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Before the realm of dragons on Earth, there were twelve dragons who came here from

another star system to set up the energetic grid system for this planet. These
twelve dragons were invited to come to Earth by an emissary of the Creator to lay
the groundwork for the energy of this planet in preparation for the arrival of the
human species. There was a long period of preparation before humans could live
here. Earth was an experiment, and the dragons were the first beings invited here
to set the energetic framework.

Dragons brought pure crystalline energy with them and laid it into the ground, and
this is what is awakening now. The long-dormant crystalline consciousness will
awaken fully within the next two decades, and it will assist all of humanity in
awakening and remembering its true heritage. After the initial work was done by
these twelve magnificent beings, they departed to their homeland, and after a long
period of time, other creatures started arriving on Earth.

Your star system is vast and has a myriad of life forms; some stars have dragons,
not unlike the twelve who initially came to this planet. Many found their way to
Earth and settled here, for the energy was similar to their home planets. The
remnants you find now are the remnants of these dragons. In the course of their own
evolution, some of them advanced in consciousness and moved into higher dimensions.

There will be more and more sightings and feelings of being connected with these
dragons as humans evolve into higher consciousness. In the course of their
advancement, these higher-dimensional dragons fanned out to all the major energy
centers in the planet. Some moved to Japan, some moved to the Andes Mountains of
South America, some moved to Mount Shasta in California, and some moved to the
hills of China and Indonesia. Dragon energy is ready to be revealed in the Ural
Mountains and Mount Kilimanjaro. These dragons are collectively holding the
vibration for humanity to move into the fifth dimension. Human eyesight will be
awakened to see the truth in the near future, for this is one of the gifts humans
will soon have: the newly awakened eye that sees the truth and can distinguish
truth from illusion.

Working with Dragons

Lightbeings can contact dragons by calling on them and connecting with them on an
energetic level. Dragons can support you in raising your courage, steeling your
will to seek the truth and never give up, thereby giving you fearlessness and

Many human chakras are connected to dragon energy. Some of the geometric patterns
of the chakras are found on the skins of dragons. You can use dragon energy to work
with your chakras. Enlightened dragons emit sounds that can support humanity in its
awakening. Dragons can also teach you about sound vibrations that you can use to
awaken your kundalini power.

Some of the original dragons who came to Earth will now communicate with you.

Dragon Vaaa
Greetings. This is the dragon being known as Vaaa, and I live in the sacred hills
of Malaysia called the Batu Caves. The hills of Batu were chosen specifically
because they carry higher vibrations, and the Batu Caves are connected to the
energy of three star systems. The ancient people living in this area intuited this;
thus they chose to make this a holy place by consecrating the holy Gods of India
into these hills.

There is a specific purpose to the Batu hills, for they carry the energetic
vibrational pattern for the awakening Mer-Ka-Na in human beings. This is one of the
highest vibrational patterns you must achieve before moving into the final stages
of ascension from this planet. I hold this energy for humanity.
I invite all of you to avail yourselves of this grand energy to awaken further. The
tonal frequency to use to work with my energy is “vayooooooooooooo
vayooooooooooooooo vayoooooooooooooooo.” The color to visualize is green.

Dragon Kiyoo
Greetings. I am the dragon being known as Kiyoo. I live in the Himalaya Mountains.
Many people have seen me while climbing these mountains, but they thought they had
seen a mirage, an illusion, or that their minds were playing tricks on them at the
higher altitudes.

I appear to those with whom I have worked before. I hold the vibrational pattern of
the memory of the awakening pineal gland. When you tone my name and visualize your
pineal gland opening and expanding, my energy will be infused into your brain, and
you will see the beginning of new awakened consciousness.

Awakening your pineal gland is one of the most glorious things a human being can do
to activate the higher brain, where true connection with the Creator can always be
maintained. The tonal frequency to use to work with me is “kiyoooooooooooooooo.”
The color to visualize is soft pink.

Lord Vallar
Greetings. I am the being known as Lord Vallar. I am the king of dragons, and I
hold the energy pattern of the great serpent power for planet Earth. My color is a
soft purple with pink in it. I also have some green, along with shades of gray on
my skin.

The ancient Gods used me in awakening their awesome power by invoking me to infuse
my energy within them. I hold the vibrational pattern for the entire set of your
DNA. Connect with me, work with me, and let us together awaken this awesome power
within you.

My abode is in the region of Antarctica. The tonal frequency to use to work with me
is “valarruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.” The color to visualize is magenta.

Dragon Vyaau
Greetings. I am the dragon whose name is Vyaau. I am the emissary who connects
human beings with the five elements. Humans in their movement toward ascension must
master and work with the kingdoms of the elements.

I hold the vibrational energy for the wind. You must master this element, for it is
directly connected to the breath you inhale. Breath has the power to liberate you
from illusion.

