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Good morning respected chairperson and distinguished delegates.

Standing here as a representative of kenya to talk about kenya's policies

towards non-proliferation and disarmament.

My delegation reaffirms kenya’s longstanding commitment to nuclear

disarmament, non-proliferation and a world free of nuclear weapons.

Kenya supports the peaceful research and development of nuclear

energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with npt. we believe that
this pursuit of developing nuclear energy should be within the
framework and protocols of the iaea. kenya strongly believes that
disarmament can have a significant positive impact on development.

Resources saved during the disarmament process should be

strategically and effectively integrated into nationally-owned and
nationally-driven programmes that enhance socio-economic
development and foster governance structures.

Kenya commends the significant role of the iaea in their support and
cooperation in the area of maximising the potential of science and
technology for socio-economic development. kenya has benefited
tremendously from technical cooperation projects with the the iaea. It
remains our view that as long as nuclear weapons continue to be
maintained anywhere, they constitute a clear and constant existential
threat to humanity and mankind. kenya's continues to call for the
banning of nuclear weapons testing as embodied in the ctbt.

In conclusion, taking this opportunity to once again urge all States

parties to work together and negotiate in good faith towards a bold,
practical and consensual outcome from this Conference.

Thank you !


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