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Week 1: The Professional Toolkit 2

Lecturer: Sandra Schneiderman

Tutor: Paul Varah


Learning Outcomes:
1. To identify the characteristics of Influencers and how they network through social
media to optimize their personal brand.
2. Does this influencer have a website, blog, insta or other social media account that
you can comment on?
3. Is there any negativity on their site and if so, what does it say?
4. To compile information that supports the first Assignment.

1. Working in pairs or individually, report on ONE influencer or activist
influencer and fill in the table below.
2. Keep a copy of this in a folder where you can easily access this information
before your assessment.
3. Feel free to use any of the influencers from the links below.

Climate Change Activists

Vietnamese Food Influencers
The Viet Vegan (Excellent example!)
15 Asian Influencers to follow on Instagram
The Visual
Top 10 Korean Fashion Influencers
AJ Marketing Vietnamese Influencers and Micro-Influencers
This tutorial or complete for homework
Question Response

Name of Influencer and an image

(Tara Milk

Is their following of the same age group? 28 years old
Yes she follows people from the same age group

Are they an independent influencer or are Independent influencer

they part of a group or company?
Write it here
Does their nationality influence the
products/services/activism that they She comes from Australia, however her nationality does not affect her
promote? career as she promotes travel, hospitality and restaurants, fashion and
Explain how. jewellery brands.

In what ways might their popularity be Many Australians follow her as she is talented, but she also have a hugh
supported (or not) by their ‘national’ (local) number of followers that come from abroad.

List some of the products, actions or services Travel

this influencer promotes. Hospitality, restaurant
Fashion and jewellery products

List the ways/strategies in which this She uses Instagram to promote herself by uploading beautiful and
influencer networks through social media to aesthetic picture that she has taken during her trip/ photoshoot for high
optimize their brand. end brands.
Think of organizations or publications they She also has a blog called to share about her journey.
market themselves in.

Which ‘qualities’ do you admire (or not)

about this influencer? Dedicated, meticulous and creative
I would likento copy those qualities because they are important and she
Would you copy them? Explain why or why has been succeeded with those qualities.

No. of subscribers/ followers 1.3 million of followers

How did you find this information? Found it on her Instagram profile
Optional Extra: I have not seen much negative commments about Tara. Somestimes their
Given the nature of social media, which is is people who jelous of her life and they leave some disparage comments
often both judgmental and supportive, can Personally, I do not think those comments affect Tara’s brand because
you find any negative comments on your there are a lot of other people who admire her talend in photograph, her
chosen influencer? meticulous posts sharing about her experience when travelling and how
How might this impact their brand? she use her influence to promote brands when collaborating with them.
100 words max.

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