fi movie.
AI will continue to play an increasingly pivotal role in the entertainment
industry’s money-making machine, revolutionizing everything from
scheduling to localization and distribution. In essence, AI offers a strategic
advantage that is changing how content creators and exhibitors monetize
their assets.

Accelerating the potential is the rise of generative AI, which can be

leveraged for creative tasks, sparking a debate about the future of many
jobs in the industry. Yet, generative AI holds immense potential to
transform the industry, enabling faster concept creation and iterations as
well as increased potential for experimentation during production.

There are, however, hurdles to overcome. Current AI models have been

criticized for bias and potential copyright issues. There is also concern…nces-impact-on-the-global-entertainment-economy/?sh=7f9f34b263fd Page 2 of 6
Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On The Global Entertainment Economy 21/04/24, 19:17

about job disruption for actors, writers, artists and other creative
participants in the face of AI advancement.

Fully embracing generative AI requires a solid business footing that

reconciles artistic concerns. The entertainment industry needs to strike a
balance between AI's efficiency and the irreplaceable human touch in
content creation.

Where Hollywood Can Strike Next

Now, let's talk about money. Hollywood is show business, after all. AI’s
influence goes beyond creative processes, providing a significant boost to
monetization efforts. As the CTO of Ateliere, I've observed firsthand how
the industry’s embrace of AI is transforming the media supply chain
(MSC) to deliver unprecedented efficiency and commercial benefits.

Predictive AI algorithms can analyze viewer behavior, preferences and

consumption patterns across massive sets of data. This can enable
companies to harness the power of data via trained AI models to predict,
plan and meet increasingly complex global audience demands. This data-
driven approach can augment human decision-making to optimize
content production and distribution spend, minimizing waste and
maximizing ROI. In an industry where success hinges on audience
reception, this sort of insight is priceless.

In tandem with targeted advertising and personalized content, AI can

increase viewer engagement and retention, potentially leading to
increased ad-based and subscription-based revenue. Additionally, AI's
role in compliance makes content accessible to wider global audiences
and can contribute to cost reduction. By automating complex tasks like
metadata tagging, asset management and compliance checks, AI
minimizes errors and improves operational efficiency, further contributing
to cost savings and increased monetization.…nces-impact-on-the-global-entertainment-economy/?sh=7f9f34b263fd Page 3 of 6
Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On The Global Entertainment Economy 21/04/24, 19:17

Time Is Money: AI In Global Distribution And

So, what's the next big thing for the entertainment industry? Expanded
global reach, with AI paving the way.

By predicting optimal release windows and markets, AI can maximize both

reach and revenue. Generative AI has the potential to enhance content’s
local acceptability by analyzing cultural nuances and preferences. AI
models can process vast amounts of data related to local customs,
traditions and social norms. This helps to customize content so that it
doesn't just literally translate; it actually resonates.

For instance, AI could be trained to analyze local language usage,

historical context and societal norms to ensure that dialogue and cultural
references align with the targeted audience's expectations as well as the
creator’s artistic intent.

By leveraging AI, media companies can gain insights into the diverse
preferences of different regions, creating more personalized and culturally
relevant content. Together with efforts to grow and license locally
produced creative works, this not only enhances the local audiences’
viewing experience but also contributes to a more inclusive, globally
resonant media industry.

One caveat: AI could also act as a gatekeeper, inhibiting broader mindsets

from reaching global populations. This emphasizes the critical need for
augmentation, combining AI’s insights with the expertise of local human

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of watching a poorly dubbed or

subtitled movie, you know that localization has room for improvement.
Combining the efficiency of AI-powered translations with the finesse of
human post-editing can significantly speed up the process.…nces-impact-on-the-global-entertainment-economy/?sh=7f9f34b263fd Page 4 of 6

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