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The Government Inspector

Act 4
Questions and answers

1-What did the Governor and officials decide to do to control the

They decided to offer him bribes ‫ رشاوي‬.
2- What did Khlestakov think about his stay at the Governor’s house?
He enjoyed the hospitality‫كرم الضيافة‬, sleeping and food.
3- What did Khlestakov do with the governor's wife and daughter.
He flirted with the Governor’s wife and daughter.
4- What did Khlestakov request from the judge?
He asked him to give him money as a loan ‫ قرض‬as he spent all his money.
5- How much did Khlestakov take from the postmaster and the SS?
Three 200 robles each.
6- What did the CC tell Khlestakov about the other officials?
He told him they, all, were corrupt‫ فاسدون‬except him.
7- What did the CC tell Khlestakov about the Judge?
The judge spends all his time cursing ‫يسب‬. His courtroom ‫ المحكمة‬was full of dogs.
The Judge had a relationship ‫ عالقة‬with Dob's wife.
8- What did the CC tell Khlestakov about The SS?
The SS wasn’t a good person who put evil ideas into the minds of the young
9- What did the CC tell Khlestakov about the Postmaster ?
The Postmaster didn't do his work well and the mails were delayed‫ تتأخر‬for
10- How much did Khlestakov take from the CC?
400 robles.
11-How much did Khlestakov take from Dob and Bob?
sixty-five robles.
12-What favour ‫ معروف‬did Dob ask Khlestakov ?
-Dob told Khlestakov that his eldest son was born before he got married
and he wanted him to be his son legal and to bear his name.
13-What favour did Bob ask Khlestakov ?
He asked Khlestakov, when he went back to Petersburg, to say to all great
people about him, Peter Bobchinsky .
14-Why did Ossip ask Khlestakov to leave the town quickly?
1-The real Inspector may arrive at any time.
2- Khlestakov's father will be angry with him for being late .

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15-What was the three merchants' complaints ?
-They were suffering from the cruel Governor who always threatened
them ‫ يهددهم‬and asked for a lot of bribes.
16- What did the locksmith's wife ‫ زوجة الحداد‬complain of ?
-The Governor had sent her husband to the army instead of ‫ بدال من‬two other
young men whose parents bribed him.
17- What did the sergeant’s wife‫ زوجة الشاويش‬complain of?
She was flogged because the police thought she was fighting in the
18- Khlestakov was a villain ‫ شرير‬and opportunist ‫ نهاز فرص‬. Give
- He tried to get much money the officials and merchants.
- He flirted with the Governor's wife and daughter at the same time.
19- What did Khlestakov tell the Governor about his sudden departure ‫رحيل‬
Khlestakov said that he was just going to visit his rich uncle and would be
back the following day.

- Important quotations

1-" Or perhaps, you say there's some money been sent by post , and
we don't know who it's for "
The postmaster suggested they should give him the bribe by sending him
money without the name of the sender by post.
2- " We ought to approach him one by one and …. What is needful in a
private interview. "
The CC said these words to the other officials when they were discussing
how they would meet the inspector and give him the bribe.
3- "The governor's daughter is not at all bad ; while her mother ,will …"
4- "I like the generosity and hospitality all the more if I think they 've
not got a deep game."
Khlestakov said these words to himself when he awoke up in the
governor's house. He enjoyed staying there. He admired the place He liked
the governor's wife as well as his daughter.
5-"I was elected judge for three years by the nobility and gentry in the
year 1816, and have continued in the office ever since.”
The judge said these words to Khlestakov when he introduced himself to

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6- "Nothing? How's that? why, I see there's some money dropped!"
Khlestakov to the judge when the latter wanted to bribe him .He was
confused and the money dropped on the ground.

7-"The honour of lending it you is enough"

The judge said these words to Khlestakov when he managed to give him

8-"I spent all my money on the road, you know over one thing and
another …..However , as soon as I get home I 'll return it you."
Khlestakov said these words to the judge when he promised to return the
money to the judge as soon as he went home.

9-"Now the town is ours."

The judge to himself after meeting Khlestakov when he managed to give
him a bribe.

10-"Of course ! I shall count it a very great happiness. Here it is take it

, sir , please delighted to oblige you!"
The postmaster to Khlestakov when he gave him the money Khlestakov
asked for.

