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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Megan Heinrich
SCSU Course: Sp24 Visual Art in the Elementary School
Date: April 14th, 2024
Lesson Title: 3D Hand Drawing
Grade Level: 4th grade
Subject Area: Art
Unit of Study: The elements of art

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to subsequent
lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)
This lesson connects and builds on previous lessons of the elements of art and will connect to subsequent
lessons when they move on to doing the elements that they have not done yet.

Language Function (Highlight one or both):
Syntax OR Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…):

● Slideshow presentation.

● Visuals used in the slideshow presentation to demonstrate how to do each step.

● Vocabulary words with definitions used in the slideshow.

● Made a visual example while students made theirs.

Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

● Dimension/3D dimension: A shape that isn’t flat and looks like it pops out at you.

● Optical illusion: Plays a trick on your vision.

Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

● Line: Adds dimension and helps make a drawing look more realistic.

● Shading: Created by adding black and creates the shadows of an object.

● Generate: To come up with an idea or thought.

● Evaluate: To judge and study something carefully.


Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s): Generate and develop The object/shape in their 3D
original artistic ideas Students will be able to generate drawings looks like it’s coming off
and develop original artistic ideas the paper.
by making their 3D drawings. Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
They used straight lines in the
background and curved lines inside
their object/shape, they shaded the
fingers and right side of their
shape, and used three or more
Means of Feedback to Student:
remind students to use a ruler,
remind them to use three or more
markers or colored pencils, make
sure they make upward curved
lines for inside the shape/object.
MN Content Standard: Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s): Evaluate artistic work Are able to evaluate their work with
by applying criteria Students will evaluate their the correct criteria such as line and
drawings by applying criteria such value.
as how their drawing is 3D. Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
Use the correct terminology with
the correct definition.
Means of Feedback to Student:
Give hints and suggestions to the
criteria they should use when
evaluating their work.
Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s):
Standard for Academic Lang.: Know general academic and
Students will be able to determine domain-specific words and their
Determine the meaning of the meaning of general academic definitions.
general academic and domain- and domain-specific words Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
specific words or phrases in a relevant to 4th grade art by Can use general academic and
text relevant to grade 4 topic or applying those words to their domain-specific words correctly.
subject area drawing. Means of Feedback to Student:
If they use a general academic or
domain-specific word incorrectly,
provide them with the proper
definition. If students have a hard
time understanding a general
academic or domain-specific word,
provide students with an easier

● Pencil and eraser

● a white piece of paper

● ruler

● three or more colored pencils or markers

● pinterest:
● Slideshow
Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this

5 minutes Introduction: Provide materials students might

T: Last week we learned about the seven elements and not have. Let students know if
yesterday we did a project that used the element called they don’t have a ruler then they
texture. Today we are going to use the elements line and can use something that will help
value. Value is the lightness or darkness of a color and them make straight lines.
line adds detail. With using line and value we will be
making 3D hand drawings.
S: Students are listening.
T: Here are the materials you will need for this project, a
piece of paper, a pencil, a ruler, and three or more
colored pencils or markers. You will want three or more
because it will help make your drawings pop out.
S: Students are listening and making sure they have all of
their materials.
T: Now that we have all of our materials, here are some
examples of what we will be doing. (Teacher shows the
examples of the 3D drawings on the slideshow). I will be
showing you how to do a 3D drawing of a hand, but feel
free to do one of the other examples instead.
S: Students are listening and figuring out if they want to
draw a hand or one of the examples provided.
20 minutes Steps of procedure: Stop after each step to give
T: First on your paper take your pencil and lightly trace students enough time to complete
your hand or whichever example you chose. Make sure each step. After giving instruction
you are tracing it lightly because you don't want to see for each step, the teacher will walk
the outline once it’s colored. around the classroom to make
S: Students outline either their hand or one of the other sure everyone is following along
examples lightly on their piece of paper. and answer any questions
T: Now with your ruler make straight lines across your students might have as well.
paper but make sure to not draw your straight lines over
your hand or whichever example you are doing those
lines will be different. You can make as many lines as you
want but make sure you have at least ten lines because
this will help with the result at the end. Also if you are
doing the snakes I believe it would be better to have
many lines since the snake is curvy. I’m going to make
lines the width of my ruler and maybe some lines in
between depending on how it looks at the end of making
all the lines.
S: Students use their ruler to make straight lines but not
across their sketch of their hand or one of the other
T: Now if you are doing a hand we are going to start at
the top of the fingers for the students doing the other
examples you will also start at the top of your sketch. As
best as you can make upward curved lines and connect
them to the straight lines you just made like in the image
on the slideshow.
S: Students draw upward curved lines inside their hand or
the example they chose and connect them to the straight
lines they made in the last step.
T: making curved lines inside the sketch of your hand or
other example makes it look like the lines are traveling
across your sketch as if it is under the paper.
S:Students are listening as they continue to make their
curved lines.
T: We use lines to make the shape we outlined look 3D.
Lines help add dimension and make a drawing look more
realistic. 3D dimension is when a shape that isn’t flat
looks like it pops out at you.
S: Students are listening as they continue to make their
curved lines.
T: Now with your pencil, we’re going to shade the right
side and if you are doing a hand you will also shade the
right side of the fingers. Shading is created by adding
black and helps create shadows of an object. This will
help make your hand or the other example you're making
look as if it is trying to come out of the paper.
S: Students shade the right side of their sketch and also
the fingers if they are doing a hand.
T: Once you are done shading use your colored pencils
or markers to color each line. Even though the lines are
curved inside of your sketch, color them the same color
as the straight line that they connect with so that it looks
like the line goes across the picture like the example
shown in the slideshow.
S: Students color in their lines and color the curved parts
inside their sketch the same as the lines on the outside of
their sketch.
T: Now that we’ve finished our drawings, if there’s
enough time I want you to choose either another example
or do a shape or object of your liking and try doing the
steps on your own. I’ll be walking around if anyone needs
any help.
S: Students now do the steps on their own and do
another 3D drawing.
T: (if there wasn’t enough time to do another drawing,
skip to this part): Would anyone like to share their
drawing with the class?
S: Students raise their hand and share what they made
with the class.

(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)

After finishing up the art project, have students put their drawing into their portfolio folder. Once they have
their drawings in their folder, wrap-up the lesson by asking questions to check for understanding such as:
● What does shading help with?
● What makes the drawing 3D?
After going through these questions, talk about tomorrow's project and what elements they will be using,
which is shapes and space.


For connections to research/theory, I used the I do, we do, you do instructional model and gave students the
choice to draw different shapes/objects for their project.

Website used for images on each step:
Images from Pinterest used on slideshow:
(Complete after teaching)

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