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British Journal of Orthodontics

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Location of the Centre of Resistance for the

Nasomaxillary Complex Studied in a Three-
Dimensional Finite Element Model

Kazuo Tanne D.D.S., D.D.Sc., Susumu Matsubara D.D.S., D.D.Sc. & Mamoru
Sakuda D.D.S., D.D.Sc.

To cite this article: Kazuo Tanne D.D.S., D.D.Sc., Susumu Matsubara D.D.S., D.D.Sc. & Mamoru
Sakuda D.D.S., D.D.Sc. (1995) Location of the Centre of Resistance for the Nasomaxillary
Complex Studied in a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model, British Journal of Orthodontics,
22:3, 227-232, DOI: 10.1179/bjo.22.3.227

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/bjo.22.3.227

Published online: 21 Jun 2016.

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British Jouf1UII of Onhodontics/Vol. 22119951227-232

Location of the Centre of Resistance for the

N asomaxillary Complex Studied in a
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model
Department of Orthodontics, Hiroshima University School of Dentistry. 1-2-3 Kasumi. Minami-Ku, Hiroshima, Hiroshima 734, Japan


Department of Orthodontics, Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry, 1-8 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan
Accepted for publication June 1994

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate the location of the centre of resistance (CRe) for the nasomaxillary
complex by the use of finite element analysis. A three-dimensional finite element model of the craniofacial complex,
consisting of 29I8 nodes and I776 elements, was used for displacement analyses. Anteriorly and inferiorly directed forces
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of 9·8 N were applied at five different levels, parallel and perpendicular to the functional occlusal plane, respectively. For
each loading condition, horizontal and vertical displacements of eight a_natomic points in the complex and on the maxillary
dentition were analysed. The complex exhibited an almost translatory diSplacement of approximately I·O .,un in the forward
direction when the horizontal force was applied at a point on the horizontal plane, passing through the superior ridge of
the pterygomaxil/ary fissure, whereas the complex experienced clockwise or counter clockwise rotation when the forces
were applied at the remaining levels. Furthermore, the downward forces produced anteriorly upward, or posteriorly upward
rotation. However, the force applied at a point on the vertical plane passing through the posterior wall of the pterygomaxil-
lary fissure, produced almost equal displacements of approximately 6·0 .,un in an inferior direction for all the anatomic
points. It is suggested that CRe of the nasomaxillary complex is located on the posterosuperior ridge of the pterygomaxillary
fissure, registered on the median sagittal plane.
Index words: Centre of Resistance, Finite Element Analysis, Nasomaxillary Complex, Orthopaedic Therapy.

nasomaxillary complex, which might be affected by the

Introduction direction of force. In order to further elucidate sutural
Over the years, a number of experimental and analytic responses to orthopaedic forces, stress distributions in the
approaches have been conducted to elucidate the nature sutures in the complex have been investigated in previous
of optimal tooth movement (Stoner, 1960~ Storey, 1973~ studies (Tanne eta/., 1989~ Miyasaka-Hiraga eta/., 1994).
Caputo et a/., 1974~ Nikolai, 1975; Burstone, 1985; These preliminary studies revealed different patterns of
Reitan, 1985; Tanne et al., 1987). These studies have stress distributions in loading with the forces applied in
indicated that orthodontic tooth movement is influenced various directions. It has been speculated that these
by such variables as the magnitude, direction, and dura- findings are due to differences in force direction relative
tion of the forces (Stoner, 1960; Burstone, 1985; Reitan, to the centre of resistance (CRe), which is accepted as an
1985). In particular, the direction of force has been important point of biomechanical 'continuum' (Teuscher,
pointed out as an important determinant to orthodontic 1978; Burstone and Pryputniewicz, 1980; Burstone,
tooth displacement. These findings are also of great im- 1985; Stockli and Teuscher, 1985; Kusy and Tulloch, 1986;
portance for orthopaedic treatment to the nasomaxillary Tanne eta/., 1988a). Thus, a better understanding of the
complex. Differences in the direction of orthopaedic positional relationship between force direction and CRe
forces produce completely different displacement patterns of the complex is of clinical relevance.
of the complex and stress distribution in the maxillofacial In attempting to investigate the location of CRe in the
sutures of the complex (ltoh et al., 1985; Hata et al., 1987; complex, cephalometric analysis has been employed to
Tanne et al., 1989; Miyasaka-Hiraga et al., 1994). approximate the position, based on repositioning of the
Changes of the complex produced by orthopaedic nasomaxillary complex (Bench et a/., 1978; Teuscher,
extraoral forces have been extensively investigated in 1978; Stockli and Teuscher, 1985). However, exact loca-
cephalometric and experimental studies (Barton, 1972; tion of the CRe has not been elucidated because of limi-
Droschl, 1975; Meldrum, 1975; Kambara, 1977; Teuscher, tations in the precise evaluation of displacements.
1978; Jackson eta/., 1979; ltoh et al., 1985; Stockli and With these considerations in mind, finite element
Teuscher, 1985; Kragt et al., 1986; Hata et a/., 1987; analysis (Zienkiewicz and Cheung, 1967; Smith, 1971) has
Lagerstrom eta/., 1990; Tanne and Sakuda, 1991). These recently been applied in biomechanical studies of stresses
studies demonstrated variable orthopaedic changes of the and strains, making it practicable to analyse unknown
0301-228X/9S/008000+00$02.00 © !995 British Onhodontic Society
228 K. Tanne era/. BJO Vol. 22 No.3