The tonal frequency you can use to work with this element is
“vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” When you use this tone, you
stretch your vocal chords and thereby enable yourself to take more oxygen into your
body. Work with this tone to elevate yourself.

Lady Asuraya
Greetings. I am the one known as Asuraya. I am of the female form, and I hold the
vibrational pattern for human beings to connect with the flower and plant kingdoms,
which is a prerequisite for ascension. By connecting with the flower and plant
kingdoms, you can truly and fully open your heart. The heart must be completely
opened before you are allowed to go into the higher dimensions.

There are also aromas that we all carry that can support humanity in its
evolutionary process. Call on me, Lady Asuraya, and let us work together to
integrate the essence of the flower and plant kingdoms within you.
Dragon Vanni
Greetings. I am the dragon known as Vanni. I represent the energetic pattern for
connecting with the mineral kingdoms. I hold certain specific vibrational patterns
for the minerals of this planet, especially the crystal kingdoms. Crystals emit and
transmit energy. You must master this quality by integrating with crystals before
moving into higher dimensions.

Your body is made of crystalline energy, and naturally, there is a pull and
connection toward the mineral kingdoms. You must consciously awaken to this energy
within yourself, bring it forth, and then enhance it to raise your vibration.

My partner, Lady Asuraya, and I hold energy for the opening of the higher chakras
(eight through eleven). Connect with us, and let us work together in anchoring your
higher chakras to your body. The tone you can use to connect with us both is
“vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oh wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.”

Dragon Seacleyn
Greetings. I am known by the energetic name of Seacleyn, and my abode is in the
mountains of New Zealand. I hold the energy pattern for connecting with the water
kingdoms. Water is the source of all life, and people must master this element to
move into higher dimensions. If you can understand the water patterns in your body,
you can understand your life fully.

Water holds the key to your life. When you can work with the water, most of your
problems — personal and global — can be solved instantly. Learn to master this
element within yourself. One way of doing this is to hold water in your bare hands,
offer it to the sky, and then drink it. Do this three times. This is best done in
the early morning before you consume any food. This will start the process of
awakening and integrating the essence of water in your body, which in turn will
help you to remember your true origin.

Dragon Agniratham
Greetings. I am the dragon known as Agniratham. I am the fire element in the human
body. I am the electric impulse in each of you, and I carry the life force inside
you. There is great power inside of me and inside of you, and you must work to
activate this. The seat of this power is near your naval. Once you are able to
master the power of this fire inside yourself, the balance of the journey to
mastery is much easier.

This power can consume you and destroy you, or it can transform you and elevate
you. Use this power with caution. Start working with small doses of this power
first and gradually build it up. The tonal frequency for this is
“theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii om.”

Lady Molemaaaaaaaa
Greetings. My name is Lady Molemaaaaaaaa. I am called the baby dragon, for I hold
the energetic pattern for innocence in life. At the core level of every human
being, everyone is innocent, pure, and loving. I hold this pattern, lest humanity
forget its true nature.

Connect with me daily and rediscover your inner beauty, purity, and innocence. Call
on me any time you need upliftment and gentle encouragement. Tone my name,
“Molemaaaaaaaa,” three times, and you will feel my presence in your heart.

Dragon Valllllllishakkkti
Greetings. I am the dragon known as Valllllllishakkkti, or the gatekeeper. My duty
is to open the gates of perception in human beings. There are many perceptions;
ascension (moving into higher dimensions) is a perception. Try to see the higher
perceptions in everything so that you are not blinded by the illusions of the
everyday world.

The color of my energy pattern is soft pink with a little magenta. Bring this color
into your mind’s eye, and place it into your third eye before you go into
meditation. You will then be working to open your higher-perspective mind/eye. You
can also embody this color on your clothes, carry it with you as a drawing, or use
it in any other way so that you are able to perceive more clearly.

Dragon Kieosomb
Greetings. My name is Kieosomb, and I hold the energy pattern for connection with
planet Earth. My abode is in the hills of Europe, and many times I appear as a
little bird for the curiosity seekers visiting these places.

My role is to hold the memory of the deep symbiotic connection you have with planet
Earth, for you and planet Earth are partners who have both come here to increase
awareness and to grow. Call on me and work with me to awaken this connection.

Dragon Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashtraiii
Greetings. I am the one known as Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashtraiii, meaning the wise one. I
hold the energy pattern of putting all things together for the manifestation of
something bigger or higher. You must have an understanding of the principles of
energy and how it is used in order to move into higher dimensions.

I hold certain sacred codes within me. You also have codes, and there are certain
codes in the ground as well. When you combine and work with all these codes, you
are able to assimilate all the wisdom you have gained and use the love in your
heart to move into higher dimensions with ease. The tone to connect with me is
“ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.” Say this in a high pitch
and then slowly lower pitch eight times.

• • •

So you see, my friends, why dragons are coming out into to the open now. Play with
them, for they can teach you much. This is Lord Merlin.

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