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“How to be a scientist” – Program

Week 1: 5-9 February 2024

Rooms: Large lecture room BZ2.001
Break out rooms for group discussions: BZ2.001, BZ2.054, BZ2.058, BZ2.062,
BZ2.088 and BZ2.094

All the documents will be shared on ADAM: 70842-01 – How to be a Scientist

Monday, February 5
Everyone in BZ2.001 until 16:30 then Break out rooms

9:00 – 12:30 Introduction – schedule and aims of the course, Q&A


Personal introductions - elevator pitch, group formation, ice breakers

Christelle Hostettler and Sarah Thomforde (tbc)


13:00 – 14:30 Why be a scientist? – Alex + Marek


14:45 – 16:15 Course organization, expectations for Journal Club and Project Proposals –
Marek + Alex


16:30 – 18:30 Preparation work for Journal Club - break out rooms

Tuesday, February 6
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written

8:00 – 8:50 Individual Prep work – break out rooms


9:00 – 10:20 Research Talk 1 plus Q&A – Marek

10:30 – 11:50 Research Talk 2 plus Q&A – Roderick

Lunch with PIs (Marek and Roderick) on 2nd floor. Everyone brings their own lunch or buy
themselves. Christelle to reserve tables.

13:30 – 14:30 Imaging Core Facility – Oliver Biehlmaier


14:45 – 15:45 Introduction of the members of the Basler and Lim labs – selected TAs from
Basler/Lim labs (without PIs)

- Basler lab – until 15:15

- Lim lab – from 15:15 – 15:45

the three TAs from each lab present their projects and can answer some general questions (later
they work on their Journal club together)


16:00 – 18:00 Journal Club coaching with TAs from Basler / Lim labs - break out rooms

Wednesday, February 7
Everyone in BZ2.001 all day, except break out rooms as written

8:00 – 8:50 Individual prep work – break out rooms


9:00 – 10:20 Research Talk 3 plus Q&A – Flavio


10:30 – 11:50 Research Talk 4 plus Q&A – Médéric

Lunch with PIs (Flavio and Médéric) on 2nd floor. Everyone brings their own lunch or buy themselves.
Christelle to reserve tables.

13:30 – 14:30 BioEM Facility -– Mohamed Chami


14:45 – 15:45 Introduction of the members of the Donato and Diard labs – selected TAs from
Donato/ Diard labs (without PIs)

- Donato lab – until 15:15

- Diard lab – from 15:15 – 15:45

the three TAs from each lab present their projects and can answer some general questions (later
they work on their Journal club together)


16:00 – 18:00 Journal Club coaching with TAs from Donato / Diard labs - break out rooms

Thursday, February 8
Everyone in BZ2.001 all day, except break out rooms at written

8:00 – 8:50 - Individual prep work – break out rooms


9:00 – 12:00 Journal Club Presentations – 6x 15min presentation + 10min discussion –

TAs /Marek/ Roderick –PIs decide if TAs should attend


13:30 – 14:30 Research Instrumentation Facility - Ludovit Zweifel


14:45 – 16:15 - Project proposals individual work - break out rooms


16:30 – 18:00 Gender, Diversity & Inclusion in Academia

Nicole Kälin and Patricia Zweifel – Diversity & Inclusion Office, University of Basel

Friday, February 9
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written

8:00 – 8:50 Individual prep work – break out rooms

9:00 – 12:00 Journal Club Presentations – 6x 15min presentation + 10min discussion –

TAs/Médéric/Flavio - PIs decide if TAs should attend


13:30 – 14:30 Biophysics Facility – Timothy Sharpe with Tobias Mühlethaler


14:45 – 16:45 Project Proposals coaching with TAs (all TAs involved) - break out rooms


17:00 – 18:00 Setting expectations for your PhD/fears & hopes – Alex + Marek

Apéro – with Marek and Alex 2nd floor hallway

Week 2: 12-16 February 2024
Rooms: Large lecture room BZ2.001
Break out rooms for group discussions: BZ2.001, BZ2.054, BZ2.058, BZ2.062,
BZ2.088 and BZ2.094

Monday, February 12
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written
8:00 – 09:50 Written Project Proposal - break out rooms

Deadline: Project proposals to PIs by 10:00!

10:00 – 11:00 Genomics Facility – Christian Biesel

11:00 – 12:00 Proteomics Core Facility – Alexander Schmidt


13:30 – 15:15 Ethics – Lester Geneviève and David Azilagbetor

15:30 – 18:00 Publishing / Meeting an Editor – presentation and Q&A session –
Julie Sollier and Rebecca Eccles

breaks as needed
Apéro – with Julie Sollier and Rebecca Eccles - 2nd floor hallway

Tuesday, February 13
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written

8:00– 8:50 Prep work for oral presentations in groups - breakout rooms

9:00 – 11:15 PIs share their personal grant proposals and process (Marek, Ben Engel) - all
together in BZ2.001


11:30 – 12:30 Flow Cytometry Core Facility – Stella Stefanova and Svitlana Malysheva


13:30 – 14:30 SciCORE Center for Scientific Computing, IT and the SIB Training program –
Geoffrey Fucile


14:45 – 15:30 Personal Integrity – Cora Wagner, Personal Integrity officer. Christelle will distribute
the flyer with important contact information.

