2022 GM Competencia Llengua Estrangera Angles Preguntes

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Proves d’accés a cicles formatius de grau mitjà de formació professional inicial,

d’ensenyaments d’arts plàstiques i disseny, i d’ensenyaments esportius 2022

Competència en llengua estrangera: anglès

Sèrie 1
1. Llegiu el text següent i encercleu la lletra de la resposta correcta.
[4 punts; 0,4 punts per cada cas]

Hi Anne,
(0) you’re fine. It was great to hear (1) you and to learn you (2) such
a lovely time (3) the mountains. It’s great news you’ve decided (4) a gap
year before you start Uni. This is what I did 3 years ago and I enjoyed it a lot,
although it was hard work (5) . I worked long hours, (6) 9 p.m. to 7 p.m.,
but I must admit that I learned much more (7) I expected.
My workmates were very friendly too. I ‘m (8) in touch with them and one of
them is coming over to visit me next month. I’m really (9) forward to it. (10)
about you? How’s life? Do write me soon!

0. a) Hope b) Wish c) Expect d) Wait

1. a) from b) to c) about d) at
2. a) are having b) have c) is having d) having
3. a) about b) in c) around d) on
4. a) taking b) take c) to take d) to be taking
5. a) too b) also c) in addition d) apart
6. a) of b) since c) from d) until
7. a) as b) than c) that d) ---
8. a) ever b) already c) just d) still
9. a) seeing b) looking c) watching d) going
10. a) Why b) When c) What d) Where

2. Encercleu la lletra de l’opció que respon correctament a la qüestió plantejada.

[2 punts; 0,4 punts per cada apartat]

0. I don’t like this food.
a) How nice of you!
b) You’re right, it’s not good.
c) See you later!

1. Would you like something to eat?

a) Yes please, I’m very thirsty.
b) Yes please, I’m full!
c) Yes please, I’m starving!

2. I have an important exam tomorrow.
a) Good fortune!
b) All the best!
c) It’s up to you!

3. Can I speak to Mr Allen?

a) Who’s calling please?
b) Who ring please?
c) Who wants him, please?

4. Can I have a glass of water please?

a) Certainly. Here you take it.
b) Certainly. Here you are.
c) Certainly. Here it goes.

5. Sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.

a) It’s not a mistake.
b) It doesn’t matter.
c) It doesn’t mind.

3. Llegiu aquest text i encercleu la lletra de la resposta correcta entre les tres
proposades. Baseu les vostres respostes en el contingut del text.
[2 punts; 0,4 punts per cada apartat]

Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia and borders five countries. It is about
the same size as Sweden or California with more than two-thirds of it desert and steppe
in the west.
Uzbekistan contains some of the world’s oldest, most historic cities like Samarkand and
Bukhara and has an extreme continental climate. It is generally warmest in the south and
coldest in the north. If you’re interested in trekking, then the summer months of July and
August are the best times since summers are almost always dry. In recent years
Uzbekistan was notably affected by global warming.
11 percent of its territory consists of intensely cultivated, irrigated river valleys. More than
60 percent of its population lives in densely populated rural communities. Uzbekistan is
the world’s second-largest cotton exporter and the fifth largest producer. Other major
export earners include gold, natural gas and oil.
People in Uzbekistan wear different types of clothes. In villages you will observe women
wearing traditional clothes like long variegated dresses and scarves. In cities they are
less traditional and more modern. Men wear pants more often than jeans. Shorts are
worn rather rarely and usually only by people in the city.
Tea is a popular beverage in the finest Oriental traditions; it is the drink of hospitality.
Tea is first served to guests and then to family members. Green tea is more popular in
Uzbekistan than black, but black is preferred in Tashkent.
Adaptació feta a partir del text de la pàgina web

0. According to the text, Uzbekistan
a) is bigger than California.
b) is surrounded by five countries.
c) is the name of a desert.

1. According to the text, Uzbekistan

a) is the oldest country in Central Asia.
b) has the warmest cities in central Asia.
c) is home to two very old cities.

2. According to the text,

a) most Uzbek inhabitants live in cities.
b) over half of Uzbek people live in the countryside.
c) most Uzbek people live in valleys.

3. According to the text, …

a) cotton is the only export product in Uzbekistan.
b) Uzbekistan produces more cotton than six other countries.
c) Uzbekistan produces large quantities of cotton.

4. According to the text, people in the city…

a) normally wear different clothes from people in the villages.
b) tend to wear traditional clothes.
c) only wear modern clothes.

5. According to the text, in Uzbekistan

a) only one type of tea is drunk.
b) family members always serve the tea.
c) tea is offered to make people feel welcome.

4. Contesteu breument les preguntes següents:

[2 punts; 1 punt per cada apartat]

a) Do you like travelling?

b) Would you like to visit Uzbekistan? Why? Why not?

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