B20044 - HP Calculation 28 m3 (46 Deg C)

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Heat pump calculation



***Please fill in yellow cells only***

Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.

1. Calculation inputs
City supply water temperature (°C) 15 °C Pool in use - no cover (hours) 12 hours
Target water temperature (°C) 29 °C Pool not in use - no cover (hours) 12 hours
Pool volume (kg) / 1m =1000kg 28000 kg Pool not in use - with cover (hours) 0 hours
2 2
Pool water surface (m ) 56.25 m WARNING!
Desired max. initial warming/cooling time (hours) 72 hours ILLOGICAL INPUT. NUMBER OF
Electricity price (kWh) 0.150 €/kWh HOURS EXCEEDS 24!
Indoor/outdoor pool Outdoor
WARNING! Pool season start (month) 1
Illogical input. Pool Pool season end (month) 12
season end is to follow Orientation of pool* 5 South-west
season start!
*(1 = South, 2 = West, 3 = North, 4 = East, 5 = South-West, 6
= North-East, 7 = South-East, 8 = North-West)

Heat loss (kW) equals to temp.loss per hour / per 12 hours

Heat loss by evaporation Evaporation kg/s
0.00500 12.2 0.38 °C 4.51 °C
0.0 0.00 °C 0.0 °C
0.0 0.00 °C 0.0 °C
Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.

2. Initial heating - pool season start

Required energy (kWh) 343.8 kWh
Required nominal heating/cooling capacity (kW) 6.3 kW MICROWELL
Average power consumption (kWh)* 98.2 kWh
Initial heating energy cost (€) 14.7 €
* nominal capacities not regarding other factors

Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.

2. Swimming pool energy balance

Pool heat loss maximal Buffer is used to avoid operation of the pump 24 hours a day. For example 30% buffer
stands for 18 hours daily operations. 50% for 12 hours.
Heat loss (kW) 21.5 kW
Heat loss during 24 hours (kWh) 364.9 kWh Needed heating capacity with Buffer: 30%
Pool heat loss operational max. (daily) 15.2 kW buffer maximal: 28.0 kW A15 W29
Pool heat loss average 25.2 kW operational: 32.8 kW A15 W29

Width 5.6
Transmission heat gain(+)/loss(-) at target water -12.99 -5.12 kW Length 10.00
k - pool bottom 1.0 1.0 W/m2K Depth 0.497777778
k - pool wall 0.0 W/m2K Active use -283.5
s - pool wall surface 16 15.5 m2 Covered 0.0
s - pool bottom/top surface 56.25 56.3 m2 TOTAL -283.5 kWh per Day
Temperature Water 29 29.0 °C TOTAL -12.99 kWh per hour average
Temperature Air 15 15.0
Temperature soil 8 8.0
Heat transfer factor (water = 15W/m2k) 15 5 W/m2K
delta T - difference between water and surface temp -14 -14 °C
delta T - difference between water and soil temp -21 -21 °C
Transmission heat gain surface above soil 0 0 W
Transmission heat gain soil -1181.25 -1181 W
Transmission heat gain water surface -11812.5 -3938 W
Heat pump calculation



***Please fill in yellow cells only***

Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.

1. Calculation inputs
City supply water temperature (°C) 35 °C Pool in use - no cover (hours) 12 hours
Target water temperature (°C) 28 °C Pool not in use - no cover (hours) 12 hours
Pool volume (kg) / 1m =1000kg 28000 kg Pool not in use - with cover (hours) 0 hours
2 2
Pool water surface (m ) 56.25 m WARNING!
Desired max. initial warming/cooling time (hours) 72 hours ILLOGICAL INPUT. NUMBER OF
Electricity price (kWh) 0.15 €/kWh HOURS EXCEEDS 24!
Indoor/outdoor pool Outdoor
WARNING! Pool season start (month) 1
Illogical input. Pool Pool season end (month) 12
season end is to follow Orientation of pool* 5 South-west
season start!
*(1 = South, 2 = West, 3 = North, 4 = East, 5 = South-West, 6
= North-East, 7 = South-East, 8 = North-West)

Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.

2. Initial heating - pool season start

Required energy (kWh) -1715.1 kWh
Required nominal heating/cooling capacity (kW) -3.2 kW MICROWELL
Average power consumption (kWh)* -490.0 kWh
Initial heating energy cost (€) -73.5 €
* nominal capacities not regarding other factors

Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.

2. Swimming pool energy balance

Pool heat gain maximal 47.1 kW Needed cooling capacity with Buffer: 0%
Heat gain during 24 hours (kWh) total 1130.4 kWh buffer: 47.1 kW A46 W28
Heat gain when uncovered
Heat gain when covered
Heat pump calculation produced by Microwell, Ltd., v01/2017. This sheet is intellectual property of Microwell, Ltd.
Solar heat gain
Radiant energy 6.2 kWh/m2/day Location: Dubai
Average hours of sun per day 12 hours
Radiant gain per m2 average 0.52 kW
Radiant gain per pool average 29.06 kW

Transmission heat gain(+)/loss(-) at target water 14.88 4.75 kW

k - pool bottom 1.0 1.0 W/m2K
k - pool wall 0.5 0.5 W/m2K Active use 364.5
s - pool wall surface 16 15.6 m2 Covered 0.0
s - pool bottom/top surface 56.25 56.3 m2 TOTAL 364.5 kWh per Day
Temperature Water 28 28.0 °C TOTAL 14.88 kWh per hour average
Temperature Air 46 46.0
Temperature soil 20 20.0
Heat transfer factor (water = 15W/m2k) 15 5 W/m2K

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