Break as needed

15:35 – 16:20 Mental Health – Jens Gaab – Professor and Head of Center for Psychotherapy at
the University of Basel with representatives from Mind-Map and selected PhD
students (tbc)


16:30 -18:00 Aggregating Proposals, group work – break out rooms

Wednesday, February 14
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written

8:00 – 9:50 Project Proposal Presentation with groups – break out rooms –

10:00 – 10:50 Practice presentations – combine two groups (G1+G4 etc.) – take turns to present
(15 min) and give feedback (10 min)


11:00 – 12:00 Data Management – Michael Podvinec


13:00 – 14:00 FAIR DATA and Use of Wiki as ELN – Michael Podvinec


14:15 – 16:15 Feedback on written proposals – BZ2.001 (with Marek, Birthe Fahrenkrog, Médéric
and Flavio)


16:30 – 18:00 Prep work alone – break out rooms

Thursday, February 15
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written

8:00 – 8:50 Prep work - breakout rooms

9:00 – 12:00 Project proposals presentations & evaluation - 3x (15 min talk + 30 min questions
by the review panel, 5 min feedback, 10 min break) – Marek, Birthe Fahrenkrog,
Médéric, Flavio, some TAs


13:00 – 14:30 Animal experiments - Anke Rohlfs, 3Rs or Animal Welfare Coordinator


14:45 – 15:45 Family and Academia – discussion with PIs from the Biozentrum -
Susan Mango /Knut Drescher /Peter Scheiffele / Minia Antelo Varela


16:00 – 18:00 Q&A session with PhD Students and PostDocs from all 4 labs, 1 per lab, no PIs
everyone in BZ2.001 (Each PI to select someone from their lab. A 3-4th year PhD
Student or Postdoc)

Apéro with selected PhD Students and Postdocs from Q&A Session above -2nd floor hallway

Friday, February 16
Everyone in BZ2.001 most of the day, break out rooms as written

8:00– 8:50 Prep work - breakout rooms

9:00 – 12:00 Project proposals presentations & evaluation – 3x (15 min talk + 30 min questions
by the review panel, 5 min feedback, 10 min break) - Marek, Birthe Fahrenkrog,
Médéric, Flavio, some TAs


13:30 – 14:30 PACs, mentors, reports, PhD admin – Marek


14:45 – 16:15 Q&A session with PIs (Marek, Birthe Fahrenkrog, Médéric, Flavio) everyone in

16:20 – 16:50 Course Survey – Marek (upload link or document to ADAM for students to fill out)

17:00 - Party in the Science Lounge. All participants, lecturers, TAs invited + Angie

Who’s Who in order of presentations

Oliver Biehlmaier, Imaging Core Facility,

Mohamed Chami, BioEM Lab,

Ludovit Zweifel, Research Instrumentation Facility,

Nicole Kälin, Gender, Diversity & Inclusion in Academia,>

Patricia Zweifel, Gender, Diversity & Inclusion in Academia

Timothy Sharpe, Biophysics Facility,

Tobias Mühlethaler, Biophysics Facility,

Christian Beisel, Genomics Facility,

Alexander Schmidt, Proteomics Core Facility

Lester Geneviève, Ethics.

David Azilagbetor, Ethics

Aoife Milford, Ethics

Julie Sollier, former editor in chief, Developmental Cell, current NCCR AntiResist Scientific Officer,

Rebecca Eccles, editor at Molecular Cell

Stella Stefanova, FACS Core Facility,

Svitlana Malysheva, FACS Core Facility

Geoffrey Fucile, SciCore,

Cora Wagner, Personal Integrity,

Jens Gaab, Mental Health,

Michael Podvinec, Research IT, WIKI, FAIR data

Anke Rohlfs, Animal Facilities,

Family and Academia: Peter, Knut, Susan, Minia

TAs: Basler Group:

Hoi Ching Cheung, Melanie Karen Engelin, Alexander Heynisch

Diard Group:
Nicolas Wenner, Leo Rocha and Pramod Jangir

Donato Group:
Maria Lahr, Renan Augusto Viana Mendes, Talia Ulmer

Lim Group:
Birthe Fahrenkrog and Larisa Kapinos + tbc

Rooms reserved: capacity Group Break Out Room

BZ2.001 50 Group 1 BZ2.001
BZ2.054 17 Group 2 BZ2.054
BZ2.058 17 Group 3 BZ2.058
BZ2.062 12 Group 4 BZ2.062
BZ2.088 12 Group 5 BZ2.088
BZ2.094 17 Group 6 BZ2.094

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