11- "I see you aren't very fond of cigars , but I own they are one of my
weakness ."
12- "There's a certain something in my look which inspires that feeling;
at least I now that not a woman can resist it, could you ?"
Khlestakov said these words to the SS when he offered him cigarettes. He
also told him that he had charming look that women could not resist.

12-"I remember you gave an excellent luncheon "

Khlestakov said these words to the CC when he met him in the governor's

13- "The postmaster does absolutely nothing and the judge does
nothing but hunts hares and keeps dogs in the court "
The CC to Khlestakov when he told him about the corruption of the
postmaster and the judge.

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14- " He poisons the minds of the new generation with revolutionary
doctrines ‫" معتقدات ثورية‬
The CC said these words to Khlestakov when he was talking about the
corruption of SS.

15-" Never mind , I will do with that . very well, let it be sixty five roubles
that's all right "
Khlestakov said these words to Dob and Bob when he asked for 1000
roubles but they gave him only 65 roubles.16-" I must send an account of
it all to try a Pichkin at Petersburg : he writes articles – he will scribble
off a fine description of them."

17-"Bring me some ink and paper!"

These words were said by Khlestakov to Ossip when he wanted to send a
letter his friend in St. Petersburg to tell him about his adventures in the

18-"There is three hundred from the Judge , and three hundred from
the Postmaster ……Six , Seven, eight hundred , nine hundred……"
These words were said by Khlestakov to himself when he wanted to send
a letter his friend in St. Petersburg to tell him about his adventures in the

19- " I mean it. The lord be with em all you have been a-going it here
for two days – really , it's quite enough !"
Ossip said these words to khlestakov when he advised him to leave the city
quickly before the officials discovered his real character.

20-" We have never refused anything that his lady or daughter might
want for dress."
The merchants said these words to Khlestakov when they visited him at
the governor's house to complain against the governor who took a lot of
things from them for his wife and his daughter

21- " If you by favour will only remove ‫ يزيل‬him, all will be well "
The merchants said these words to Khlestakov. They wanted Khlestakov
to remove him from his position.

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22-"We pay our respects to you with this sugar–loaf and this basket of
The merchants said these words to Khlestakov when they were
complaining against the governor. They brought Khlestakov sugar-loaf
and a basket of wine as present.

23-" I never accept bribes. But if you offered me a loan of say , three
hundred roubles, …"
Khlestakov said these words to the merchants when they offered him
sugar-loaf and a basket of wine as present. He told them that he accepted
300 roubles as a loan.

24-"He's ordered my husband to shave his forehead and it's against

the law, for he's a married man. "
These words were said by the Locksmith's wife to Khlestakov when she
was complaining about the governor who sent her husband for a soldier
although it wasn't his turn.

25-"He has flogged ‫ جلد‬me."

These words were said by the Sergeant's wife to Khlestakov. When she
was complaining about the governor. The police flogged her by mistake,
so she wanted the governor to pay her a fine.

26- “Be off with you, be off! Where are you a-coming to?”
These words were said by Ossip to the people in front of the governor's
house. They were trying to meet Khlestakov to complaint.

27- " I offer you my love , which ever since your first glance ."
These words were said by Khlestakov to Marya when he flirted with her.

28- "Be off from here : d' you hear me , be off , I say ! and don't dare
to show your face to me again ."
These words were said by Anna to Marya when she entered the room
finding Khlestakov on his knee in front of Marya .

29- " If I'm not mistaken, you were making a proposal to my daughter."
Anna said these words to Khlestakov when she entered the room finding
Khlestakov on his knee in front of Marya.

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30-" No , I'm in love with you ! my life hangs on a thread !"
These words were said by Khlestakov to Anna He began to flirt with Anna
and express his love for Anna.

31- “Decide my fate! is it life or death?!

These words were said by Khlestakov to Anna when he asked her to accept
his proposal to her daughter.

32-"Don’t believe 'em – don’t believe 'em .They are such liars…. Not a
child will trust 'em even .The whole town knows they are liars and as
for cheating ."
The governor said these words to Khlestakov about the merchants.

33-"He asked for our daughter's hand!"

