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TEST III (Identification)

A. Directions: Read and understand the text and flow chart of how geothermal energy is being
harnessed below. Answer the questions that follow. Give the correct answer of what is asked according to
the number.
Geothermal power plants use steam to produce electricity. The steam comes from reservoirs of hot water
found a few miles or more below the earth's surface. The steam rotates a turbine that activates a generator,
which produces electricity.

B. Directions: Choose the correct answer from the box below to fill in the blank in the
following questions.
Steam Geothermal energy Production well
Heat pumps Injection well Turbine
Power plants Generator Cooling tower
Expensive Cheaper
1. The drilled well where pipes are placed to take the heat energy from the reservoir to
produce steam is called ______.
2. The drilled well where pipes are placed to return the geothermal fluids to reservoir is called
3-4. There are 2 primary pieces of equipment used to convert geothermal energy to electrical
energy, _______ and _______.
5. The heat source of geothermal power plants is deeper than the heat source of
6. In geothermal power plants, the heat from deep inside the Earth is used to produce
______to generate electricity.
7-8. Geothermal energy is generated in two ways, geothermal______ and geothermal ______.

9. The heat from the Earth’s interior is a source of energy called ________.
10. The production of electricity from geothermal energy is ______ than the electricity
production using natural gases, coal, and hydropower.


Name: ___________________________ Year and section: ______________ Score: _______
TEST I (Multiple Choice)
Directions: Read and understand the following question. Write only the letter of your answer on
the space provided before each number.

_____ 1. It is a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which
lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
A. Chocolate hills B. Volcano C. A and B are correct D. All of the Above
_____2. A volcano that is no longer erupting but is likely to erupt again in the future is
A. Extinct B. Dormant C. Active D. Unknown
_____3. Once magma reaches the surface, it is called
A. Silica B. Lava C. Rock D. Ash
_____4. Which of the following is a reason for an individual to live near a volcano
A. Tourism and mineral resources B. Geothermal energy C. Agricultural soils D. All of the above
_____5. What are the disadvantages of living near a volcano select all that apply
A. Ash fall B. Poisonous gases C. Lave flows and mud flows D. All of the above

TEST II (Matching Type)

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write only the letter of your answer
on the space provided before each number.
Column A
_____1. Eruptions occur when hot rocks contact water, characterized by
ash columns and can be short-lived or larger. _____2. Eruptions involve
water-magma contact, resulting in a large column of fine ash and high-
speed, sideways pyroclastic base surges.
_____3. Eruptions are periodic, weak to violent eruptions characterized
by ejection of incandescent cinders, lapilli, and lava bombs, reaching
altitudes of tens to hundreds of meters. _____4. Eruptions characterized
by up to 20km high columns, pyroclastic flow, and ash fall tephra, often
start with phreatomagmatic eruptions due to magma rising and ground
water heating.
_____5. Eruptions are explosive gas and pyroclastic eruptions,
producing sustained pyroclastic plumes and rising over 25km above sea
_____6. These are volcanoes that have a record of eruption within the
last 600 years or those that erupted 10, 000 years ago based on analyses
of their materials.
_____7. These are volcanoes that have not erupted for the last 10, 000
years and their physical form is being changed by agents of weathering
and erosion through formation of deep and long gullies.
_____8. It is a type of volcanos like Mauna Loa in Hawaii, form
a broad, slightly domed structure from lava ooze, resembling a
warrior's shield due to its free flow.
_____9. It is the most abundant of the three major volcano
types, are formed from ejected lava fragments with steep
slopes and wide craters, like Paricutin in Mexico.
_____10. It is known as stratovolcanoes, are large, nearly perfect
sloped structures formed from alternate
solidification of lava and pyroclastic deposits, like the Mayon

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