TABLE Mechanical properties of different materials in the nodes and 1776 solid elements (Tanne eta/., 1988b).
model The model was restrained at the peripheral regions of
the foramen magnum to avoid sliding movement of the
Material Young's modulus (MPa) Poisson's ratio
model, simulating clinical application of orthopaedic
Tooth 2·0 X )()"' 0·3 extra-oral forces to patients (Fig. 1). Mechanical prop-
Compact bone )·4 X )()"' 0·3 erties of different components in the model were defined
Cancellous bone 7-9 X JlP 0·3 in Table 1. All the materials in this model are assumed to
be isotrophic and to follow elastic behaviour (Carter and
Hayes, 1977; Orr and Carter, 1985).
For loading conditions, anteriorly and inferiorly
displacement in living structures (Tanne et a/., 1989;
directed forces of 9.8 N were applied at five different
McGuinness eta/., 1991; Wilson eta/., 1991). The purpose
levels of H1-H5 and V1-V5, in the parallel and perpen-
of this study was to determine a three-dimensional loca- dicular directions to the functional occlusal plane, respec-
tion of the CRe for the nasomaxillary complex, using finite tively (Fig. 1).
element method (FEM).
Displacements of the complex were analysed by use of
an analysis program (a finite element analysis program
Materials and Methods 'FEM3' provided by Data Processing Centre, Kyoto Uni-
versity, Kyoto, Japan). The horizontal and vertical dis-
A three-dimensional model of the craniofacial complex placements in response to horizontal and vertical loadings
was developed for finite element analysis. The model com- were evaluated for eight points in the complex and on the
Downloaded by [Tufts University] at 07:40 19 July 2016

prises 18 cranial and facial sutures, and consists of 2918 upper dentition, as shown in Fig. 1. As a result of displace-

HS (50.0) *
H4 (40.0)

H3 (26.0)
H2 (20.0)
H1 (15.0)

~y V1 V2
(19.1) (7.8)
V3 V4 VS
(7.7)(18.8) (34 0) **
FIG. I Schematic representation for loading conditions (HI-H5 and VI-V5) and anatomic points where displacements are evaluated.
A = nasion; B = anterior nasal spine; C = central incisor; D = first molar; E = pterygomaxillary fissure (Ptm); F = temporozygomatic suture; G =
frontozygomatic suture; H = frontomaxillary suture. *Distance (mm) measured from the functional occlusal plane in parenthesis. ••Distance (mm) measured
from the Ptm (point E) in parenthesis. Solid triangles indicate restraints of the model under loadings.
810 August/995 CRe for the Nasomaxillary Complex 229

ment analysis, the force levels which produced the most 4

translatory displacement of the complex in the anterior
and inferior directions were chosen. Finally, the location 3
of the CRe was determined as an intersection of the hori-
zontal and vertical planes.

Figure 2 shows horizontal displacements of the complex
evaluated at the eight points (A-H) in loading with the
horizontal forces applied at levels Hl to H5. ...
In loading with the force applied at level H1, the ana-
tomic point A experienced substantial negative (back- ..
-2 d
ward) displacement, whereas the inferior points of C, D,
E, and F exhibited positive (forward) displacements. For
the remaining points, the displacements were negligible. -3 A B c 0 E F G H
These findings indicate a counter-clockwise rotation of the Anatomic points
nasomaxillary complex. The patterns of displacements FIG. 2 Horizontal displacements at the eight anatomic points (A-H) in
produced by the forces applied at levels H2 and H3 were loading with anteriorly directed force of 9·8 N applied at the five levels of
quite similar to those in loading with the force at H1level, HI-H5. (Positive and negati>·e values denote forward and backward
Downloaded by [Tufts University] at 07:40 19 July 2016

although no negative (backward) displacements were displacements, respectively.)