Anna said these words to the governor when he came to find Khlestakov
with her and Marya.

34- "I have to leave, I'm going for a day to see my uncle – he is a
wealthy old boy and I will be back again tomorrow"
Khlestakov said these words to the governor, Anna and Marya. He told
them that he was leaving to visit his uncle for two days but he was lying.

Act 5
1-Anna was ambitious ‫ طموحة‬and corrupt. Illustrate
She wanted to achieve her ambition to be the wife of a general and live in
Petersburg. She accepted Khlestakov's flirt's ‫غزل‬.

2- How did the Governor's imagine his life in Petersburg after his
daughter's engagement ‫?خطوبة‬
The Governor dreams to be promoted ‫ يترقى‬. He thought that
Khlestakov knows minsters that can make him a general. The Governor
believes that everyone will look up to him.

3- Why did the merchants visit the governor again?

They all asked for forgiveness and promised not to do it again.

4- Why did all the officials and the most important people come to the
Governor's house?
To congratulate the governor on the marriage of his daughter to the
Government Inspector.

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5- What did the postmaster discover ?
The Postmaster found a letter that Khlestakov wrote to his friend. In
the letter he talked about his adventure in the town.

6- What did Khlestakov write about the Governor and his family?
The Governor was a stupid mule ‫ بغل‬. He also wrote about his flirtation to
Marya and Anna.

7- What did Khlestakov write about the officials?

All the officials were corrupt and stupid.

8- The play starts and ends with the same piece of news illustrate.
In the beginning, the Governor has collected all the officials to tell them
he got a letter telling them that a government Inspector would come to
their town.
In the end, the postmaster came to tell then he knew from
Khlestakov's letter that the he wasn't the inspector.

9-How were the Governor and the officials deceived ‫? انخدع‬

They mistook Khlestakov for the government inspector and gave him a lot
of money .

10- How did Khlestakov make advantage of their mistake?

He took their money as they thought he was the government

11- What did the policeman tell the governor at the end ?
He came to announce ‫ يعلن‬the arrival of a real Government Inspector
who was waiting in the inn for the Governor and the officials

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Important quotations

1- “You were a simple town-governor's wife, and now see who you've
hooked for a son-in-law!”
The Governor said this to his wife, Anna speaking about the new change
that will happen to them after the marriage.

2- “Oh, in Petersburg, of course. How could we remain here?”

Anna said this to her husband, the Governor when he asked her where she
would like to live in after the marriage.

3- “God knows, we are guilty, Anton Antonovich—the devil tempted us!

We will never inform against you again!”
These words were said by one of the merchants to the Governor. He
apologized for complaining against the Governor after knowing about the
new marriage.

4- “Here's an astounding thin ‫ صادم‬happened, sirs ! The chinovnik we

took to be the Revizor is not a revizor!”
The postmaster said this to the Governor and the officials telling that the
one whom they thought to be an inspector wasn’t so. He knew that after
reading Khlestakov’s letter to his friend in Petersburg.

6- " I hasten to let you know, my dear Tryapichkin, all about my

- “You would die of laughing if you saw them!”
- “the Governor, he's as stupid as a mule”
- " The Postmaster is exactly like our office beadle Mikheyev, and a
rascal into the bargain—he drinks like a fish."
- " The Charity Commissioner, Zemlyanika, is a regular pig in a skull-
These words were written by Khlestakov to his friend telling him how he
deceived all the people in the town who were very corrupt.

7- How could I ? There's not such another old blockhead as I am ! I

must be in my dotage, idiot ‫ أحمق‬of a mutton-head that I am. . . . Thirty
years have I been in the service;
The Governor said this to himself and others blaming himself for being so

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8- “I swear it wasn't me ! I never thought—…”
Bob said this defending himself when they accused him of misleading ‫يضلل‬
them about the fake government inspector.

9- " This is killing ! the murderers ! He's stabbed me! "

These words were said by the Governor in the presence of the SS, CC,
Judge and the postmaster after they read Khlestakov's letter to his

10- “The Inspector-General sent by Imperial command ‫ أوامر اإلمبراطور‬has

These words were said by a policeman to the Governor and the officials
telling them the real inspector had come and asked to meet the Governor
at the inn. They were shocked.

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