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KV 2 the characters in the story

a) Choose a different colour for each of the characters. Now colour in the correct boxes that go with
Jamie, Ten Tons, Davies and Patty.

The character The character

The character The character must
has a mother doesn’t have
is a bit of
and a father. steal to live. parents.
a clown.

The character The character often The character The character

is good at stealing. talks and shouts has a home. must steal
to himself. to live.

The character
The character doesn’t
The character doesn’t like The others think
have parents.
often checks Ten Tons. the character is 1a
if things are OK. of a co ward .

The character The character The character is

Other people think
almost falls into the character doesn’t need to annoyed when the
the water. steal from a ship. boys are too loud.
is crazy.

b) Choose one of the characters and write a short text about him / her with the help of the sentences
from a).

1 coward Feigling
at stealing.
the water. Patty: The character doesn’t like Ten Tons. The character is annoyed when the boys are too loud. The character is good
character is a bit of a clown. Davies: The character doesn’t have parents. The character must steal to live. The character almost falls into
shouts to himself. Other people think the character is crazy. The character doesn’t have parents. The character must steal to live. The
The character often checks if things are OK. The others think the character is a bit of a coward. Ten Tons: The character often talks and
Lösung: a) Jamie: The character has a mother and a father. The character has a home. The character doesn’t need to steal from a ship.

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | Green Line 2

Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch Lehrerband
342 gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. ISBN 978-3-12-834223-8

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