observed when the forces were applied at H2 and H3.
Thus, the forces applied at levels H1 to H3 produced
similar displacement patterns of the complex. 0
In loading with the force applied at level H4. all the -1
anatomic points were repositioned forward in an almost -2
translatory manner. The magnitude of displacement ~as -3
approximately 1·0 11m for all the points. The ~orce apphed
at level H5 generated negative (backward) d~splacements e
3 -5
of points C and D. and positive (forward} ~1splace~ents
at the remaining points, indicating a clockw1se rotat1on _of c
E -7
the nasomaxillary complex, which is almo_st the <;>PPOS~te
pattern of displacement to that observed m loadmg w1th ~
the force applied at level Hl. C/1 -9
Figure 3 shows vertical displacements of the complex -10
evaluated at the eight points (A-H) when_ dow_nward -11
forces were applied at levels V1-V5. In loadmg ~1th the
forces applied at these levels, the ~atterns of d_lsplace-
ments were similar to each other, wh1lst the magmtude of
.. .. ...... -•'
A B c

0 E F G

displacement varied substantially. Th~ anatomic poin~s.
excluding point E. exhibited substantial downward dis- Anatomic points
placements. However. the differences in downward F1n. 3 Vertical displacements at the eight anatomic points (A-H) in
displacements at the eight points. tended to decrease. in loading with inferiorly directed force of 9·8 N applied at the live levels of
association with the forces apphed at more postenor VI-V5. (Positi,·e and negative values denote upward and downward
points, from V5 to Vl. Thus. the force applied at the level displacements. respectively.)
of V2 produced inferior displacements of about 6·0 11m in
an almost translatory manner.
From these results, it would seem that the centre of
resistance is located at a point on the posterosuperior niewicz. 1980: Kusy and Tulloch, 1986: Vanden Bulcke et
ridge of the pterygomaxillary fissure. determined as an a/., 1987: Tanne eta/., 1988a). These studies reported the
intersection between the horizontal and vertical planes CRe of a single tooth located at approximately 0·30 the
passing through the levels H4 and V2. respectively root length measured from the alveolar crest (Burstone
(Fig. 4). and _Pryputniewicz, 1980: Tanne et a/., 1988a) and an
apical shift of CRe with the incorporation of a greater
number of teeth into an anterior segment (Vanden Bulcke
Discussion et a/., 1987). However. it has proved very difficult to
determine the position of CRe in the craniofacial com-
It is generally accepted that orthodontic or orthopaedic plex. because of its complicated structure and associated
forces should be applied relative to the centre of resistance li!""itations in analysing or measuring techniques for
(CRe), to achieve desirable movements of the dentition displacements. Therefore. CRe for the nasomaxillary
and nasomaxillary complex. For a tooth or group of teeth. complex has not been elucidated at all. although some
the location of CRe has been investigated with experimen- ceph~lometric studies have explored an approximate
tal and/or analytic approaches (Burstone and Pryput- locatmn of the CRe hy means of changes in craniofacial
230 K. Tanne eta/. BJO Vol. 22 No.3

morphology evaluated on lateral cephalograms (Bench et Stockli and Teuscher, 1985). The position of CRe in this
a/., 1978; Teuscher, 1978; Stockli and Teuscher, 1985). study was slightly more posterior to that found in previous
The present study was conducted to investigate its exact studies (Teuscher, 1978; Stockli and Teuscher, 1985),
location by use of finite element analysis. This method was however, it's vertical level was quite similar.
first applied to structural analysis in the field of engineer- In previous studies (Tanne et at., 1989; Miyasaka-
ing and has been successfully employed in biomechanical Hiraga et at., 1994), an anteriorly directed force produced
studies in orthodontics (Williams et at., 1986; Tanne et at., more optimal patterns of displacements and stress distri-
1989; McGuinness et at., 1991; Wilson et at., 1991; butions when the force was applied slightly more down-
Miyasaka-Hiraga et a/., 1994). These studies indicated ward to the functional occlusal plane, than by horizontal
that the principles of this technique, as documented by and upward loadings. This may be due to the fact that the
Zienkiewicz and Cheung, (1967) and by Smith, (1971), force vector passes more closely to the CRe of the com-
might be applied to biological tissues, if the biomechanical plex. In order to quantify this, directional angles relative
behaviour of these structures is understood. to the occlusal plane can be assessed as follows; if the CRe
It is shown in the present study that CRe of the nasa- is connected to each tooth in the maxillary dentition, the
maxillary complex is located on the posterosuperior ridge angles between the lines and the functional occlusal plane
of the pterygomaxillary fissure, registered on the median are approximately 52, 36, and 27 degrees for the first
sagittal plane. The location of CRe, as determined by molar, canine, and central incisor, respectively (Fig. 4). It
changes in craniofacial morphology evaluated on lateral is known that the nasomaxillary complex displaces an-
cephalograms in previous studies, was considered to be in teriorly and inferiorly, and that such primary displacement
the region of the superior ridge of the pterygomaxillary induces sutural deposits due to, but not because of the
displacement. An orthopaedic force, which can initiate
Downloaded by [Tufts University] at 07:40 19 July 2016

