The Story of Garlic and The Shallots

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the story of garlic and the shallots

a fiction story
teacher : Mr. Agit

Narator & Editor : Kaila Putri Salsabila
Narator & Editor : Khaira Meilodinta Putri
Mama white : Kirana Ainun Nisa
Papa White : Lisya Maharani
Mama Red : Anindhita Argiya Puteri Fadika
White : Denisa Putri
Red : Amalia Cahya Riani
Fairy Godmother : Zahira Humayraah


Once upon a time there lived a girl named Bawang Putih, at that time her mother was seriously ill.
Mama White: "putih, remember, you must always be kind to everyone, even those who
are mean to you."
White: "Okay mother, I will always remember it" *sobs
Putih mother died. After her mother left, putih always looked gloomy, putih's father, who saw this, was
also sad and decided to remarry and hoped that putih would not be lonely. Putih's father married Bawang
Merah's mother, putih and Bawang Merah became half-siblings. After getting married, her father had to
immediately return to work outside the city and leave putih with her stepmother
Papa White: "putih, daddy will go first, after i comes back, daddy will buy a gift for you."
White: "Yes, father, don't forget to be careful there."
Bwang Merah's mother said goodbye to her husband by kissing his hand However, not long after his
father left, Bawang Merah's mother and her daughter revealed their true nature. They ordered putih to do
all the housework and even told her to sleep in the attic.
- The white scene is mopped and then splashed with water
- The white scene was scolded and told to sleep in the attic
Red: "Mom, I want to live in a nice room like a putih room"
Red's mother: "Then you can just sleep in her room, let me take care of putih"
Red: "yeey" *happy
Mama red: "putih you can't sleep in this room anymore now"
White: "Why is that, mother?"
Red: "You're really stupid. This is my room. You don't deserve to live in a room as good
as this!"
- White was forced to leave his room and sleep in the attic
- You can add other scenes yourself later during shooting
One day her stepmother told her to wash clothes in the river, putih obeyed and walked towards the river.
While she was washing her clothes, suddenly the wind felt so strong that the scarf she was washing flew
white and ran after the scarf. Finally she found the shawl in the hands of a fairy godmother.
Fairy: "Are you looking for this shawl?"
White : "Yes, that's right, it's my stepmother's, can you return it? ”
Fairy: "I will return it with 1 condition. You have to work at my house 24 hours a day."
White: "Okay, I'll do it"
- White also works in the fairy godmother's house
The next morning after finishing washing she asked for her shawl, the fairy godmother thanked her and
offered her a gift.
Fairy Godmother: "Thank you for helping me, you can choose one of these 2 boxes as a
White: "I just choose the small one, my clothes are already heavy"
Fairy: "And remember one thing, you have to open it when you get home."
-White also nodded
When she got home, White was scolded by her sister and stepmother.
Red: "Mom, look at this, our maid has just returned!!"
Mama red: * jewer putih
"Where have you been, huh?! "It's nice for you to go for a walk while you don't have any
housework to take care of."
White: "It's not like that, mother. Your shawl flew away, so i had to look for it."
Mama red: "whatever! Hurry up and do your homework."
White entered the room and decided to open the gift box, it turned out to be very expensive gold and
diamonds, without realizing that Red was peeking through the door of her room, she rushed to ask where
she got the box.
Red: "Hey, where did you get it?"
- White also explained how she got the prize
Red, who was jealous, immediately rushed to do the same thing, but she did it lazily
- Wash dishes
Red: "Why are the plates so dirty! You lazy elf!”
After finishing, Red immediately asked for her prize
Red: "I've done it now, where's my prize?"
Fairy: "Yes, thank you for helping me, please choose one of these 2 boxes"
- Red selects the big box
Fairy: "And remember to open it when you get home"
On the way, the red mother picked her up and because of their impatience, they opened the box on the
road. To their surprise, it turned out that the contents of the box
were snakes and other dirty animals, they screamed in fear. Because of the karma that affected them, they
decided to apologize to White for their actions so far.
Red: "I'm sorry White for being mean to you"
Mama Red: "Forgive us, putih, because we have gone too far"
White: "Yes, it's okay, Red, mother, I will always forgive you both."
- Hugging

moral of the story:
don't do evil to other people because in the end the evil will
return to yourself & don't be a vengeful person, continue to
do good even though they do evil to you.

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