fissure, or the posterosuperior area of the zygomatico-

maxillary suture (Bench et at., 1978; Teuscher, 1978; primary displacement of the complex, might provide a



5z.o· 36.5. 26.5.

FIG. 4 Schematic representation of the CRe of the nasomaxillary complex and directional angles of force vecton passing through the CRe. and the upper tint
molar. canine. and central incisor.
BJO August 1995 CRe for the Nasomaxillary Complex 231

useful means of accelerating natural growth. The present Hata, S., ltob, T., Nakagawa, K., lc:bikawa, K., Matsumoto, M. and
findings described above tend to confirm a previous Chaconas, S. J. (1987)
finding that a 30 degrees downward maxillary protraction Biomechanical effects of maxillary protraction on the craniofacial
force applied at the upper canine produced the most opti- American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacilll Orthopedics, 91,
mal pattern of stress distribution in the sutural system 305-311.
(Miyasaka-Hiraga eta/., 1994).
Jtob, T., Chaconas, S. J,, Caputo, A. A. and Matyas, J, (1985)
In future studies, the location of CRe revealed in this Photoelastic effects of maxillary protraction on the craniofacial
study should be verified in more detail by an integrated complex,
study involving experimental and cephalometric ap- American Jourrwl of Orthodontics, 88, 117-124.
proaches. The present results are similar to preliminary Jackson, G. W., Koklch, V. G. and Shapiro, P. A. (1979)
findings in previous reports, using different methods. Experimental response to anteriorly directed extraoral force in young
Macaca nemestrina,
American Jourrwl of Orthodontics, 15, 319-333.
Conclusions Kambara, T. (1977)
Dentofacial changes produced by extraoral forward force in the
1. The complex exhibited an almost translatory displace- Macaca irus,
ment in an anterior direction, when the horizontal force American Jourrwl of Orthodontics, 71, 249-2n.
was applied at a point on the horizontal plane passing Kragt, G., Duterloo, H. S. and Algra, A. M. (1986)
through the superior ridge of the pterygomaxillary fissure, Initial displacements and Vjlriations of eight human child skulls
whereas the complex experienced substantial rotation owing to high-pull headgear traction determined with laser
Downloaded by [Tufts University] at 07:40 19 July 2016

when the forces were applied at all other levels. holography,

2. All the downward forced produced clockwise or American Journal of Orthodontics, 89, 399-406.
counter clockwise rotations. However, the force applied Kusy, R. P. and Tulloch, J, F. C. (1986)
at a point on the vertical plane passing through the pos- Analysis of moment/force ratios in the mechanics of tooth
terior wall of the pterygomaxillary fissure produced ~!most American Jourrwl of Orthodontics and Dentofacilll Orthopedics, 90,
equal displacements of approximately 6·0 ~m m the 127-131.
inferior direction, for all the anatomic points.
Lagerstrom, K. 0., Nielsen, I. L., Lee, R. and Isaacson, R. J, (1990)
It is suggested that the CRe of the nasomaxillary com- Dental and skeletal contributions to occlusal correction in patients
plex is located on the posterosuperior ridge of the pterygo- treated with the high-pull headgear-activator combination,
maxillary fissure, registered on the median sagittal plane. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacilll Orthopedics, 97,
The exact location of the CRe revealed in this study may 495-504.
provide some insight into the clinical application of or.tho- McGuinness, N. J, P., Wibon, A. N., Jones, M. L. and Middleton, J,
paedic maxillary protraction forces in terms of optimal (1991)
displacements of the complex. A stress analysis of the periodontal ligament under various
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European Journal of Orthodontics, 13, 231-241.
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